Disclosure Now Set for First Week of Leo

AdiGaia's picture

This is the latest information regarding the public disclosure of information about ETs and UFOs.



Disclosure Now Set for First Week of Leo



The international insider disclosure document dump is now set for the first week of Leo.


This event has the backing and the participation of all of the planetary ascension forces as well as considerable extra-planetary forces which are available as providers of assistance to the evolution of this planet.


As this disclosure process unfolds, it is expected that the many starseeds of the New Earth will become active to participate in the vast array of opportunities which will be available to further the planet’s ascension and evolution.


The many new opportunities will be the beginning of the full activation and empowerment of the planetary destiny as the avatar planet for the entire universe.


This is the long awaited public introduction to the vast ET civilizations, and their initial public assistance to this planet and its people.






Update ~

AdiGaia's picture

I'm told that this has again been postponed...  for at least two weeks....

I think it will be longer than that to get past the next full moon changes...

I think Sun in Virgo is the optimal time, as Virgo contains the massive Virgo Galactic Cluster and Supercluster ~




Further update ~

AdiGaia's picture

The massive shifts recently have brought the immanence and the likely success of this insider disclosure much closer to realization, and are now about to precipitate a great global awareness of ET presence and assistance --  Adi

ET dimensions are now present to facilitate the integration.....

AdiGaia's picture

"We of the insider disclosure group are now preparing members of the public to become aware of the secret and prevailing ET dimensions which are now present to facilitate the integration of ETs and the Earth's populations as this disclosure proceeds."