by John McIntosh
When you finally reach the moment when you decide to choose Peace … to choose Love … to choose Freedom [No Matter What] as your moment by moment experience, your ‘awareness’ of that which fuels conflict, chaos and drama becomes more acute.
First, you become aware that it was ‘you’ who created ‘all’ these experiences in your individual world … accepting this Truth may be immediate but more likely it will take a while to accept that this applies to ‘every’ experience … no exceptions.
Once you do accept this Truth, you begin to really notice ‘how’ you have created and continue to create these experiences.
The split ego-mind can no longer have a free hand in manipulating your life … you ‘catch’ it in the act more and more often and literally ‘choose again’ as the Course in Miracles states … often in the act of what you may call – mis-creating and thereby re-chose Peace in that moment.
The split mind however clings to the ancient power it has held over humanity and become very insidious, using more and more subtle ways of directing you ‘away’ from True Peace. To do this it must find your ‘soft spots’ … those beliefs that it can use to manipulate your choices away from True Peace.
True Peace is found only in the Awakened state and contrary to what many Light Workers may believe, this is initially a fluid state that oscillates between Peace – back to separation and the world of limitation and suffering. In the space of a minute, in the early days before full Awakening, you can move back and forth between Peace and the illusion several times [clock time].
For example you may feel great gratitude for the awareness you have and in that moment you experience Peace. In the next moment you may be exposed to people in deep suffering … perhaps a third world situation of extreme poverty.
The urge to lift these ones from their plight can overwhelm your attention on Peace and draw you away and into many hidden beliefs about perpetrators, selfishness and greed on the part of others and a simmering belief in the concept of victims.
The urge to lift these ones from their plight can overwhelm your attention on Peace and draw you away and into many hidden beliefs about perpetrators, selfishness and greed on the part of others and a simmering belief in the concept of victims.
The split ego mind will then vigorously defend these ideas as altruistic and Peace oriented. You may even take physical steps to become involved in resisting those seeming conditions which have fostered the suffering.
If it is part of your original agreement to be involved in such activities, nothing will prevent your involvement but you will not ‘suffer’ over the suffering of others. You will assist where you can but always be aware that each of those [referred to as victims] have created these experiences as a blessing for their own Awakening.
In the Awakened state you may be walking through the world and all of a sudden come upon a so called disaster such as a flood. You will of course immediately do what you are guided to in order to help in that moment … then you will move on without having fallen out of Peace for a moment. You will not allow your Peace to be distracted by the many arguments of the split ego mind about what is fair and what is not.
Your Light … your state of Being the Light [not in the Light – but Being The Light] is the greatest gift you bring to a sleeping humanity and nothing takes precedence over your full Awakening to this Truth … when you become aware of this your vigilance, your Attention on Truth … on the God you Are … on the I AM Presence, will no longer be fooled by the split ego mind’s distractive tricks.
This is a focused environment where only Light Workers will be found who have a PEACE PROJECT or wish to COLLABORATE with one.
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