Divine Abundance is your Natural State

Lia's picture

Every cell of your body is pulsating and vibrating
with super alive conscious energy right now.
When you relax into your body....do you feel it?
All your atoms are singing and dancing together,
they are having a great party inside you!
Your body is celebrating being alive in this Universe!

And, if you look all around you with eyes of gratitude and wonder,
all you will see is a massive display of creativity, energy and abundance!
You are truly surrounded by abundance in every direction.

Think about what actually had to happen for all
these amazing material things to manifest themselves.

Imagine all the time, creative energy and love that went into
seeding and growing all the plants, trees, gardens and flowers.
Think about what had to occur for each of these houses, cars,
TVs, computers, floors streets, buildings, and entire cities to manifest!

Think about all the sex that had to occur for all 7 billion people
to be born and living on Earth today. Whoa...

Remember that EVERYONE (including all plants, animals, sea creatures)
were all born from an orgasm!! (now this is getting really exciting...)

It's truly amazing and best of all, imagine that
everything and everyone is here for your enjoyment!
Now do you see the abundance that is all around you??

Do you feel it ??

If you think abundance in life is all about the surplus of money in your bank
or how expensive the things are that you own, you are deeply mistaken.
Some of the most miserable people in the world are the most
financially wealthy, they simply don't know how to feel this divine abundance
that is dancing inside them all day long!

Real everlasting abundance comes from being in touch
with the divine being who you truly are. That creative loving juicy
alive essence of who has the potential to vibrate, gyrate,
and reach the highest frequencies of inner freedom!

Even if you're struggling with money, just start to accepting
the fact that in many ways you already are living an abundant life.
It's more fun and enjoyable than pretending that you aren't!

Enlightenment starts with choosing to see through a
more expansive perception that makes us feel truly free.

I can see that super rich and deeply appreciative being
is growing and glowing inside you now!!


Sending an abundance of positive

healing messages your way...


Jafree Ozwald

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Contact us at: Info@EnlightenedBeings.com
