Do We Have Free Will? Scientists Say No (17th Jan 2013)

Lia's picture


What the scientist did not know

Kohanim Emor's picture

Scientist are driven by mind, if you are mind the choice is from mind and free will is overridden. If you step out mind, the choice is yours. In normal beta state the laboratory animals aka sheeples are driven by mind, so every programmed belief will be their will.

Have a look at the 'asch experiment', it is worth it.


Mind is a good instrument, but a bad leader








In normal beta state the

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

In normal beta state the laboratory animals aka sheeples are driven by mind, so every programmed belief will be their will.


Great insight.



Mind is a good instrument, but a bad leader


Point WELL taken.  Thanks for sharing.


Love Nageeta