Dolphin Collective ~~ Every heart is tuned differently and will be activated in these times on its own most appropriate energy ~~

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Dolphin Collective ~~ Every heart is tuned differently and will be activated in these times on its own most appropriate energy ~~ by Méline Lafont on 16/11/2012



Our lovely Ones, how marvellous it is to again have the opportunity to communicate with you in these most wonderful times! Are you also feeling this intense Love? What staggering shifts have come to pass during this eclipse of the sun, shifts of a most unusual nature, wouldn’t you agree? 

Up until now, these past days between the portal of 11:11 and the solar eclipse on 13:11 have been the most important days by far for all of you. Many of you have experienced personal and collective processes, others not yet. However, for those who haven’t felt a thing in those days, we can reassure you by stating that each of you has his/her own time and portal to make the shift. Every heart is tuned differently and will be activated in these times on its own most appropriate energy. So there’s no need to worry, this month grants you an incredible amount of chances and energies to allow you to make the shift “to the bone”, so to speak.

 You can surely regard this month as being intense, our lovely ones, and thanks to this intensity much will be able to shift. On a world scale the tectonic plates are moving now thoroughly; however, all will get accomplished with as little damage as possible. There is no benefit to having these tectonic shifts causing unnecessary casualties. It has always been the intention of the Light and our intention as well, to minimize the damage involved. Nevertheless, sometimes an eruption of all crammed negative energy is unavoidable for them to get vented. 

There is an intense and thorough cleansing taking place on Mother Earth and She connects a lot now with the Lightgrid resulting in the fact that there are energy activations going on, on many places on Earth, involving of course enormous Light infusions. Mother Earth shines as never before, for centuries She has not radiated in this manner as She is now beginning to take on Her Lightform. This is thanks to your cooperation as well, our lovely ones and family of the Light. We thank you all most heartily for your commitment and assistance which always emerges from pure Love itself.    

We especially thank you for the many Love-energies and the many Lightbeams which we have amply received in our oceans. Many hearts have chosen to assist us in all circumstances and for those souls and for all of you in general, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude. Gradually our oceans take on their more natural pure state, resembling the beauty of a pearl. A lot of work and many purifications are still ongoing but the end of this cleansing is now in sight.

Your beloved oceans, our cherished home on this Earth, are transmuting lots of energies of your planet and of your collective thought patterns. Water is par excellence the most appropriate element to accomplish just that. All that comes into contact with this powerful, but wonderful element water, is quickly affected by it. Water always brings change and therefore transmutation. 

The oceans, our favourite Home on Earth, are still close to our heart. After countless incarnations in our dolphin embodiments we are really getting used to living in your oceans and we are overjoyed to see that the transformation of your oceans has a positive effect not only on the planet GAIA but also on Her children and their enlightenment. 

We, from the Dolphin Collective, wish to share 1 important aspect with all of you with regards to the remaining days of this month of November. Due to the fact that even more similar shifts as well as energetic changes will come to pass we strongly advise you to ground yourselves as much as possible in these days. Doing so will bring you to your inner self and will restore balance which is necessary. 

Our oceans and the water are at your disposal to make good use of not only to lift you up out of the chaotic circumstances but also to give you a feeling of refreshment and to ground you thoroughly. Jump into the ocean whenever you have the opportunity and swim with us; you are all most welcome, our lovely ones. We love you all so immensely and we so long to greet the precious hearts of all of you in the NOW.  Get to know us as we really are, from our Heart. When our love touches your hearts and comes in, you will never be the same again, for we give you all genuine and benign unconditional Love which will remain in your hearts forevermore. 

In Love and friendship we send you our energy and enlightenment from the bottom of our Hearts.

 The Dolphin Collective. Talk to you soon, our lovely ones!

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