Don’t Judge the Door Before You, Just Walk Thru It!s
There is an intensity of energy gaining speed in our created world. As always, what we do (or don’t do) with it is completely up to us. If you can look at this enhanced energy that July has been and continues to fill our world with as money, each person on this planet just received an extra million dollars into their personal bank account… Tax free to boot!!
Unlike actual dollars, you cannot just save it up, you must and do use it every day. This abundant energy creates into your material world what your heart desires. For many, the head and heart and in absolute conflict with each other. So it becomes really hard to see the wonder-filled gifts that keep arriving to your world, all geared to take your heart higher, open it wider. But so often, it looks like the opposite has arrived when viewing it from the ego.
This morning as I signed into my facebook there was a great comment left that I cannot get my heart to ignore:
” So then, as I sit here wondering what job *I* can do that meets all my physical, creative and financial needs…
I know that there are sooooo many people in job transition, wanting so much to be in service spiritually, done with the mundaneness of whatever they are or have been doing… yet, pretty much clueless as to what to do next.
Can I just say, being clueless is the greatest gift right!!
Trust me, your spiritual team, the universe and All That Is, KNOWS you are seeking higher learning, broader heart expansion thru what you call “work” and all you have to do is ask with a true heart and they will provide. Remember, you have been fully gifted with unlimited resources (that bank account of energy) to provide exactly what you need next. Please keep your head out of the game!! Don’t look at the opportunity that arrives and say… but I don’t want that!! Which is something we do soooo often (present company included here!)
The last job I had prior to this path was a job I would have never looked at really wanting… at all… for myself. I sat there in the job interview of a major pest control company and this man is asking me if I had an issue with crawling underneath dark, damp, bug filled houses alone. My mind was screaming YES… my heart just wanted to provide for my children and I heard the words come out of my mouth “I have no problem with that.”
I went home thinking to myself, I must be crazy. Maybe I should call them and tell them I really don’t want this job… but yet, it came with a wonderful draw against commission, and I love open ended paychecks and to have a draw is a massive bonus. Within hours they called me to start that Monday. Shit!
I spent two years crawling for money (smile) the nastier the crawl, the more money was there to be had. I developed an appreciation for gross things! My income soared. They promised me no less than $1400 a month, I was eventually making no less than $5000 a month. I had a company car, gas card and became branch manager.
In a nano second it all went away. Long story, its in my latest book: When It All Falls Apart …Again. But what I could not ever have foreseen with this job I almost didn’t take, it would the income blessing I needed once I quit and embarked on this path. Thru unemployment I received max benefits for 6 months…. a $1500 a month free money!! That was great because it allowed me all the time I needed to meditate and debug my true home within!
It also became the tell-tale story of what my path was going to mean to me. Thru this pest control company I sold the contracts to kill the bugs that was eating or invading their homes. I sold the contracts that would reduce the moisture (emotions) in their crawl spaces and was eating away at their foundations. I find termites completely amazing. Termites are made completely of sugar and water and they feed souly on the sugar in the wood. How many people do you know that look so sugary sweet and will feed off of your kindness until you collapse?
When I finally embarked on this journey and it was nearing time for a real job outside of my bathtub, going to school for hypnosis would have been the last thing on my “I would love to do that” list. Yet, after asking the universe to help guide me into my next job and within a week, in three different ways, hypnosis school was presented to me, I had to pay attention.
I had no extra money to go to school, which was out-of-state and required a hotel, food and $1000 for the school fee. So I simply told the universe, if you want me to do this, I will, you just need to provide the money for it.
It was prom time and my oldest daughter was going to prom and her beautiful dress needed altering. I took her to a seamstress to have her dress fitted to her body and out of the clear blue sky the seamstress asked me if I wanted a cash paying job… perk!! She also owned the bar on the corner of this strip mall and needed a daytime bartender. How could I say no??
Let me tell you… if you think spirit has a judgement against bars, your wrong! I worked there for 5 weeks, made enough money to pay for school, the hotel and the food and gas I would need to be there for a week. My employer even gave me extra to make sure my needs were well covered.
I cannot even tell you how many spiritual conversations were had in this bar. At the time I was reading the book “God I Am” which raised a constant question beyond what are you reading… are you a bible thumper. Great opening to some powerful conversations over beers!!
Altho I did not love doing hypnosis, it opened some amazing doorways for me to meet people of like minds. I learned how important a calm, soothing voice was and how much words matter! One wrong word in hypnosis and you are taking your client in a whole different direction.
Hypnotherapy also forced my throat chakra to start opening, to speak about the internal world and how profoundly it affects us. I had my own business for a few months before my entire life fell apart…. again… and I moved to another state.
I took a job there as a telemarketer. I had spent decades in the telemarketing field, had a very successful telemarketing company once upon a time. Yet, I quite within three weeks. I was suffocating in a place I once thrived. I hated the containment, the rules, the bullshit I had to spew to make a sale.
I so had to have this job experience to fully realize who I Am not now.
I took a job alphabetizing comic books at a place my daughter played pokemon at. I learned so much about children there… how wise and incredible they really are. How kind and compassionate adults are as well.
All I really wanted to do at this point was fill myself with as much wisdom and understanding as I could possibly consume… yet, needed to make more money than my part-time job at the comic store provided. Gotta love that universe!!
My next job was another telemarketing job selling accident insurance. I was ok with that because some people will be grateful they had that insurance. Not to mention my manager allowed me to break one of their big rules, no reading books while working. She let me read any books I wanted because I kept my sales up. I poured myself into the likes of “The Holographic Universe,” “The Moses Code” and so many more. I was getting paid to expand my inner awareness and still felt like I was helping people too. Of course, the shear topics of my books always evoked interesting conversations from my co-workers.
I stayed that this job until I moved to Vermont. I eventually had to get a job there too. There was only one place hiring that didn’t require me to travel very far: A Personal Care Attendant. I felt the knee jerk reaction like when I interviewed for the pest control company when the lady asked me “do you mid cleaning up shit from adults.” My mind was screaming YES, I mind very much! My mouth simply said, I raised 3 kids, I am used to shit.
I was hired. Shit!
As much as I didn’t initially love this job, I soon learned the value of why I was there. This was a way to bring all my skills I didn’t even know I had developed to a place of recognition and use (by this time I was now 2 years on this path that was still very new to me.)
I could feel people like I never experienced before. In their energy field, just being near them, was so much communication. About a 1/4 of the population there did not speak at all…. but yet… I could hear what they had to say.
Most of the people in this place were abandoned there by family. The staff that was already in place were not what I would call loving. I started hugging the people I was taking care of and watched with shock how their entire energy field changed. The love that was brought up thru their eyes. The joy in the intimate human exchange. Some of the residents just started following me around the house the moment I arrived at work… seeking those hugs I suppose!
I still hated cleaning the shit… and one resident was just a spiteful man. He would take his shit and pain the walls with it… ewwwwww. I didn’t hug him very much, he really was a mean person.
But what I was learning about the human heart, the soul desire we all have, to be loved was invaluable.
My whole life I sought out love. I lived in (what felt like) the absence of love my whole life, until the very moment I decided to be Love for others. Those beautiful souls in that Assisted Living Home changed my life forever. A job I would have never taken had the pickin’s not been so slim.
I must reflect on Ghandi’s profound words (paraphrased of course): What you seek… Become. I promise you the universe WILL provide the way!!
I suppose the time and connection with these people gave me the confidence that was needed when the universe led me to ebay. Not just any part of ebay, but to the psychic department and so many people selling their skills. Truly, I was trying to go to a horoscope site when I landed in the psychic zone of ebay. By this time, I knew I was there for a reason. I was already learning to do readings by holding someones hand… so I thought what the hell!! My website was also born from this stage of my journey. I have never done anything else from that moment forward… well, save massage. Which is another thing I did not want to do… at all! But yet, within two hours of peeking into this massage school my entire financial aid package was in place and I had a seat in the new class 3 days from just being curious. That too… changed the way I was able to read and connect to people.
I say all this because we can look at what is before us as something we don’t want, yet, it is a gift we cannot fathom until we open the door and walk thru it.
We are all changing at such a rapid speed, when we get all caught up in what we want and don’t want we miss amazing growth opportunities to not only change and enhance your life, but all the lives around you too.
What we want and what we need are usually miles apart in look and feel. The guiding Love of the universe knows exactly what is in your best and highest interest and will never provide you with something that doesn’t take you higher and deeper into what you are here to Do. When a door opens, walk thru it! You can always walk back out if you don’t like whats in there. But if you never walk thru it… I guarantee you will be missing something so important on your journey of Self discovery!! And you don’t know whose life you are going to change by walking thru that door.
Of course, my sharing is about jobs, but this applies to every aspect of our lives. You now have an abundant resource of energy available to you… use it! Have fun with it!!
I would bet, you have no idea how much you change me each and every day. The replies you leave to any of my sharings, the gifts I receive from your heart, the wisdom that is shared from your soul thru the readings.
I just gotta do this little sharing. I received the most amazing sweatshirt hoodie the other day in the mail. On the front of this warm and soft hoodie is a cow with the words “Holy Cow” on the front of it. Holy freakin Cow I love it. It made my heart smile so broad and to think, someone out there went into a store and thought of me to the point of having to share the love in her heart for me thru this precious hoodie. THAT is priceless. It is a wee bit warm to wear right now, so I have it draped over my computer chair and I feel the love flowing from it ever moment. Every time I see the words “Holy Cow I smile so big!
I still have a little stash of chocolate in my refrigerator, straight from a beautiful heart in Switzerland that was mailed to me. I keep it there because it infuses my entire fridge contents with the love of his heart to me. How bountiful all of my food is because Love is in my fridge.
Your loving emails, excited sharings, are ALL apart of my world. I don’t delete a thing because I feel you thru it all. I know I so suck anymore at replying, but I promise I read and feel every single thing sent to me!!
When I receive a donation I literally cry. I cannot imagine the heart so loving to send me random money… always arriving at the most needed time in my life and still I wonder… how did you know!!
Together, we have learned to beat as one heart and affect, together, a multitude of lives because we have walked thru each others doorways and remain in a loving embrace together!!
I love you and honor you more than you can ever imagine!! YOU are truly the wind beneath my winds!!
Chocolaty, Holy Cow, Donated ((((HUGZ))))) to everyone, everywhere!! May it give you the strength and courage to walk thru every door opening up for you!
Lisa Gawlas