Doreen Agostino: Pivotal Moment ~Heart Intelligent Courage

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Doreen Agostino


Doreen Agostino, Align, Shine, Prosper, Feb 25, 2013


On Dec 22, 2012 a new Earth was subtly born, and just like a new-born baby’s inherent potential requires loving attention and proper nurturing to blossom and flourish, so does a new Earth require our courageous heart intelligent stewardship. In other words, the most important relationship any Human can have right now, is an internal relation-shift with our whole body, mind, heart intelligent Soul, which responds to thoughts and feelings, perceptions and intentions real or imagined, the same way a computer responds to its keyboard and mouse commands; our life is the print out.

David Hawkins M.D., Ph. D., internationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and pioneer in consciousness research and spirituality, writes and teaches from the unique perspective of a clinician, scientist, and mystic. In his book ‘Power versus Force’ Hawkins presents a Map of Consciousness: based on millions of calibrations from thousands of Humans through applied kinesiology, a vibrational frequency [hertz] was assigned to thoughts and feelings, localized by specific attractor energy fields, similar to electromagnetic fields gathering iron filings. Every Soul in a Human body contains ‘lower and higher’ aspects of Light. Every Human has ‘FREEWILL’ to choose harm or harmlessness, fear or unconditional love. Lower aspects [hertz]: shame 20 | guilt 30 | apathy 50 | grief 75 | fear 100 | desire 125 | anger 150 | pride 175.

All levels below 200 hertz are destructive to the individual and society at large.

Higher aspects [hertz]: courage 200 | neutrality 250 | willingness 310 | acceptance 350 | reason 400 | love 500 | joy 540 | peace 600 | enlightenment 700 – 1,000.

All levels above 200 hertz are constructive expressions of Power.

Humanity’s collective Consciousness exceeded 200 hertz for the first time around 2003.


Heart intelligent courage is a defining moment and right-of-passage to know the truth of our origin, empower heart intelligent action to heal rather than fear the past, and ‘together’ bring a new Earth into physical reality.

In summary:

  1. Creator and creation is inseparable
  2. The Legend of 2012 is now, and the best possible outcome is up to us
  3. When ego force meets heart intelligent Soul Power, force eventually succumbs
  4. Everything we require to pass through a rare paradigm shift is within us
  5. Courage is a defining moment in the life of every human, and that moment is now

To heal the past requires courage to follow our heart, discern fact from fiction [new change management skills] and support people taking heart intelligent action for our collective good [final verdict crimes against humanity]

Humans willing to imagine-sense-feel the best possible outcome now, energize the possibility of it being so. People who energize doubt delay the possibility of it being so. What will you energize the problem or SOULution?

When power of love overcomes power of fear, heart intelligent Humans are ‘empowered’ to bring a new Earth Garden into physical reality.

Doreen Agostino
