Astro Connections Blog April 1 2013
April is highlighted by a transformative Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. It is the first of three eclipses over the next two months. A new moon and several planets still in Aries hold the promise for new beginnings. Later in the month a grand water trine brings new clarity and support.
During the last part of March and early April, a planetary pattern appears called a yod. This pattern is composed of Saturn in Scorpio in sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, with Jupiter in Gemini at the apex. This pattern can expand our knowledge and vision, but requires some adjustment to find the right balance. At this time we may be drawn to information (Jupiter in Gemini) that can take us off on new and intriguing tangents. The challenge is to perceive what is of real value to us and the effort required to incorporate it into our daily lives.
On April 6, Venus will align with Mars in fiery Aries, which strengthens our passions and drives in relationships. New connections can be made at this time, along with a renewal of feeling in existing relationships. A challenging aspect with Neptune brings in a tendency towards deception and confusion. However, this energy can also be used to begin creative and healing activities.
The New Moon occurs on April 10 at 21 Aries. This lunation also represents a time for new beginnings. It is aligned with Mars, Venus and Eris. Aries and ruler Mars have self-oriented, independent qualities, while Venus is focused on creating harmony and equality. Other Aries traits are being assertive, brave, pioneering and competitive. The focus is on learning to balance our active and receptive sides and fulfilling our own needs while being in close relationships. Eris is a newly-discovered dwarf planet with a wildcard theme as it was named for the Greek Goddess of Chaos and Discord. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “A pugilist enters the ring; the release and glorification of social aggressiveness,” suggests the need to balance yin and yang forces.
On April 12, Pluto in Capricorn turns retrograde, initiating a five-month cycle that can be used for looking at one’s hidden fears and use of personal power. During this period, we can gain penetrating insights and a new depth of awareness about our life purpose. On this same day Saturn in Scorpio again forms a challenging quincunx aspect with Uranus in Aries (for the second time), reminding us to seek balance between the forces of cooperation and independent action. The above combination of planetary forces can also bring earth changes, so it is best to be prepared.
Mars in Aries aligns with the Sun on April 17, which favors taking a pioneering and courageous approach to launching personal projects, goals, etc. Major breakthroughs can be made in moving through any obstacles to success. This energy needs to be channeled with focus and caution to avoid any accidents or other undesirable outcomes. This aspect is in effect from April 11-20.
April 20-21 features Mercury aspects to both Uranus and Pluto. This period can bring breakdowns or breakthroughs in communications as they take on a new intensity and depth. Significant insights can be gained at this time. Be sure to keep a journal handy for writing them down.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs at 5 Scorpio 46. This eclipse is especially potent, as it aligns with Mars, Venus, Saturn and Pallas. Scorpio themes include having penetrating awareness, being resourceful, cooperative, and releasing the old and outworn. Pallas, an asteroid named for the Goddess of Wisdom and Justice, also helps us see our patterns with more holistic awareness. Which ones have value and which ones can we release? The presence of Saturn reminds us of the importance of meeting commitments to ourselves and others. The Sabian symbol keynotes for 6 Scorpio/Taurus, “the conquest of separativeness through group cooperation” and “the passionate search for new values which, at any level, promise a more abundant life,” embody the above themes.
At this time, there is also a grand water trine between the Moon in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Ceres in Cancer. This pattern helps us achieve clarity about our feelings and needs, as well as nurturing/supporting self and others. These grand trines can bring opportunities and rewards for those who have made previous efforts toward their goals.
The month ends on a more serious note with Sun/Mars in Taurus opposing Saturn in Scorpio from April 28-30. These stressful aspects can bring awareness of challenges or delays. The actions of others can block one’s progress. We can use this time to be more cautious and flexible, rethink or restructure our goals, and move forward one step at a time.
May is highlighted by eclipses in Taurus and Sagittarius. Stay tuned!
Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience, offering birth chart, transits/progressions and relocation astrology readings. She is certified in Astrocartography. For more information, contact Dorene at Paypal accepted.