Hi everyone,
I am writing this declaration to all as I think it is very important that we have a greater understanding what is taking place regrauding this Trip to the Stars. This venture is becoming a torch of hopes and dreams for many of us. This torch was lit by Steve and AA Micheal. I am one of the ivitees and awaiting the full fillment of this venture. I have made all the arrangments for this to happen from my end as I know Steve and his company have also.
I am asking everyone to join in this adventure with us as there will be far more of us staying grounded to planet earth while this maiden vogage takes place.
I am asking you all to get behind this with the core of your thoughts and intent, as that is what is going to make this happen. Grenr and AA Micheal have made the way for this to happen.
But we are the One's that will drive this dream to fruitation. After we get this first trip off the ground there will be a constant flow of new trips so no one will "be left behind". Steve has put it all out as many others also. I am asking you each to get behind this movement friends as this is our turn to step up as it were. The Big Boys won't so we will. It is that simple.
We have read many many times the promies to us for change. Well, now let's make things CHANGE. We all have a choice to do what we want. If we choose not this event to support then which one are you going to wait for? Remember what the flat earth thinkers said and did to the ones that knew better?
Let's make this happen
Love to every ONE
Dave S
Of course you are going!! I
Of course you are going!! I am so happy for you and I hardly can wait for my turn. I can already see you leaving. Love and best wishes from a cold and snowy Stockholm. My very best to all of you. Gun-Britt