Dear Brothers and Sisters...
Truly amazing that every moment in our life is filled with more and more opportunities to grow ourselves spiritually... as with every and each step we go closer to our Devine Creator, or Unversal Dreamer...
Some of us do not see it now, yet we are all raising with the rest of Humanity... And this is fully ok, as we all dream our own dreams, we create what experiences we want to taste...
Having a dream is just a beginning of creation, yet realizing that You are dreaming this dream, you become creator of your reality...
How to distinguish what is going to happened to you personally in next couple of days, weeks, months?... Did you consider that it is fully your responsibility how and what reality you want to create?... Did you ever asked self why did you choose to have so many challenges?...
I did... and I do every day, with every thought of mine I take responsibility for all my dreams... Not only while in bed, but and especially ones while reading news, watching situation in the world, or writing my posts and answers to my brothers and sisters...
I stepped up and fully took responsibility for my new reality that I am creating... By thinking, by feeling, by writing, by speaking and by dreaming... When I realized that I am the one responsible for my thoughts and feelings, and not some distant idea of dark forces, or bad boss, or grumpy partner... I AM...
This was a moment, which struck me as big Ben: I AM fully responsible for THAT I dream, or THAT I AM...
So, when you put them together, I AM THAT I AM is me dreaming my dream, and loving it...
The events in the world will unfold in the way we dream about these... If you dream famine, it is there... but if you dream kindness and equality and compassion and love, IT IS THERE...
So, I realized that I couldn’t help any of other dreamers, by intruding and pushing them to dream my own dream... They have to dream their own dream, and truly they have to realize that they love their creation...
Why FatherMotherGod Love all of its creation?... Because they dreamt their dream and loved every second of it... Why MotherFatherGod do not judge any of us, or any of our actions, deeds, thoughts and words?... Because they Love every single one of us, and otherwise if they judged your action, they would judge them self and their creation...
It is almost like realizing there is no mistakes in any act we do, simply because we dreamed to have this experience... and we can only Love it... because it is our creation...
So if we consider FatherMotherGod as Universal Dreamer, we will be Local Universe Dreamers... where there are no judgments in any way, as everyone is responsible for its own dream...
Yet, all our dreams tide to this big Universal Dream from our Universal Dreamer by simple thread of HIS/HER dream: That we are all ONE... And that ALL of us will eventually KNOW the only creative energy in whole Universes: LOVE...
With Love, pure unconditional Love all Dreams become REALITY...
Wake UP from your illusion and start DREAMING LOVE...
With Love, Predrag/Saint Germain....
I dream wonderful things for
I dream wonderful things for the world every day, and all of them lately have come true on a small scale such as seeing what I dreamt in a writing on this site for example, but some of them are actually happening in the world now. It is a great feeling. On the other hand, everything I have dreamt for myself and my family has yet to surface anywhere. I am unemployed, broke (not exactly, I do have $650 but I owe the gas and electric company $831 and condo fees of $500 this month after paying the mortgage,phone, car insurance etc.) After all my dreaming, the world looks better but My situation looks much more grim than I ever wanted it to. Oh well, that won't stop me from dreaming for the world too as I believe if something eventually helps everyone that I dream of, it will certainly help me too as far as financial matters are going. I won't starve, I do have food stamps. But, one cannot buy toilet paper and diapers with a food stamp card. Imagine that, you can buy food but no TP?! And in Wisconsin, at this time of year, there are no leaves on the trees to use.. Oh well I am just rambling now so I will let you go.. Bye Now
Dreams do come true even on a worldwide scale. Look at what we, as a society live in. The men in charge all have dreams and they merge them together for the sad results. All the misery in the world is supported by the collective whole.
There was a time that, if a person stepped up and dared to dream differently, they were soon scorned and oftentimes murdered. That practice still exist in some parts. The Universe allowed that to happen evidently. Now though, the Universe has taken a turn, and that lesson is over. Love has a Dream too, and Now the Time has arrived when the Universe supports IT and not that old time, dark vision that the dream of the past held out.
Mankind now has a clear cut choice of what they individually want to see happen. Which one they support defines their dream. Sitting on the fence is getting a whole lot more difficult, if not impossible. If that fence still exist, it won't for muxh longer. Victor Hugo once said this often used quote: "There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come". The Time has arrived and now we all watch the Dream come into form. Are we happy with the changes happening or is fear still in play? Our answer to that uestion defines our dream.
Peace and Love is still the message,
Love Is All
"It is almost like realizing
"It is almost like realizing there is no mistakes in any act we do," I loved this part! It is an extremely powerful puzzle piece. If our reality isn't unfolding as we would like, we can easily adjust the course and fine-tune as we go. There are NO mistakes!
Love to you ~