AnaShyNa's picture




I am actually so happy that I can answer to your genuine question, as well that you have a courage to state your thoughts and feelings... Thank you for this opportunity, dear Brother...






You are asking about Scotia Bank in particular, but this answer can be applied to any and all banks through the world: Banks who fully linked self with fiat money created with Fed reserve and Bank of Canada, or IMF, or BIS, in to lending funds to people of business will be dissembled and bankrupt as this trigger event happened... [my feeling is that TD Bank and Scotia are far less involved in this Ponzzy scheme, even if they belong to big 5 of the Bank of Canada's portfolio [read Queen of England..]


Please, consider that money, loans, mortgages and any other products have an energetic memory, knowing [or better emitting...] how they were created, and if the products were created from fiat currency [or lie and deception...], they will simply disappear in the thin air... same where they came from... 

If money used to support product [here I mean: mortgage, loan, credit...] had backup when created with real assets [such a gold in the bank tresors, or Canadian Gov. bonds backed up with gold...], these products will be fully respected, with maybe some major changes in how interest was handled... as interest is not something that bank can or will do as way of generating profits... 



RRPS, or RSP's are quite  a tricky ones, as they were based on making money in stock market casinos, and the way how they have been forced upon people ether in Canada or US [RSP or 401K...] I feel that these will be fully redeemed to all of the hard working souls in this monetary prison.... You will be redeemed only your part, but not profits generated in these large hedge and pension funds through risky investments... 


Yet, all the losses these funds generated on your behalf will be written off, as they were based on illegal gambling procedures on stock markets...

As I feel, all the funds taken from you, in the form of RRSP contributions, interests, unnecessary bank charges, legal charges, taxes, education taxes, property taxes...  [ and many hidden other that will be disclosed soon after the total reset of the old monetary system... ] WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IN ONE LUMP SUM SOON AFTER THE CLOSING THE FRAUDULENT SYSTEM...


The money system will not be erased at this time, but it will be utterly cleansed, redistributed, redesigned, and fully transparent... All the present riches will be redesigned to go back to collateral accounts and redistributed to the We the People, equally distributed among citizens of the World...


The way I see this coming to US in near weeks time... Please take this only as a small example: Canada's GDP is 1.6 trillions per year - 20% for maintenance, new energies, infrastructure, earth cleaning, international help, public office expenses, living projects, education projects, healing projects[320 billions per year..]/35 million souls = 36,500,000.00 $ annually for each and every citizen of Canada as a profit...



Where I see this sharing of National GDP between natural people of Canada, and not for some fake corporate entities... And this is on top of present rectification of theft and delusion of our true value as humans living on earth.... This Earth is not given to US to pillage and destroy it, not given to some to enslave others many... We are here on Planet Earth as God given gift to experience god self through creation...


I feel that any profit based on earth resources from land, air, ether, water will be fully Nationalized, [read: truly belong to the natural people of these lands and air...] and equally distributed....

We have to realize, that we never had lack of resources, lack of food, lack of money, lack of work... only what we truly had was unequal distribution of any of above... Where you can quote me on this one: One billionaire can sustain 1oo million of souls for life... He/She only can make this choice... One Vatican can support and sustain all of the 'followers' of this religious views, with assets, hidden funds... And to tell you the truth, this is a lot of souls covered only by this simple and sharing decision...


So, I am so glad that You have full faith and calmness in your heart, for your children and self, knowing this is the BEST THING EVER HAPPENED TO US...


Btw... if some of you are asking why some poor guy who never worked somewhere in India, will receive same amount of abundance as you who lived and worked in capitalism of this world, I would ask you  back: Why Not?... Are you more worthy than him in God's heart?... Did God gave you any privilege living on this Planet over 'less' privileged?... Or you just assumed he is less privileged than you?...


Do you see how simple is to put separation and judgment against others, by assuming that you are more than them?... Are we not all Equal?...

If we simply consider treating others, as we want to be treated... or if we see others as we wish others see US... Simply see them as equal, see them as Free, see them as compassionate...




With all my Love and Joy knowing what is coming, Predrag Saint Germain



Thank You!

d'tewa's picture

Thanks again.  Love, d'tewa


Love and Light, d'tewa