Earth Ally Flash Ron~ Portal Day Captains Log

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 Earth Ally Flash Ron~ Captain's log... Star date 2013-05-25


What an eventful day! Joined the Redding, CA March Against Monsanto at 11:15 as the main body was headed west on the south side of Cypress Ave on the bridge over the Sacramento River. Parked motorcycle in the Athens Ave shopping square lot and greeted the marchers with high-five's and DVD handouts in between taking photos, which I intend to place on line at some point soon.

I made it home just in time for connecting with my Galactic Family of Light at the Galactic Free Press chat gathering and WOW did the Light and Love build like never before! I then met Nancy and her sis-n-law Dianne at the park for a picnic lunch of organic potato salad and organic avocado, then led them to Market fest then back home for me while they went adventuring at thrift stores the way wives do.

The portal opening on the 24th HAS made a noticeable change in my mental patterning's whereby there is a dramatic increase in mental clarity in focus of pure intent. The glaring absence of mind chatter has made the experiencing of states of pure joy during meditation... Even during "normal" waking consciousness profoundly obtainable. This Divine energy called joy pours forth from my mind-heart connection (which is new to me) in HUGE waves that are like throwing gasoline on the flame in my heart. There is also a noticeable shift away from ego-self directed pursuits and a more unified directed force of will. This, however is partly or mostly due to a renewed willingness to pay attention to Divine Guidance from within, for which I give credit to the Parable of Christ Consciousness  which is a simple daily invocation:

Living Inner Holiness that beats my Heart,
     I Accept All in my Life as my own.
I Forgive myself for all negative experiences.

  I Surrender all aspects of my Life to you,
  Inner Holiness; my actions, plans, fears,
       issues, problems, worries, agendas,
             human conditions, etc. as
   I Yield to your Divine Will within me
                         and my Life.

   I take my next step in Trusting you,
                 Inner Holiness,
         without understanding what is
             around the next corner.

  I Ask you, Inner Holiness, for Guidance;
              Please show me the way~

I know that this practice of focusing my daily intent toward the light has helped, among other things, to accelerate the clearing of a lot of negative stuff, most effective clearing due to the use of The Masters of the Universe en gram clearing program which cleaned up vast amounts of bound energy in negative programs, patterns and thought forms which were partitioned off in my sub-conscious mind by suppressing mental trauma stemming from even lifetimes past.

All of these things and circumstances have come together perfectly as an amazingly well engineered framework of life experiences that look suspiciously like they must have been deliberately planned this way. Could I have been part of this conspiracy and then forgot all about it during my first years of development in this lifetime?

If it weren't for the very rare opportunity that I had in 1974 to be before the Karmic Board and given the opportunity to review my life contract and related timelines past AND future (including now), I might not know the answer to the previous question. But I do know with certainty that everything is, has been and always will be working exactly in accordance with the Divine Plan=Humanity Awakening along with all of Creation on this Blessed planet Earth as we all co-create Heaven on Earth=Heart. Forever. It's a done deal. All sales final. No returns to darkness. Everybody wins. How could the plan be Divine if anyone were left behind? We all return home as the One we really are. This is why The Awakening: a painting in words is impossible for me to read without tears running down my face when I read about our Creator extending His hand to lift us up at the end. That being said, isn't it a miracle that this crusty biker's heart could be so open and sharing freely about such things? I believe it is.

Today is the opening of the second portal, lunar eclipse and full moon. I can hardly imagine what today will bring.
