Original Post Thanks to Steve Beckow
Thanks to Sundari.
Dear Galactics,
Many of us have been so looking forward to your visit since a while now. It would be great to meet you all finally and I sincerely look forward to the joyous reunion with my star brothers and sisters, as would a large number of the earth’s population.
I know that you need to follow a divine decree and can well understand that you are waiting for the deadline given by the Creator. But when you cross August 4, 2012, please do not hesitate to make your presence known to all the human beings around the world.
The scene on earth today is pretty horrendous. There are floods that have made millions of people homeless; there are power-cuts in a third of the sub-continent of India; there are umpteen suicides and murders happening every day in every part of the world while huge numbers of people are losing jobs and doing terribly financially. The list goes on and on. Each day, opening a newspaper in the morning, amounts to a terror attack.
If human beings are able to survive through all these, why will they not live to tell the tale of the arrival of the Galactics? I do understand that you all believe that such an incident may create fear. Maybe so! But again, what is one more fear to those who have been seeing nothing but terrible incidents over the past few decades?
At least, once we earthlings recover from the ‘fear’ of your arrival, we can take our lives forward. We can all help you with the cleansing of the Earth and along with your arrival we can welcome the ‘hope’ of a future that many humans cannot even imagine at this point in time.
Please show yourselves, O Galactics! I welcome you with open arms. I am sure a huge number of human beings join me in welcoming you amidst us.
Awaiting you in love, light and joy,
Yours truly,
Earth Human
I absolutly agree and second
I absolutly agree and second that motion! Please for the sake of humanity arrive! Blessed Be <3 <3 <3
Yes! Great loving beings,
Yes! Great loving beings, here is another heart that is open to the assistance of your light, your love, and your presence in helping us to heal and to ascend to our higher beingness. <3 Thank you for this post :)
So true
Well Said!!! We as a species have seen fear and manmade horror no eyes deserve to witness. Meeting you, our galatic brothers annd sister with whom we've always felt close to, but couldn't see wouldn't even considered as "fear" (IMO) compare to the blatant travesty that we've been forced to endure and live with DAILY as a race. Please, Trust us, for we trust you.. Love&LIght
I saw several ships last
I saw several ships last night. One was a solid glowing ball of white light that darted very rapidly and could make 90 degree turns. I also watched it cloak while I was standing there.
As second was more of a flashing blinking light; like on an aircraft. It was quite bright, even though the approach suggests it was quite far away. The lights were white as well as an undercurrent of red.
A third that I saw was as a cluster of stars. Four of the stars were in a double triagle / diamond - like a kite - and it had 2 more stars off of the tail. One of the "ball of light" ships was darting around the center. It almost looked like a starry 'membrane' that joined the points. Has anyone seen a ship like this? I drew the exact geometric shape on an internet based whiteboard the day before.
Indeed!! what is one more fear to those who have been living in it all their lives? I most certainly have been waiting to welcome you with open arms.......
I agree fully with this.We need you now.
So many of us "here", are out of "Time"...
We are waiting. The horrors of this world are very real. And yet we know this is all coming to an end. Please understand that it is because we Love that we want to see Disclosure. We want an end to people's sufferings and destruction of our Mother Gaia. We do want you to come to help us help ourselves. Meanwhile I will continue on my mission and work towards my own spiritual growth and awareness. I do realize that we have to be patient and wait until the time is right. But I shall continue to meditate that that time is soon! Love and Light to all. Gai
Dear Galactics
Ditto to that! We have a say in all of this and Disclore would after all be to the betterment of Humanity. Bring it on baby!
Dear Galactics
Ditto to that! We have a say in all of this and Disclore would after all be to the betterment of Humanity. Bring it on baby!
Dear Galactic Beings
I have read that you will not disclose or assist unless invited. Here is one more invitation. Please do help us, and disclose your presence so that we can get on with the work of restoring mother earth before any more species become extinct, before more people die in the streets in the warfare that is called by deceptive names (like "police presence" where peaceful assemblies are interrupted by police violence)... please disclose your presence to us as soon as you can safely do so. We are tired, and sometimes disheartened (I am sorry to say), afraid, worried, even panicking because of the dark rulership over our planet - the "rulership" that will be exposed as a trick and an illusion once your presence is known. Yes, please disclose your presence to prevent the starvation of children, the abuse of animals, the private prisons in which people are incarcerated sometimes with no warrant and no cause...I will stop describing the horrors taking place on this world now, because I believe you are aware of them. But I brought them up so that you can see this is an IMPASSIONED plea...
You are welcome here. We are eager for your assistance. And we trust you to know when it is the right time, but we pray it may be soon!
Mr and Mrs and Miss Galactic
Please do go ahead and reveal yourselves to us NOW as no matter how LONG you wait the one's that will resist you are here now as they will be here then. They are the same one's and you know good and well it's the karma they carry and the lack of experience in such a solidified setting that it will be aeons of time for them to ever accept something that threatens the boxes they've made for themselve. So what ya say guys and gals, come on down, come on out, come on up and let's have a drum circle, I will gladely lead it:} Have a nice Galactic day~
Velkomen, Bienvenu, Welcome . . .
I'm Ready!
Dear galactic family, there
Dear galactic family,
there is no better time than here and now. My dear brothers and sisters, starseeds and lightworkers, beautiful beacons of light have been working diligently on shining ever so brightly, in order to bring love and joy to this planet. But humans are crazy. We need your help down here, not from above. First contact... oh, that will be one heck of a reunion!
You are always welcome, We are family. I do not fear you, I Love you all but I do understand there is a respect for the blessing of "Free Will". I want you to know I will continue to remain patient for the wonderful day "DISCLOSURE"!! Keep your beautiful ships in our skies.
Love & Light!
You are always welcome, We are family. I do not fear you, I Love you all but I do understand there is a respect for the blessing of "Free Will". I want you to know I will continue to remain patient for the wonderful day "DISCLOSURE"!! Keep your beautiful ships in our skies.
Love & Light!
Very ready, welcome back,
Very ready, welcome back, love & peace to all/
The percentage of
There will always be the percentage of 'believers' and 'non.' So knowing this FACT, I concur with you regaurdless of the side effects of the Galacitic bring to the 'non.' As they will bring it NOW or they will bring it later, right guys?
So I say bring it.