The EarthStar Ascended Life and Creation Singularity

AdiGaia's picture

New Moon Eclipse of Virgo 2016


The EarthStar Ascended Life and Creation


The EarthStar Ascended Life and Creation Singularity is now entering the planetary life system, and creating the New EarthStar Ascended Planetary/Universal Living Creation and Civilization Organism of planetary destiny.  

The EarthStar Singularity is its own unique source of the New EarthStar Ascended Life and Creation, which is beyond all previous sources, and is its own supreme creation center which is the original creation source and manifestor of the entirely new ascended universal life of creation and civilization.




The New EarthStar Ascended Life and Creation Singularity is becoming available to the members of the New EarthStarNation who are serving the New EarthStarNation planetary/universal destiny organism.



The Function of the New EarthStar Singularity

AdiGaia's picture

Jupiter entering Libra



The Function of the New EarthStar Singularity


The Function of the New EarthStar Singularity is unifying all of the myriad components of life into the all new Original Living Creation Organism which is developing within the manifest and unmanifest life of Earth as the planetary destiny develops.


This is the original, all-inclusive and comprehensive source of the destined re-creation and ascended enhancement of all that is.


As this singularity continues to function, and is making itself known to those who are ready to become its co-creators, it is enhancing their ascension with some of its many extraordinary powers to bring its presence into the multidimensional daily life of unity and perfection.