Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Waves
Arcturians Begin the Next Ascension Wave
Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal LifeWave
The EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife System
As the EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife System continues to evolve, it includes increasing dimensions of the ascended extraterrestrial dimensions and their functioning centers throughout the planetary system.
These dimensions and centers are incorporated into the EarthStar Ascended Planetary/Universal SpaceLife System as functioning components of the system with their specific creative functions.
The Avatar Mother Center is the coordinating center of the EarthStar Ascended Planetary/Universal Living Creation SpaceLife System, and is the conveyor of its ascended purposes to the planetary population.
The EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife System is organized as the planetary/universal spacelife organism which is centered throughout the planetary chakra system for its physical and superphysical functioning to provide the entire planetary/universal system with its ascended spacelife forces of creation and civilization.
The Mount Shasta center is the predominant center, and is a great intergalactic and universal ascended spacelife portal for the highest ascended spacelife forces to enter the planetary system.
The Andean centers are also very highly ascended, and rapidly increasing in their contributions to the entire planetary system. Some of them are exceeding the ascension levels of Mount Shasta in their functioning.
The EarthStarNation Ascended SpaceLife Masters of Creation and Civilization
The EarthStarNation is the planetary/universal body of Ascended SpaceLife Masters of Creation and Civilization which is the primary unit which is creating the EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization.
These EarthStarNation Ascended SpaceLife Masters of Creation and Civilization are also responsible to maintain the functioning of the EarthStar Planetary/Universal Living SpaceLife Creation and Civilization.
The EarthStarNation Ascension Program
The EarthStar Nation is now offering the EarthStarNation Ascension Program as a special program for the increasing of the ascension into the EarthStarNation Ascended Masters of SpaceLife Creation and Civilization Planetary/Universal body for those starseeds who are already serving as their guidance indicates and who are free to follow the increasing EarthStarNation Creation and Civilization Life which is continually empowering the EarthStarNation Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization.
This program is under the direction of several members of the Creator Avatar Race who are serving the creation of the EarthStarNation and the EarthStarNation Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization.
Those who are interested in applying for this program are required to send their biography to avatarmothercenter@gmail.com.
This program is also available as an ongoing personal ascension program which is directly downloaded from the EarthStarNation as a multidimensional stream which is individually tuned for the most rapid and complete ascension as an EarthStarNation Ascended Master of Creation and Civilization. This direct program is accessible for those who are prepared by their own direct connection to this EarthStarNation personal ascension program.