The EarthStarNation Ascending Masters of Creation courses are as follows ~

AdiGaia's picture
The EarthStarNation Ascending Masters of Creation courses are as follows ~
1. Becoming an Ascended Master of Creation of the Universal SpaceLife Ascended Creation Civilization.
2. Becoming an Ascended Master of Creation of the EarthStarNation Creation Civilization.
3. Becoming an Ascended Master of Creation of the Intergalactic Ascended Creation Civilization.
These courses may be taken concurrently and are soon to begin.
Adi Avatar


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Q & A / Info...

AdiGaia's picture
The Mother Center has been happening since 1980
but has been relatively inactive outwardly for about 20 yrs. waiting for the higher dimensinal grids and the planetary Ascension Grid to become established.
THE AVATAR MOTHER CENTER OF THE AVATAR MOTHER UNIVERSE can be considered to be the new Shamballa for this planet which is evolving and ascending to be the Avatar Planet for the all new original ascending creation Mother Universe.
Only since 12-21-12 have the Avatar Ascension Grids become active enough to allow for the Ascending Masters of Creation courses to be offered.
These classes are mostly on-line with some Lightbody communications as needed. 

I'm including more information about myself below...


There's no charge for these courses as participants can expect to be able to create all physical necessities as need as they gain sufficient Mastery of Creation.
The courses are in their initial phase now...
I'll send more information soon...
My g+/g-mail name is Gaia Starr.
My other e-mail name is Adi Gaia -
I go by Adi which is Sanskrit for First, Original