The elites’ guide to ‘rogue states’

Rain's picture


RT - 10/25/13, Adrian Salbuchi 

A protester burns a U.S. flag during a demonstration over the capture of senior al Qaeda figure Abu Anas al-Liby by U.S. authorities, in Benghazi October 11, 2013. (Reuters/Esam Omran Al-Fetori)

A protester burns a U.S. flag during a demonstration over the capture of senior al Qaeda figure Abu Anas al-Liby by U.S. authorities, in Benghazi October 11, 2013. (Reuters/Esam Omran Al-Fetori)


Iraq is clearly the most famous rogue state, if we are to believe the two Bushes, especially the junior George, who rammed into that country in 2003, all but destroying it, maiming its people and proud 3,000-year-old heritage.  All based on an outright lie: the infamous ‘weapons of mass destruction’ they were accused of hiding, but that were never found.

All because Bush, Blair and their allies got it all “wrong” about Saddam’s WMD’s:  “We never found ‘em,” said George W., who then went on to joke about the whole affair during a White House dinner in March 2004.



