Ellagic Acid: A Cervical, Breast & Prostate Cancer Fighting Wonder

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 11/24/2013

berries cancer 263x164 Ellagic Acid: A Cervical, Breast & Prostate Cancer Fighting Wonder

Ellagic acid is a phytochemical (polyphenol) that your body produces in the large intestines, but it also is found in many foods. This special phytochemical has been found to be a great salve to those suffering from multiple cancers, including cervical, breast, and prostate cancers. In recent studies, ellagic acid and its metabolized products were found concentrated in the prostate tissue of male mice fed pomegranates. In human subjects who were suffering from an enlarged prostate or cancerous growth in the tissues of the prostate, those fed pomegranate juice or who ate almonds for three days prior to a surgery were found to have lesser prostate cancer cells than those who did not consume these foods.


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