Embracing Vulnerability to Evolve

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Human beings are inherently vulnerable. However, in changing times being vulnerable is often seen as a sign of weakness. You choose to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself because above everything else, you don’t want to come across as a weak individual.

Putting yourself out there involves a risk of getting criticized, misunderstood, labeled or fear of rejection and failing. But if you step back and observe your own life, you will realise that nothing is more disheartening than not having the courage to show up and let your authentic self be seen.

It’s about being honest with how you feel, about your fears, your strengths and weaknesses. But most of us are not comfortable with that kind of vulnerability. The moment you feel disappointment, sadness, fear or powerlessness, you instantly try to change the situation by distracting yourself and avoid facing the situation. Little do you know that deep down in those unpleasant feelings is where true happiness lies.
