~The End Times~

Lia's picture

~The End Times~



Oneness ~ the Teachings
~ Received and transcribed by Rasha.


"The key to riding out the turbulence that may well manifest at the height of the vibrational shifts to come, will be your willingness to totally surrender to the process, fully aware that you may not yet understand what is, in fact, happening. The changes will be so profound and so far reaching that you will be challenged to maintain your mental and emotional equilibrium."


"... this unprecedented level of change will continue throughout what remains of this physical lifetime and well into next. For it will take quite some time for the dimensional shift to stabilize and for the reality in which you find yourself to once again be in a world where life could be considered quite predictable."


"The hallmark of these extraordinary times, in terms of your physical awareness, is the extremes of uncertainty that characterize virtually everything."


"People everywhere are shifting their awareness inward and are reaching beyond the mundane evidences of a physical reality for a spiritual foundation on which to build their understanding of what is so."

"Those who choose to fight the reality of what is at hand will create painful and challenging obstacles to the lives they would wish to be living."

"Generations to come may speculate on what it was like be alive in these times. For, your history will allude to conditions that they will not be able to  comprehend. The world as you know it will undergo radical transformations in the times to come."

"In keeping up with the pace of those changes, you have systematically shed the layers of density that were designed to keep you grounded at levels you have transcended. And for you, the process will be be ongoing, as long as you retain your present physical form."

"The systems on which your society is based will, most likely, experience a fundamental breakdown as they are built on a foundation of diminished vibration that cannot sustain itself under conditions that continue to accelerate."

 "There has been much wisdom and much speculation handed down through the ages with regard to the nature of the times now upon you. They have been referred to as 'The End Times,' by the sages since time immemorial... you may have come to consider that that label has been interpreted in a literal and a linear sense by many in your reality. And as such, much fear and mass hysteria has been triggered unnecessarily."

"To expect that catastrophic events will victimize your world and reduce it to rubble is to cast a literal interpretation upon words with which basic truth may have been given. That is not, in fact, what has been foreseen for these times, as you will experience them. For the collective mind-set presently representing your reality is not of the resonance to reflect that outcome."

"There are other realms, where that is not the case. There are realities that are vastly denser variations on the theme that you regard as your world."

"In those realities, the environment that hosts and supports the life that experiences itself there is having a far more severe reaction to the universal upsurge in vibrational frequency. At those levels of experience, circumstances more in keeping with radical interpretations of 'End Times' prophecy are manifesting in reality."

"It was those diminished vibrational realms that were referenced by prophecies made so very long ago."

"There are no accidents in your physical world. All has been carefully orchestrated. And even though there are circumstances and levels of human condition which you may find horrifying, know that the individuals in question selected these very circumstances to illustrate, to themselves, the issues in which each was most profoundly invested at a soul level. Each volunteered to pay the price  in terms of suffering in order to elevate themselves from the need to continue experience incarnation at those levels."

"The catastrophic events that are being experienced by large populations in remote areas of the globe are indicative of a mass release of energy that has been liberated from the need to continue in oppressive conditions. Having experienced some of the 'horrors' of those circumstances, these beings have transcended the need for much of the repetition of similar themes that might have been otherwise called for. They contracted for these conditions voluntarily, fully aware of the price to be paid and the liberation to be attained as a result."

"Much that has been categorized as 'Earth Changes,' were scenarios that were orchestrated to provide such opportunities. For, in living out some of the most insidious of these experiences, quantum leaps in consciousness are possible."

"There are other segments of your population that will be totally untouched by these kinds of circumstances. It is you, many of whom are tuned-in to the higher understandings also being made available en masse in these times, who will transcend the need to be caught in the grasp of any manifestation of environmental upheaval at all. Your earthquakes and tidal waves are transpiring within you, and the ravages of famine and disease are being experienced equally by you - symbolically."

"You are not being asked to pay the supreme price of the relinquishing of your physical body in exchange for the lessons learned, as some in other corners of the world. The price many of you have agreed to pay is far dearer than that. For you have dared to weather the virtual annihilation of an entire state of beingness that has kept you imprisoned in self-defeating patterns for lifetimes. The ravages of such an experience cannot be underestimated."

"The prophecies for these times of transformation are not something to be feared. They are the monumental turning points you yearn for as a soul. They are the gift of deliverance."

"The so-called 'End Times' to which the attention of so many is now drawn is not an ending in the physical sense, so much as a transcendence of the limitations posed by linear perspective. The endings that may well transpire in the physical lives of many are not the objective of the events that may precipitate them. Rather, these endings are the doorway to another level of experience, whether or not in physical form."

"The beings who will be incarnating in human form in the times soon to come will have a natural affinity for the world of nature. They will be able to communicate with the other life forms that populate your reality, and their easy interaction with these other forms of intelligence will set the stage for the air of peace and harmony that will prevail."   

"For a new breed of beings is scheduled to incarnate amongst you in stages, over the course of several generations. And until the conditions in your world stabilize, and a population of vibrationally adapted beings prevail, you can anticipate a populace with a radical diversity in ability and perspective."


"Those of you who now ride the crest of the wave that carries you ever closer to that breakthrough will serve as teachers - and ultimately as spirit guides - for the masses that will follow in your footsteps in these times. You will have made the journey ahead of the rest, in order that you would be equipped to reach out and take another by the hand in the times to come." 


"And you will be led systematically in the direction of ultimate surrender to the truth of your Oneness will All Creation - no matter how many lifetimes it takes."

"You will make this journey again and again. And ultimately, you will know yourself so fully and completely as Oneness that you will no longer need or wish to make the journey."





Confusion again!!! Here is

Guest's picture

Confusion again!!! Here is another one saying something that seems totally different than what the others say so who knows what will be coming how we will deal with it and if we will leave this life or remain here or what? You all keep saying no fear, but then you put out these messages that tend to make one question. I will just go within for my answers and trust in God and the process. I thought you all were shedding light on the subject but one minutes it's all is fine and the next it's a totally different story. Forgive me for I do not understand and am totally confused once again.

Could You Please Specify?

Lia's picture

Which comment in here confused you? We have a feeling its about those who will leave the Planet through death, to release the dense energy. This is true, and has already been happening in the past 2 years especially. Its not to bring fear, however, to share the Reality. No one really dies, and through this Process Planet Earth and All On Her will Be in Perfect Balanced Harmonics~ We have guarenteed this and this is the Process we are in, everyone on the Planet. Ego always brings in confusion, your True Being knows the Truth clearly. All our Love Mother and Father God and The ENtire Galactic Free Press Staff

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!