Energetic update for the New Earth

Lia's picture

The unfolding of the New Earth energies over the past few linear weeks has been at an ever increasing expansive rate and this rate is now expanding and growing once more. Unlike the very “chaotic” energies of the linear month of October, the New Earth energies will now increase in frequency in order to help support the DREAMS that reside within YOUr heart space.  The heart space is seeded with TRUTH and that TRUTH has lain dormant within the heart space for your entire incarnations upon this planet. Only now as Mother Earth heightens her frequency have these seeds begun to grow and sprout, supported at all times by the LOVE that IS in TRUTH.

Many of you may be able to FEEL the change in the structure of the energetic frequencies, the support that FEELs very LIGHT and expansive.  This may appear in your outer waking world as a set of synchronicities that confirm to YOU all that you have begun to allow yourself to ANKHOR.  It is vital to hold your intention and focus on that which is growing and expanding and NOT on that which is dissolving, this requires you to come into balance at all times. As the old 3d earth paradigms pull at your energy signature it is vital to LET GO, imagine yourself in a sort of energetic TUG OF WAR,  holding on tightly and pulling and pushing will see you move forward and backwards but essentially stay in the same energetic space.  The old 3d earth is attempting at all times to keep you within this game of tug of war, trying to teach you that you can win when in fact there is no winning, only containment. The New Earth asks for you to let go of the rope (in this analogy) and stride confidently away from the game of tug of war.  To leave the field in which it is being played out and venture out into new fields, new pathways and explore your surroundings.

For many of you at this time the analogy of the game of tug of war may trigger you, so long have you played this game on this planet that all else may have been filtered out.  At this time on planet earth are many who are now walking down new pathways and exploring new realities, these are not exclusive to those who have let go of the rope. Those who have let go are now inviting those who are still holding on to the rope to join them. You may at this time find “new” people wander into your outer waking life experience.  Some of these people come in disguise, it is not TRUTH to assume that those who come into your life to show you TRUTH and to confirm LOVE are in the same “spiritual arena” that you walk within. This is another teaching of distortion that the 3d earth may try to blind you with.  In my own personal life this has been shown to me in technicolour, the universe delivering the most amazing person to me in TRUTH.  Showing me beyond doubt the power of the LOVE that IS.

Many at this time are asking the universe for miracles and then holding tightly on how they wish the miracle to be delivered. This is not TRUTH and will work to keep you in a holding pattern.  Miracles are just that, miracles.  Again in my personal life I could not have imagined how this would manifest but manifest it has and it is truly wonderful.   Letting go means letting go fully and TRUSTing that your SOUL is supporting you at ALL times on this your human life journey.

I have spoken often of creating new ways of BEing, the universe now is supporting YOU to do just this.  By working WITH these new expansive energies you are able to create that which you have been taught under the old 3d earth paradigms is “impossible”. I place the word “impossible” within inverted commas for it is not TRUTH, the very word having a very dense frequency.  ANYTHING is possible and if you can DREAM it then you CAN CREATE IT but you must do this from the energies of the LOVE that IS. There is a reason why happiness and laughter see your vibration heighten, many of you may feel intensely happy and have no reference point for why, the logical mind may try to convince you that you have nothing to FEEL happy about yet still this FEELing persists.  It is often said that when you FEEL LIGHTNESS of BEing and happiness that ANGELIC energies are around.  Angels come in all forms and the human angels on planet earth are now beginning their work in TRUTH.

At ALL times you have a choice of how to FEEL regardless of that which APPEARS to be happening in the outer waking reality that you exist within. NOW upon planet earth the outer waking reality will begin to shift and to ANKHOR as a direct reflection of how you FEEL within.   To manifest in the New Earth you are asked to BE, to allow the LOVE that IS to flow through you, around you and within you and to ANKHOR fully that it IS YOU in TRUTH.


(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.
