~ Energy IS Flowing IN!~ Love Momentum Continues

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to Another Intense Energetic Day as We Proceed Into April's Energy Momentum. We Have Lots of Events this Month which will be facilting our Event of "Preparing for contact." We have no idea when this will occur but we have started recieving information towards this Event! You can Join us Live Today In these Energies Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific for Our Weekly LOVE PARTY! Join Us In this High Energy Room Today! You will Be Effected by this Energy. See You there at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

~Soaring with Spirit Show!! Sunday April 7, 2013




For the Newly awakened and Merely Curious!


With Desert Gypsy and Odistar

Goddesses of LIght!


Sunday, April 7/13


Join us for some FUN and LAUGHTER

LIVE in our Tiny Chat Room




On this Show:


Special Review of latest Craft Sightings

Bring Your Own TINFOIL HAT!!!!

We will be discussing meditation and breathwork!


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Published on Apr 2, 2013




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~ Message from The Earth Allies~ Prepare for Contact


AS More and More Awaken Each Day, the Closer We are To The Event of First Contact. This is a Real Event, and a Multi~Dimensional One that has Been a facet of the Divine Plan For this Planet~ The Stage has been set, and the curtain will be rising. Love Is Moving Forward And Bringing ALL Love IS With US.


Artwork By FatherGod Amon Ra


Greetings and Love from The Galactic Federation of Light,  The Company of Heaven, and From Galactic Central~Center. We Are Your Family of Light from the Stars and Beyond. WE Are Also Your Earth Allies and Representatives for First Contact. WE are The Ground Crew Medical Team, from the Flag Ship ~Eye of Ra, Heart of Light~. Many of You Here are also From this Flag Ship 500,000 of You, and From this 500,000 there are 5,000 of Our Personal Staff for the Transitional Universal Government who at this Moment Have Been Called To Full Active Duty.





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“Purity of Essence” is Key to Understanding


Gaia Portal April 4, 2013


“Purity of Essence” is key to understanding the nature of Gaia intention. Planetary Essence revelation requires clearing of all not in alignment. This includes all of Hue-manity.

As individuals release the “outer dependence illusion”, and align with Inner Guidance, Purity of Planetary Essence is realized. This occurs at many levels, via multiple manifestations.

Stated simply, Gaia Intention is “Purity of Essence”.


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End Game Scenario: How About the Light Beings?


 How About the Light Beings?



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New Earth Frequency Update ~ Transitional Healing ~





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The Keepers of Creation



Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins


We are The Keepers of Creation and we come to you at this very special time upon your planet. It is time for you to connect with we and other higher realms beyond your world, solar system, galaxy and into the Universe.


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Ashtar Bulletin: No War ~ There Will Be Peace!




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The World Is Waking Up



by Alanna Ketler

awakeningSometimes this revolution seems like a lost cause, and I have thought so many times, will people ever wake up? It seemed as though time was moving by quickly, yet most people were very stagnant, but something I have noticed a lot lately is that all of the sudden people from all over the world are truly starting to wake up! I notice a lot of my friends and family are starting to make different choices in their day to day lives to enhance their overall being, and the planets as well. People who I thought would never open their eyes are slowly starting to change old ways as the vast array of ‘hidden’ information is becoming so widely available to everyone.


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Greetings fellow Earthlings!


Greetings to everyone here at the Galactic Free Press! This is indeed a very special and mind-boggling time we are living in is it not? I can definitely sense that something is coming ,though I know not what. I suppose that is the essence of having faith. I was told by my soulmate nearly 20 years ago that I have a great mission and destiny on this planet . I am simply waiting for the call to action. I am very sensitive and seem to be getting more so by the day.  I am looking forward to the day when I can finally begin my mission here and help bring humanity into the new golden age. I'm very tired of living in this duality, and especially in survival mode. I need to find the people I am meant to find! Take care.


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Benjamin Fulford: What is Going on With North Korea is Not What it Seems




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Irma Kaye ~Uranus/Pluto Square (2013-2015): Daring To Dream & Taking The Veil


Uranus/Pluto Square (2013 – 2015): Daring to Dream & Taking The Veil

Hello friends. Well we’ve had the Uranus/Pluto square around now since 2010, and I’m finally getting around to some commentary. This is partly due to the amount of time it took me to truly connect to these energies, as for a long time they seemed rather elusive to me. I wanted to get past the traditional and exoteric meaning of this aspect, to search for something deeper. If you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you know that I often get messages and themes in music, and this time was no different.

In dresses white, all set for sail, a little girl dreams of taking the veil. All lightning bright and thunder loud, a little girl dreams safe and sound. – David Sylvian

Taking the Veil – David Sylvian

Beloveds, the years during this particular aspect (Uranus/Pluto Square) will be powerful and far-reaching for you, and also for future generations. You will see in this time period both personal and collective manifestations of these energies in a *restructuring* that in many instances, may involve “tearing down” the old models down to the basic foundation, so to speak. It is a time of new visions, dreams and supporting these new structures in both a spiritual and physical (material) reality. – The Keepers, 4.4.13


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Solar Energy Plant Spill Has Tea Party Panicking


FREE WOOD POST - April 4, 2013 By Christina Hulen

"Solar" "spill" "Arizona" "Tea" "Party"

In a little reported story, a solar energy farm located in a heavily Tea Party populated area of Arizona, had to shut down the collection tower for a maintenance problem. While the plant’s spokesman assured local residents that there was no danger whatsoever, the local Tea Party members were up in arms.

 “This is just another example of the liberal media failing to report on an important story,” said head of the Arizona Tea Party chapter, Buzz Redfern.


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John Smallman The Sex of God


January 22nd 2012. (But always up to date!)

From time to time people comment on the fact that Saul always refers to God as Him or He and suggest that to refer to “Him” and “He” always is to be offensive, wrong, insensitive, and disrespectful of women.

God, Love, Spirituality, who we truly are, is NOT about sex or sexual differences, which are part of the limitations that we imposed on ourselves when we chose to experience life in the illusion as humans; and nor is this blog. It is about the fact that we are all One, lost in the illusion, and that we are engaged in the process of finding our way Home to God, to Completion, to returning to our original state of infinite Love, of infinite Wisdom, of infinite Knowledge; of rediscovering ourselves, regardless of our sex, as the essential parts of All That Is that we truly are. In God there is NO separation.

We, everyone of us humans here in the illusion, males, females, gays, and lesbians, are all ONE, and we are also One with God Who is All That Is. Even though, here in our illusory environment, we appear to be separate individuals with our own individual agendas, needs, desires, and problems, struggling to survive in a hostile environment where it seems that to trust is to invite disaster.


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NASA’s Kepler Observes Light-bending Gravity In Binary Star System


redOrbit - April 5, 2013 - By Staff

Image Caption: This artist's concept depicts a dense, dead star called a white dwarf crossing in front of a small, red star. The white dwarf's gravity is so great it bends and magnifies light from the red star. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA’s Kepler space telescope has observed the effects of a dead star bending the light of its companion star, one of the first detections of this phenomenon in double star systems.


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~by: Stuart Wilde
Published by Zen Shaman

Fear is a terrible affliction, it cripples your ability to think clearly and act decisively. Some low-level fear is ok, it acts as a warning signal but constant fear turns one into a zombie,
an automaton easily manipulated.

Here’s how you fix it.

All fear comes from loss or the perception in the mind of a possible loss: fear of change (loss of the status quo), fear of a loss of health, fear of a loss of money, loss of a relationship, loss of status/importance, loss of control etc. The ego reacts to loss usually with anger, that emotion is very strong it collapses the holographic fields around you putting you in a tight tube, it’s not good.

First, realize most of the stuff you were scared of in this life never came to anything. Second, change is often a gift, so your husband ran away with Darlene from the Dog and Duck, it was shock, you got angry then a month later you realize what gift it was, you felt free for the first time in years, your soul was liberated. Yippee!


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Mount Shasta : Portal to the Inner Earth


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James Gilliland ~ The Ways Of The Archons


www.eceti.org April 5 2013

We have spoken earlier about the archons, the degenerate ETs, astral beings, at the lowest level some real dark serpent beings. As I write this article they are really pissed off, hitting me with some real sickening painful energies. They were working last night in my dream state creating extreme negative scenarios with old lovers, family and friends.

As I speak I am laughing at them. Before I continue with this article I have to clear them to insure the information is correct. There. Now that that is done we can continue.


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Good day to Haniel. Ruler of Friday, Sagon, Angelic Communication, Taurus & Libra. Turquoise & Blue Topaz. Blessed Be.

He also goes by Hagiel, his Air angels are Aba and Abalioth, Anael is his hour angel name. Gabriel is angel of the hour of 5pm. He is reliable and practical. Harmonious and diplomatic. A Principality. Blessed Be the Heavens.

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Andre Auram ~The Awakening (Official Music Video)


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A Surprise...


As seen at Oracles and Healers April 5, 2013


Reblogged from The Creator Writings:

Click to visit the original post

Here is a surprise for you; each person you meet on a daily basis IS the key to saving humanity! Everyone carries a piece of The Universe within their hearts.....treat it and them, lovingly, respectfully and with the same care you show yourself. The beauty you find will always astound you! ~ Creator



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~ Space Weather Update~ 2 M Class Flares


WEEKEND AURORAS? A solar wind stream is expected to brush against Earth's magnetic field on April 6-7, possibly causing geomagnetic disturbances around the poles. Arctic sky watchers should be alert for auroras beaming through the waxing twilight of northern spring. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


INCOMING ACTIVE REGION: An active region on the farside of the sun is about to rotate onto the Earthside of the sun. It announced itself on April 5th around 0700 UT with a C2-class solar flare that hurled material over the sun's eastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme UV glow of the blast:



Quickly following that eruption came another even stronger one: An M2-class flare (image) at 1750 UT.


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Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ Love is All There Is. By Debbie Erasmus




Hello to a foggy Mexico City! I didn’t sleep so well last night and as usual when I want answers, I ask Michael.


Good morning beloved!


Good morning my Love! I know… you want to know why you slept so badly.


Yes please…


You are integrating my energy beloved, and it is unsettling you.


Okay, well that explains it, thanks.


You are welcome beloved. I know you are tired, but I am giving you my strength to help you get through the day.


Thank you my darling!


You are welcome beloved. Let’s talk about the illusion of evil shall we?


Yes, please!


I know that you know this because you often quote these words “Love is all there is”.


I do, yes. Yet I allowed myself late last year to believe that evil does exist. I know from reading the teachings in the Conversations with God books, that the devil and satan do not exist. And you also said to Steven Cook in the In Light Radio show in December last year that Lucifer is at home with you. So why then did I allow myself to believe that evil exists?


Because my precious love, evil can exist in your mind, if you allow it to. You are living in duality here on the Earth realm and therefore the opposite exists in all things. This is the beauty of duality. It allows you to experience something that is not real.


But it felt so real!


I know my love, but illusions do appear real.


I know. One of my favorite sayings also is “Peace comes from knowing only love is real”. I love that!


That is true wisdom.



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Prepare for Contact!


~ Message from The Earth Allies~
Prepare for Contact


AS More and More Awaken Each Day, the Closer We are To The Event of First Contact. This is a Real Event, and a Multi~Dimensional One that has Been a facet of the Divine Plan For this Planet~ The Stage has been set, and the curtain will be rising. Love Is Moving Forward And Bringing ALL Love IS With US.


Artwork By FatherGod Amon Ra



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The manuscript of survival – part 296 • April 6, 2013






The manuscript of survival – part 296 • April 6, 2013



As you have already ascertained, these last few days have been nothing if not intense, and even if they in many ways may have left you feeling weaker in the flesh, you will also sense that your spirit has lifted in more ways than one. For you are made of sturdy stuff indeed, but as yet, your physical body has a hard time coming to the same conclusion. And rightly so, for within is where the changes occur, and as such, your flesh and bones may still feel as if they are at times being torn apart. But they are not, and neither are you, as what is occuring, is such a monumental rewiring and rearranging it will leave you all feel more than a little bit worn and torn and the end of it. But contrary to assumption, you are not being torn down, you are only being fortified in every way, and as such, once again the symptoms will mask the true purpose behind all of these goings on.



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Very strong earthquake magnitude 7.0 hit Papua, Indonesia




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Contraction And Expansion


As seen at Sirian Heaven Posted April 6, 2013 by Sirian Heaven


Reblogged from The Creator Writings:

Click to visit the original post

As a human being, you are either in a state of contraction or expansion; think black hole versus nova. A black hole contracts, pulling everything near it to its center leaving nothing but darkness. A nova, even as a by-product of destruction, creates light beyond measure. This contraction or expansion of the spirit within is your doing, your creation, your choice. ~ Creator


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3MIN News April 6, 2013: 7.0 Indonesia & M2 Solar Flare



Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Apr 6, 2013


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~ Love Energy Update ~



Message from The Earth Allies

~ Love Energy Update ~

Higherself Activation



~2013~ Full Consciousness~

Welcome to the Fire Energy of April!

~ CHANGE, Guaranteed to Light you Up one way or the other~



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Sea Ice Max 2013: An interesting year for Arctic sea ice


The Watchers - 6 April 2013 - by Chillymanjaro

NASA Goddard Visualisation Studio released video about state of Arctic sea ice during first three months of 2013. After a record melt season, an Arctic cyclone, and a fascinating fracturing event, Arctic sea ice has reached its maximum extent for the year. According to National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSDIC), Arctic sea ice reached its maximum extent for the year on March 15 at 15.13 million square kilometers (5.84 million square miles). This year’s maximum ice extent was the sixth lowest in the satellite record (the lowest maximum extent occurred in 2011). The ten lowest maximums in the satellite record...

NASA Goddard Visualisation Studio released video about state of Arctic sea ice during first three months of 2013. After a record melt season, an Arctic cyclone, and a fascinating fracturing event, Arctic sea ice has reached its maximum extent for the year. According to National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSDIC), Arctic sea ice reached its maximum extent for the year on March 15 at 15.13 million square kilometers (5.84 million square miles). This year’s maximum ice extent was the sixth lowest in the satellite record (the lowest maximum extent occurred in 2011). The ten lowest maximums in the satellite record have occurred in the last ten years (2004 to 2013).


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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 6, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 7.0 mag quake in PAPUA, INDONESIA

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 6




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Pluto's Gate Uncovered in Turkey


Discovery.com - 3/29/13, Rossella Lorenzi

This digital reconstruction of the Plutonium shows the entire site. Pilgrims watched the sacred rites on the steps, took the waters in the pool, slept not too far from the cave and received visions and prophecies, in a sort of oracle of Delphi effect. During the 6th century AD, the Plutonium was obliterated by the Christians. Earthquakes may have then completed the demolition work.

A “gate to hell” has emerged from ruins in southwestern Turkey, Italian archaeologists have announced.

Known as Pluto's Gate -- Ploutonion in Greek, Plutonium in Latin -- the cave was celebrated as the portal to the underworld in Greco-Roman mythology and tradition.

To read the rest of this story, visit Discovery.com.


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Report: Asian Carp May Have Reached Great Lakes


Weather.com - John Flesher, 4/05/13

In this June 22, 2010 file photo provided by the Illinois Department of Natural resources, a 20-pound Asian carp is held after being caught in Lake Calumet, about six miles downstream from Lake Michigan. (AP Photo/Illinois Department of Natural Resources, File)

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. -- At least some Asian carp probably have found their way into the Great Lakes, but there's still time to stop the dreaded invaders from becoming established and unraveling food chains that support a $7 billion fishing industry and sensitive ecosystems, according to a scientific report released Thursday.

Written by experts who pioneered use of genetic data to search for the aggressive fish, the paper disagrees with government scientists who say many of the positive Asian carp DNA hits recorded in or near the lakes in recent years could have come from other sources, such as excrement from birds that fed on carp in distant rivers.


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Rare Florida Panther Released Back into Wild


Weather.com - Jennifer Kay, 4/04/13

A 2-year-old Florida panther is released into the wild by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) on April 3, 2013 in West Palm Beach, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

IN THE FLORIDA EVERGLADES -- An endangered Florida panther rescued as a kitten and raised in captivity has made a rare run back into the wild.

The sandy-colored, 120-pound panther cautiously poked its head out of the crate that wildlife officials drove Wednesday from northeast Florida to Palm Beach County, then it trotted out onto a gravel road in the Rotenberger Wildlife Management Area.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Another Summer of Drought Looms for Texas and West


Wunderground.com - Daniel Yawitz, 4/05/13

Seasonal Drought Outook, April 4, 2013. Credit: NOAA.

The outlook for the western half of the U.S. continued to be bleak on Thursday, as forecasters said drought conditions are expected to expand and intensify all across the West and Southwest.

And Texas, which has been in the throes of drought for the better part of two years, may be hardest hit as its bone-dry conditions are expected to continue into summer, leading to shortages of drinking water.

To read the rest of this story, visit Wunderground.com.


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A Channeled Message from God I Am on Korea Hi Ho He


Hi Life,

Korea has power. Do we fear Korea's power? Do we fear the love of Korea as power of love or power of fear? Do we fear the fear of the love of korea or do we love the love of the fear of korea? Do we fear our fear, our fear of Korea's power? If we do, we are creating more of it, more fear for fear to fear.

We can create from a space of open love and embrace all as living life, or we can embrace from a space of fear and live all as life, as love, not. That's creative. What we perceive life to be in the process of perceiving life being creates the space of beingness, the space of what we experience here now. What we perceive ourselves perceiving creates what we se, what we manifest here now.

Whatever we perceive ourselves percieving creates realities. If we perceive korea creating power in love, we perceive life as korea. If we perceive korea creating power in fear, we perceive death of life as korea and all in the wake of korea as the perception of death of life as korea will reap that perception, unless we change our mind. Why not do our mind of life up in God I Am?

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Judith Dagley ~ The Celestial Team ~ The Proof Of Your Power As A Creator Being Is Beyond Measure – 6 April 2013



Uploaded on 4 April 2013 by fromthecelestialteam

Hello Beloveds,

This is Judith. The video I’m offering to you came through me all of a sudden, and at a “time” when sitting in front of a camera was the furthest thing from my mind. I understand that this is because my own thought processes had nothing to do with it. Rather, it came in response to a “collective doubt” that has been persisting within humanity, one that can only hold us back if not addressed. So, the moment an energetic opening in that wall of collective doubt occurred, like a tiny vortex, you might say, the celestial team came whooshing through with this video. Obviously, they had been waiting for it.


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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - April 6, 2013



Posted by Krishna Kalki on September 7, 2011 at 1:20am in Alternative Media, World 

*MUST SEE* Orbs in the clouds 2013

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The manuscript of survival – part 296


aisha north April 6, 2013

As you have already ascertained, these last few days have been nothing if not intense, and even if they in many ways may have left you feeling weaker in the flesh, you will also sense that your spirit has lifted in more ways than one. For you are made of sturdy stuff indeed, but as yet, your physical body has a hard time coming to the same conclusion. And rightly so, for within is where the changes occur, and as such, your flesh and bones may still feel as if they are at times being torn apart. But they are not, and neither are you, as what is occuring, is such a monumental rewiring and rearranging it will leave you all feel more than a little bit worn and torn and the end of it. But contrary to assumption, you are not being torn down, you are only being fortified in every way, and as such, once again the symptoms will mask the true purpose behind all of these goings on.


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Archangel Indriel. “Connect With Friends. Be A Friend To Yourself.” By, Bella Capozzi. April 5, 2013


Cupcakes and Angels Posted on April 5, 2013 by bella7xoxo


Here’s a brand new message from Indriel, which came in while I was on my way to yoga this morning. Of course, I stopped what I was doing to write down what I heard, and ended up with what I feel is the perfect advice to kick off our weekend.  She encourages us to slow down a bit, and to set aside time to connect with friends – both new and old.  Also, as she has done many times before, she advises us to pamper ourselves from time to time, and to not forget about taking that all-important Me Time!




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The Oracle Report Saturday, April 6 - Sunday, April 7, 2013


The Oracle Report

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Dream


Angel Wisdom Saturday, April 6, 2013


Take a leap of faith


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Hobart is running hot


weatherzone Kim Westcott, Saturday April 6, 2013 - 16:10 EDT

Hobart has been exceeded average monthly temperatures, so far with a fifteen month streak.

The last time that Hobart recorded a below average temperature, was back in December 2011. In that month the temperature was only one tenth of a degree cooler than average. Fifteen months later, the monthly average daytime temperatures have all exceeded the long-term average.

In March 2013, the average monthly temperature was 2.8 degrees warmer, making last month the largest anomaly in the past fifteen months.


To read the rest of this story visit weatherzone


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Volcanic activity worldwide 5 Apr 2013: Etna, El Hierro


Volcano Discovery Friday Apr 05, 2013 19:54 PM |


Distribution of the recent earthquakes under El Hierro (IGN) - note the distinct two layers at about 20 and 10 km depth

Distribution of the recent earthquakes under El Hierro (IGN) - note the distinct two layers at about 20 and 10 km depth


Etna (Sicily, Italy): Today is a very sad day for all free people who like Etna: Etna has become a "forbidden volcano".
Maybe intimidated by the recent lava fountains of Etna, the Prefecture of Catania has decided to take strict measures and published a strict ruleset what is allowed and what not, to protect us from the dangerous volcano:


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Heavenletter #4516 - The Golden Gifts of Your Life


Heaven Letters Published on: April 6, 2013

God said:

There is a good thing about dwelling in the past, and that is you may well come to feel that your life wasn’t so bad after all!

In fact, you see now that your life was good. From this distance of time and space, you begin to perceive just how good your life has been. You begin to see that you were perhaps a bit fussy in what you had expected from life. At the time, you may not have seen yourself as a lucky one, and now you begin to see.

You now may well see that you were buoyed by life, and, indeed, you may well see now that you were one of the fortunate ones, one of the very fortunate ones. You would have indeed had greater fortune if only you had appreciated what life was bestowing upon you at the time.


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