English -- Mike Quinsey -- Message through my Higher Self -- 17th June 2016

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17th. June 2016. Mike Quinsey.

The Earth is alive with secret activity but little of it reaches your ears, because the dark Ones still control the Press in spite of the fact that their power is quickly weakening. However, desirable changes are still taking place, and the next major one will be when the new Republic of the United States of America can be officially announced. A new President has already been appointed which along with dramatic changes will give power back to the people. It has been a long hard road for those involved but well worth the effort. It will bring freedom from those who would hold you all in bondage. The “silent war” over who controls the Earth and its people is coming to an end very soon, and you will be relieved to know that the threat hanging over your heads has been removed. To be prisoners on your own planet would have been bad enough, but plans had been made to drastically reduce the population. Some of you have learnt who is responsible and in time all will be revealed to everyone so that you understand what had been planned for your future.

No doubt many will wonder how and why such circumstances can arise, and be assured that in time you will informed of your true history. Bear in mind that through their many incarnations, all souls have shared responsibility for the ultimate conditions that you have experienced. Because freedom of choice operates where you are concerned, and as a civilisation you have projected your own future onto the fabric of time and have created your own experiences. Naturally the dark Ones have taken advantage of the warlike Race of Humans, to create situations to their liking that have perpetuated the conditions of lack and disarray.

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