- The Pleiadians ~ Mind Control…Is it Real?
- The Deep Inner Tsunami and the Field of Change!
- Yungchen Lhamo - Tibetan Goddess of music
- YES! A Valerie McNeal Art Show in Santa Cruz! ❤
- Flooding, Water Rescues Reported in Houston
- Latest Earthquake Activity - April 28, 2013
- BBCNews ~ Cannabis Linked To Biblical Healing
- This video absolutely will make your day.
- Time ~ The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn April 27,2013
- Thank You for reading and Sharing~Important Information~
- Suzanne Lie ~ We Are Conscious Creators
- HISTORICAL MEETING: Brazilian MoD Discusses UFOs Disclosure With Ufologists
- Earth Ally Will Harader ~Deny Nothing
- Re~Post: 101 Ways To Raise Your Vibration (Or What To Do If You Fall Off The Joy Wagon!)
- Re~Hearter. Chat Session This Afternoon ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!
- Treacherous waves and Storm force winds hammer Tasmania
- Warier Down
- Possible late season cyclone for Queensland
- ‘Anonymous’ hacks Spain parliament’s website: Report
- Soaring with Spirit Show!! Sunday April 28, 2013
- 3.2 magnitude earthquake rattles Santa Monica Bay
- 2013: the year of the comet – new comet discovery announced
- Record High Temps Recorded In The Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem
- Cassini – meteoroids are breaking into streams of rubble and crashing into Saturn’s rings
- Planetary alignment / earthquake watch – April 27-28, 2013
- Heavenletter #4538 - Love Gone
- Volcanoes Today, 28 Apr 2013: Tungurahua, Etna
- Sydney bathing in late season warmth
- Nights getting chillier in QLD and northeastern NSW
Greetings Love Beings, Enjoy the energies! We Are Getting a Refresh and a reset! We will Be Back Tuesday!!! The Earth Angels Have it all Covered. We Love YOU, Love Mother and Father God
The Pleiadians ~ Mind Control…Is it Real?
There are currently devices that can and are implanted into those that have unconscious and/or conscious agreements to allow it to be so, or have emotions that need to be released therefore creating a weakness in their energy field. If you become sick, or have randomly begun to feel bad, you may surely have an implant.
Implants emanate certain messages into people’s consciousness that usually impose obsessive thoughts that are not serving the person’s being. They can also bring about physical illness. They can be removed, and we will walk you through the removal of these in a bit today.
The Deep Inner Tsunami and the Field of Change!
What an interesting 3 day ride thru this full moon eclipse cycle! For me, it started the day before the full moon… the pull inward. I suppose, really, spirit gave me a warning shot in meditation the day before that (tuesday) but, I really assumed (my bad!) they were showing me the solar eclipse energy. Let me back up…
My day of readings on Tuesday showed two of the four beautiful souls I was reading for was already body deep in the eclipse energies. One made of the familiar blue, violet and black energy that I relate to earth workers and this first lunar eclipse and the next one was a young man sporting the yellow and white energy I relate to a sun/soul worker and the solar eclipse.
It is funny how we can see what is happening and not really see what is happening at all, if I did really “get it” I wouldn’t have been so surprised that what my meditation showed me had nothing to do with our perception of “time.”
Yungchen Lhamo - Tibetan Goddess of music
I saw this lady performing live... She is etheric, a fairy.
source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBLVulC_Ds0
YES! A Valerie McNeal Art Show in Santa Cruz! ❤
FRIDAY, MAY 3rd, 2013
418 Front St., Downtown Santa Cruz
Flooding, Water Rescues Reported in Houston
Weather.com - Sean Breslin, 4/27/13
Flooding became a major, life-threatening concern on Saturday night after inches of rain fell in the Houston, Texas area. According to The Weather Channel's Severe Weather Expert, Dr. Greg Forbes, rainfall totals of more than a half-foot were reported, including one report of 7.24 inches in Sugar Land-Meadows Place.
A spokesperson with the Houston Fire Department confirmed that at least 17 water rescues were ongoing late Saturday evening, and to this point, no injuries or deaths have been reported.
Video and more: Weather.com
Latest Earthquake Activity - April 28, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the 5.1 quake in TARAPACA, CHILE
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
April 28
BBCNews ~ Cannabis Linked To Biblical Healing
Thank you to lucas2012infos |
Jesus Christ and his apostles may have used a cannabis-based anointing oil to help cure people with crippling diseases, it has been claimed.Researchers in the United States say the oil used in the early days of the Christian church contained a cannabis extract called kaneh-bosem.
They suggest the extract, which is absorbed into the body when placed on the skin, could have helped cure people with a variety of physical and mental problems.
The medical use of cannabis during that time is supported by archaeological records
Chris Bennet
Read the rest of the article at: www.bbc.co.uk/ link to original article
Time ~ The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn April 27,2013
Time is relative and an appearance of illusion, my child. For us in the higher dimensions there exists no time. All is happening simultaneous. It is for us an easiness to jump back and forth between the so-calles ages because all is happening parallel. Hence we always tell you that you only live in the Now. We don’t know watches, like you are carrying with you. Once you’ll have left illusion you will detect how delightful it is to live timeless. It is relaxed and stress-free. You will lay aside your watches with pleasure, because outside of the illusion they don’t work correct and are of no value anymore. The end of time, like you know it, is rung in. Enjoy your last days in illusion and wake up in the reality. I welcome you, my child. ~ Your Divine Mother
Thank You for reading and Sharing~Important Information~
Greetings Love Beings, We would Like to Share why certain posts, which could possibly be at other lightworker websites are not posted here At The Galactic Free Press. We have a research team[ The Earth Allies, Earth Angels and First Contact Ground Crew Team] who all of Us research, post and are observing most Lightworker Websites, Blogs, Video's, Ufo reports, mainstream news, and weather and Earth Changes Across the Planet On a daily Basis to Provide the Highest Clearest Truths. As beings in Full consciousness we can see very clearly and we are here to be of service in this Way. We are Your Servants of Love and Whole Truth. Love is simple, if a post is complicated this is always a red flag. Many posts to mix fantasy and truth, this does not help you. In fact it hinders Your growth!
Suzanne Lie ~ We Are Conscious Creators
Tomorrow I return from my retreat in Nature. I wish I could say that I spent a great deal of time in Nature, but I actually spent a great deal of time sleeping. Being away from the house and all the things that I should do gave me time to do exactly what I wanted, and/or needed to do. And, what I spent a lot of time doing was sleeping.
I woke up several times last night, but I still slept a good three hours longer than I usually sleep. As I often do, I woke up with a sentence, which when written down becomes pages and pages. However, today’s sentence is not about writing. It is about doing, for when I awoke this morning my sentence was:
I Suzanne Lie from California USA
Volunteer to be a Conscious Creator of New Earth
The pivotal word in this statement is “conscious” creator, as we are all in the process of creating New Earth with our every thought and emotion.
We had hoped that our years and lives of dedication, meditation and service would be sufficient to give us a free ride to New Earth and/or the higher dimensions. However, this was not the case. We, the members of incarnated humanity, are the creators of New Earth.
HISTORICAL MEETING: Brazilian MoD Discusses UFOs Disclosure With Ufologists
Something absolutely extraordinary and unprecedented
has happened in Brazil thursday the 18th.
For the first time in history a Ministry of Defense of a country
has officially invited UFO researchers to discuss the UFO
Phenomena, how to handle its investigation and the information
it may come from it. The meeting happened 3 pm at the
Brazilian Ministry of Defense building, in Brasilia, the Federal
Capital, and over 20 people took part of it.
Re~Post: 101 Ways To Raise Your Vibration (Or What To Do If You Fall Off The Joy Wagon!)
What should you do if you fall off the Joy Wagon? We and only We are responsible for how We feel. Yes, we can and should ask for help if we are "having a moment," but ultimately, we must take responsibility for putting ourselves back En-Joy and Being LOVE. It is up to us, every moment, to choose LOVE!
So, if you've fallen off the Joy Wagon, take charge of putting yourself back on it! There are countless ways to cheer yourself up and raise your vibration and we have listed 101 of them below. Actually, I AM pretty sure that just reading this list will bring you Joy!
Please add your own suggestions to the list in the comments section below.
Write down all the things you do that bring you joy.
You can help us co-create another post!
I'd like to thank the Tuesday Group in Tiny Chat for co-creating this list and this post. Thank you, LOVE BEings for co-creating in Love! I Love You ALL.
~ namaste ~
Re~Hearter. Chat Session This Afternoon ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!
Join us here:
Awakening Stories and Questions & Answers
(With Mother God and Rain)
Sundays -- 3 to 5 pm Eastern
(Noon to 2 pm Pacific)
Welcome All! Join us to hear and share stories of Awakening and to have all your questions answered.
Be ready for LOVE and Laughter as we explore The New Earth and learn to co-create!
~ Love, Mother God and Rain
Treacherous waves and Storm force winds hammer Tasmania
Sam Brown, Saturday April 27, 2013 - 13:01 EST
Storm force winds and huge seas are battering Tasmania, although the worst is yet to come. At 7:20am this morning the Cape Sorell waverider buoy registered a maximum wave height of 10.5 metres. All recordings so far today have been above 6.9 metres and maximum wave heights have remained above 5.5m since Thursday morning.
Wind gusts of 131 km/h at Maatsuyker Island, 128 km/h at Scotts Peak and 109 km/h on Mt Read have already been recorded today. Winds averaging around 70 km/h with peak gusts of up to 130 km/h are forecast for parts of the Western and South East districts this evening. Gusts may be even stronger at higher elevations.
For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com
Warier Down
Even the toughest of the tough sometimes fall. You go through life and you keep on fighting and you endure the most horrific of times. But sometimes you just fall to your knees and cry. Why does life have to be so hard. You’ve been the rock for so many people for so many years and now it feels like the world is caving in around you.
Ok you know deep in your heart that everything will work out. You know that everything is in Right Divine Order. You know that this too shall pass. Ok so why still does it feel like, at the moment at least, that there’s no way out of this mess? So what do you do now? What’s next?
What seems like the hardest thing to do is to hand over control and to let go of your worries and problems to God. Easier said than done right? Well it is a matter of faith and trust. The thing is you wouldn’t have gotten this far if you weren’t truly a warier. You can do this. The mightiest of the mighty are so because they have learned to trust and to bend when opposition is upon them. You are mighty.
Possible late season cyclone for Queensland
Weatherzone, By: Drew Casper-Richardson, 04/27/2013
The north tropical Queensland coast may be impacted by a late season tropical cyclone next week. A weak low has formed within a trough over the Solomon Sea. Over the next few days this low is expected to intensify and move slowly in a west-southwest direction, towards the eastern Cape York Peninsula coast. The Bureau of Meteorology are rating Monday as a high likelihood (that is, greater than 50% chance) of this system developing into a tropical cyclone.
Should a cyclone form it will be named Zane. Sea surface temperatures in the region are around 29 degrees which provides ample energy to fuel tropical cyclone formation and development.
For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com
‘Anonymous’ hacks Spain parliament’s website: Report
PressTV - 4/26/13
Sources in the parliament told the Spanish daily El Mundo that the cyber attack jammed the servers at the parliament and caused its website to become inaccessible to the public, Russia Today reported on Thursday.
More: PressTV
Soaring with Spirit Show!! Sunday April 28, 2013
While Mother and Father God are away the kids gotta play!
2013: the year of the comet – new comet discovery announced
The Extinction Protocol, 3/28/13
April 28, 2013 – SPACE – Comet TENAGRA: Cbet nr. 3478, issued on 2013, April 19, announces the discovery of a apparently asteroidal object (discovery magnitude ~19.6) by M. Schwartz and P. R. Holvorcem on CCD images obtained with the Tenagra II 0.41-m f/3.75 astrograph located near Nogales, AZ, U.S.A. After posting on the Minor Planet Center’s NEOCP webpage, this apparently asteroidal object has been found to show cometary features by our team. Stacking of 12 R-filtered exposures, 50-sec each, obtained remotely from Haleakala-Faulkes Telescope North on 2013, April 18.4, through a 2.0-m f/10.0 Ritchey-Chretien + CCD (operated by LCOGT), shows that this object is a comet: compact coma about 5” in diameter elongated toward PA 110. The new comet has been designated COMET C/2013 G9 (TENAGRA). –Astro Watch
Record High Temps Recorded In The Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem
RedOrbit - 28 April 2013 - April Flowers
Cassini – meteoroids are breaking into streams of rubble and crashing into Saturn’s rings
The Watchers - 28 April 2013 - by Chiffre
New results from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft show that small meteoroids are breaking into streams of rubble and crashing into Saturn’s rings.
Saturn’s rings are the only place besides Earth, the moon, and Jupiter where researchers along with amateur astronomers have been able to observe impacts as they happen, as this new observations show.
Planetary alignment / earthquake watch – April 27-28, 2013
The Watchers - 28 April 2013
Two very strong planetary alignments (Mars-Earth-Sun-Saturn), supported by (Mercury-Venus-Jupiter) fall during this time-frame with an added influence involving the Asteroid Ceres and astrological aspects involving Pluto indicate a potential for a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on either one of these forecasted days.
This is my own analysis using heliocentric imagery, geocentric portrait and harmonic translations to predict possible effects here on Earth. I am using astrological aspects in this forecast in-conjunction with lunar modulations.
Heavenletter #4538 - Love Gone
Heaven Letters Published on: April 28, 2013
You may believe you have been running toward love and have been thwarted more than once. The truth may be that you may have been running away from love and, in so doing, naming yourself a victim. Therefore, you convinced yourself and found someone else to take blame for the love that you yourself deflected.
You may be confident that someone rejected you. They may have, and yet you may have instigated it. You are not the fall guy no matter how much you may feel you are. You are the instigator. You set yourself up. It’s hard for you to believe, yet you ejected yourself from love, landed in an empty field while lingering embers prevented you from forgiving another for your flight. Yes, you set yourself up.
Volcanoes Today, 28 Apr 2013: Tungurahua, Etna
Volcano Discovery Sunday Apr 28, 2013 13:02 PM
Lava fountains from the New SE crater (Etna Trekking webcam)
View from Schiena dell'Asino (Etra Trekking webcam)
Sydney bathing in late season warmth
Weatherzone, By: Brett Dutschke, 04/28/2013
It has been six years since Sydney has been as warm this late in autumn, bathing in 26 degree sunshine for the third day running. You have to go back to May 2007 to find the last time the city has had three consecutive days this warm this late in the season. It is also only the eighth time in the last 150 years that it has been this warm this late.
A big plus for many people is that the current unseasonable, sunny warmth is falling on their long Anzac weekend. It is also the final weekend of the school holidays. It is also not too bad for those who have had to put up with a standard two-day weekend. This is the warmest weekend this late in autumn in 23 years. For both Saturday and Sunday to reach at least 26 degrees has not occurred this late in autumn since 1990.
For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com
Nights getting chillier in QLD and northeastern NSW
Weatherzone, By: Sam Brown, Sunday 04/28/2013
It was the coolest night last night since the end of last year for parts of Queensland and northeast New South Wales. Last night was the coolest night since October last year for Taree in NSW and at Winton in QLD, dropping to 7.1 degrees and 11.9 degrees respectively. It was also the coolest night since November in Ballina NSW (11.7 degrees) and Moranbah QLD (12.9 degrees).
This cool night was due to clear skies, allowing heat from the previous day to return back into the atmosphere and cooler air to replace it.
For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com