ET Disclosure | "U.S. military worked with aliens"

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ET Disclosure Is An Ongoing Process Not An Event


We are seeing all sorts of hints that we are not alone, coming out… life on mars, life on our sun, ET life in our sky, ET life flashing blue, red and yellow ‘stars’ at night…  many of the green meteors are also of ET origin… the Russian “meteor’ as well…  all of this and more is part of a gentle unfolding of humanity’s awakening that not only have we never been alone, but that we’ve been part of an experiment in “low awareness” to the point that we may believe we are all alone in the universe, and in our lives… that ‘dense and illusion-filled’ part of the experiment is now ending, and now the experiment is for each soul to reunite with their soul essence and the rest of the universe in the process, while transforming from the gamma radiation photon belt our entire solar system is travelling through, into a fifth dimensional human of light and love… so many blessings on your path…  enjoy the view, enjoy your soul rising to the surface of reality and the many breakthroughs.

Affirmation:  ”I am uniting with the ongoing process of ET disclosure… I send streams of ‘greetings and peace” from earth to all universes… streams of white light connecting my soul and the planet, with all of Creation… and so it is!”

Indian in the machine