The Eve of 2014

Lia's picture


by Wes Annac

Photo Credit

It’s New Year’s Eve, and synchronicities have been plentiful for my family and I on this magical day. With the incredible transformation we’ve been blessed to experience in 2013, I can only imagine what this next year will have in store for all of us.

Some of you have known about my work since 2011, but I don’t feel like I really started living or serving until this year (2013). This year has given me so much, and I depart it a much wiser and happier person.

Inspiration to spread the message of spirit flows through in a different way than it did for me at the beginning of the year, and I can feel that this is only the beginning of the expansion of each of us. I don’t know if any of you have received any synchronistic clues about the progressive year ahead, but they continue to flow for me. It’s 4:44 PM as I write this.

Today, when checking on my family’s new house (we’re not able to move in yet because of repairs needing done) I said a silent affirmation that we’d be able to move in soon in 2014. As I walked outside to the front and opened the mailbox, I was greeted with a magazine I’d never seen that said “seeds of change”.

It turned out that my wife had an organic seed catalog mailed to our house, and I just happened to grab it and see the synchronistic message.

We’ve all been planting the seeds of change for a long time, and things have been brewing to an inevitable conclusion. Even though there’s a lot of work to do, I’m confident that we’re entering a heavenly future because of the divine inspiration that’s being acted on by a growing number of conscious seekers.

Feel free to disagree, but for me, 2013 was a very progressive year and I can feel that 2014 will build on this progression. No more stagnation. No more going around in circles. No more petty disagreements that keep us from our greater potential.

On the eve of 2014, you’re encouraged to welcome the divine qualities back into your life so that we can start creating change from within. The cultivation of inner peace and harmony will always be an important aspect of changing the world, and in this New Year, we build upon the visions that have danced in our heads and show the world that harmony is possible.

Unity can be more than an idea if we reinforce it on the world stage, and I look forward to seeing where this and every other year fits into humanity’s ongoing evolution.

Happy New Year, everybody. Have fun, be safe and remember that spirit is always with you.

Wes Annac
