Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says Extraterrestrials live among us

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Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says Extraterrestrials live among us

by Paul Chen

Sun Shili shows off his drawings


Sun Shili shows off his drawings of extraterrestials in human guise.

In the industrialized West, there evolved the prevailing Pseudo-religious dogma that human beings are at the centre of 'G-d's creation in the universe'. This dogma is the ideological motivation behind the on-going de-legitimization of the verfiable contact that people have had with Extraterrestrials (ETs). This apparent dogma has become the modern equivalent of the corresponding dogma, that "the world is flat", which Church and other elites centuries ago used to champion. In contrast, free of Western pseudo-religious based dogma, the Buddhist milieu of China, has freed their scientific community, with the support of government, and ofcommunity participation, to seek to explore UFO incidences and evidence of human contact with Extraterrestrials.



China UFO Expert Dr. Sun Shili Inerview

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Published on May 2, 2013

Dr. Sun Shili is a leading UFO researcher in China. He helped start China's leading UFO research organization, and was able to get the government to print his first UFO journals. He participated in the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington D.C. where we were able to interview him. He does not speak English, however he was Chairman Mao's Spanish translator.


The Emperor Huang Ti ...

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The Emperor Huang Ti, considered by many scholars to be the driving force behind cultural, social and economic development of China, attributed his vast knowledge to visits from beings from the Pleiades.


The ancient Chinese records mention amazing, wise and humane (humane, not human-P.S.) beings, the" Sons of Heaven" (this term became emperors' title much later), who had done so much for the then savage dwellers of the Huang He River valley. Before the "Sons of Heaven" appeared on Earth, familiar celestial phenomena preceded all such appearances. Before Huang-ti was born there occurred " a radiance from the great star Chi and the Dipper Constellation (Ursa Major)."   
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Huang-ti ruled the land for one hundred years, but his life span was much greater: some sources suggest that he lived for three hundred years. Where he spent the rest of his days, and what activities he was engaged in is open to speculation. There are Tao sources who state unambiguously that after one hundred years of his "rule" Huang-ti returned to his home star, "ascended the heavens, and became the ruler of the Great Infinite, again turning into the star Syuan Yuan." The same star that his "tripods" had pointed at. An ancient Chinese drawing of the Syuan Yuan constellation has been identified by modern astronomers as that of the Leo constellation. Its brightest star is (Alpha Leo), Regulus. We do not know much about this star; we do know that there are very few similarities between our Sun and Regulus. But there is a very curious similarity: there exists, in the Regulus star system, a radio source that emits signals in metric wave bands. In our Solar system there is also such a source: Earth. 
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Huang-ti, "having possessed the essence of thunder" was able to move through space at enormous velocities. He had a "dragon," Changhuan, used by Huang-ti to ascend to Sun. One ancient writing mentioned that this marvelous means of transportation "originates in the land where suns are born," and is very old, over three thousand years. But most significant is the notion that the enormous speed has an effect on the movement of Time, and staves off the ageing process of human organism. Biography of Huang-ti states that a "changhuan" covers myriads of miles in a day, and that human who "rides" it can reach an age of two thousand years. 
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