- Waking Up With Excitement
- My 26 Years of Usui Reiki
- 3/31/2012 -- Severe weather -- Florida, Georgia, California, Oregon, Washington State
- “WHERE ARE YOU ON THE PATH OF ASCENSION?” -Message from Archangel Michael
- Let’s Co-Create a Renaissance of Love by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
- Hope: Crossing the Financial Heart Line
- Nancy Detweiler: Is It Your Truth, My Truth or The Truth?
- North Sea Gas Leak/First Acid Rain Warning/UK/Amsterdam
- ~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-31-2012 – Ready for the New Planet? ~
- EARTH ALLIE[N]S REPORT 31.3.12... URGENT: ARRESTS IMMINENT... What to Know, What to Do, and What Not to Do
- Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 03-31-12
- World’s Pyramids Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud
- America’s Murdoch Weakness ~ Espionage and Bribery on the Surface, What is Beneath?
- From the Freedom Reigns website ~What to Know, What to Do, and What Not to Do
- This is the beginning of humanity’s birth into its full possibilities. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
- What about the rabbit hole?
- April 2 - 8, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading
- Large Space Craft Showing On SoHo
- Heavenletter #4145 The Apples of God's Tree, March 31, 2012
- Earth Facing Filament Release/North Sea Gas Leak
- 3/30/2012 -- Giant plume of something in Arkansas -- no analysis -- just video
- LightsOn Entertainment
- 2MIN News March31 + Silent Lightning: Weird Weather 0bservation
- BEN FULFORD: Status of Japan in Regards to New BRICS Financial System
- Oneness: Leading? Following? It's All Good
- Dave Schmidt: Building Unity
- Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 31 March 2012
- BlogTalkRadio Show: Our Galactic Family with the “Hugh-Man” April 1, 2012
- The Collective Consciousness and Universal Mind
- Signs of Illuminati Defeat are Everywhere!
- Lee~Anne Peters ~ Swept Into Oneness ~ 1 April 2012
- ~ The OM Crystal of Shasta & Completion of OM
- Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 First Quarter Review
- Galactic Federation of Light message - April 1st, 2012.
- Planetary Guide for April 1-7
- SUPER MASSIVE STORM & Tornados of Plasma on the Sun Mar 2012
- 2MIN News Apr1: NASA Comets, Weather, Earth, and Solar Update
- Mafia banker Vito Palazzolo 'held in Thailand'
- Tornado of Plasma on the Sun ten times the diameter of the Earth on 31 Mar 2012
- Galactic Federation of Light message - April 1st, 2012.
- Nassim Haramein - What Is The Vatican Hiding About The Sun.
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/31/12
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/31/12
- Etna Volcano tremor signal starting to rise sharply
- Laura Bruno ~ Hurry Up and Wait
- ~ Breaking News~ The Restart~ A Planet Of One Has Been Granted For Planet Earth=Heart~
- Who are You?
- Jesus – Those Who Wear The Masks Of Worldly Strength And Power To Hide Their Fear Are Terrified Of Love
- ~The Promise~ Love Your Earth Allie's~ We Truly are All One~
- Heavenletter #4146 Sing the Song That Is Yours to Sing
- What is about to occur is of a stunningly momentous nature
- Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time! Yeehaw~
- Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 First Quarter Review
- ~Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun Wind Speed 331
- A Planet of ONE ~ Message by Father~MotherGod
- Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: A Message of Ascension Assurance
- Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa Mar 30 2012
- Selacia – Council Of 12 Message – Expressing The Soul – Only You Can Give Your Music – 1 April 2012
- Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 1 April 2012
~Greetings Love Beings We have Finally Arrived into the Energies of April. The Light will now begin Manifesting Quite Quickly Now, there is nothing that can stop the momentum of this Love Energy. Yeehaw~ The Creator's Have Granted Planet Earth=Heart Everything she has Prayed for her and Everyone on her Planet. We will have More about this in today's Update. We Love you, Love Mother and Father God and Your Earth Allies
Waking Up With Excitement
Greetings Dear Family!
Everyday I wake up is so exciting! This morning I saw the largest woodpecker I've ever seen come flying only a few feet over my head! This was no ordinary woodpecker either. This one was huge! Guessing it was at least 10 or 11 inches in heighth with a big bright red head and a wing span much like what we call here in Georgia a "prarie chicken" (vulture), and a bill as long as one of my thumbs! And when he starts drilling into a tree, you can hear it from far away.
This is just one of the many miracles I see each and every day, and some of them seem so familiar to me. I'm seeing more geese and flocks of birds flying harmoniously together in sync. Bumble Bees are plentiful and they are even buzzing around me as if they've got something to say. The dragonfly's are flying on top of each other, and I've even come across a june bug already! My friend across the street has a small creek close to her back yard and it's full of baby turtles, and the water in it has changed from clear to murky and full of green moss.
The clouds in the skies seem so close to the ground that you feel you can almost jump up and touch them. The chem-trails have nearly dissappeared, and the weather here in Georgia is just beautiful. The trees are blooming and everything is green again. Everyday I'm seeing more and more people out and about walking, smiling and even talking to their neighbors. What used to be a tense mood has turned into a happy one, and as I sit on my porch I get waves of hello.
My 26 Years of Usui Reiki
My 26 Years of Usui Reiki
K-O-R Technique of Usui Reiki
Channel: The Council Twelve
Many schools of Reiki and thoughts about Reiki have come into being since I began my life with Usui Reiki.
Permit me to share my experience.
My Reiki life began in 1986 in New York City with my initiating master Michael J. Hartley.
I had never heard of Reiki back then, but the very word ‘Reiki’ caught my attention and I went to a gathering to find out more about this hands-on healing process.
I was impressed but had no financial capability to take the first level and even though Michael offered to make payment arrangements, I was walking out of the meeting and I was stopped in my tracks and found myself walking back and said let me work this out and I want to learn this healing art.
The process was set in motion and I now am 26 years into this powerful healing method.
Reiki has brought incredible paths that opened up to me beyond the actual practice of ‘hands on’ work.
As a practitioner or initiating master one is bringing in the Universal Life Force Energy or Reiki and that energy brings about balance in the recipient as well as the channel. Reiki brings about spiritual growth and presents new paths and persons in our life that expand us.
Consciousness is where I believe healing takes place and Reiki truly uplifts ‘consciousness’ to the spiritual planes and then assists to unfold and present experiences/teachers/paths that continues this spiritual process.
“WHERE ARE YOU ON THE PATH OF ASCENSION?” -Message from Archangel Michael
Ronna Herman – “WHERE ARE YOU ON THE PATH OF ASCENSION?” -Message from Archangel Michael
Let’s Co-Create a Renaissance of Love by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles: Let’s Co-Create a Renaissance of Love
by GLR Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, March 29, 2012
The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that through the collective consciousness of Humanity we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point that will enable us to utilize the celestial alignments that will take place this momentous year of 2012 to cocreate A Renaissance of Love on Planet Earth. Together, we will change the course of history.
Hope: Crossing the Financial Heart Line
Hope: Crossing the Financial Heart Line
Hope: Crossing the Financial Heart Line
By GLR Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
March 2012
As we all collectively enter a new grade of the school of creative financing we find that we stand at a point in-between what we believe in our hearts to be possible and what we see in our world.
Nancy Detweiler: Is It Your Truth, My Truth or The Truth?
Nancy Detweiler: Is It Your Truth, My Truth or The Truth?
by GLR Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
Allow the circle to symbolize Earth humans’ actual brain power. On average, we use only 10% (the red) of our brain power.
As I walk around my beachfront village today..., I see that that many children are out with their parents enjoying the sights and enjoying the day.. I marvel at each one as they go about their business in the act of BEING who they are. One child climbs up on a railing and does a flip..., another rides a skateboard...., yes we are all family! Blessings to these sacred souls..., I say to myself as I walk past. Would it be out of line to hug them? If only the world were different. As I walk down the street, a lovely dog with bright eyes sees me and I can feel it's response. His/or her heart leaps and I feel it as I come closer and he strains as his leash and wants to come to me. (I know you..., it's soul seems to be saying) "Oh you are so lovely..., what a gorgeous dog," I say in a loving voice and gently pet him on the head. "...he's only eight months old, so he still has some growing up to do," the dog's owner tells me happily. A very small boy is watching this exchange nearby, now seems to have gotten courage after seeing what I've done and comes and also pets the dogs head. A MIRACLE has occurred! I smile and start to walk away... "THANK YOU," the dog's owner says with gratitude, but also a subtle sense of shock at how simple and seamlessly the whole loving event took place. A father cradles his young child in his arms waiting outside a shop... Blessings to these souls...I think to myself and continue on. What miraculous beings I find as I walk down the street. Each and every one of them important. I know that my life would not be complete without their presence. I know they each are giving the perfect gift of themselves today by being who they are. My thoughts of love are my giving, Giving blessings are my choosing, My choosing shows my intent, The circle is complete! Each moment..., every moment..., is a creation. MUCH LOVE TO ALL
~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-31-2012 – Ready for the New Planet? ~
~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-31-2012 – Ready for the New Planet? ~
by ANdReA
Update from MotherFatherGod: as their internet connection is still not completed they will be back tomorrow morning at 9.00 PST. Thank you for your patience.
Have you done your Heart=Love=Freedom homework? Did you start creating your New Free Planet Earth=Heart? Can you see it? It’s Here.
Can you see the crystal clean rivers, the shiny mountains, the clear blue sky?
EARTH ALLIE[N]S REPORT 31.3.12... URGENT: ARRESTS IMMINENT... What to Know, What to Do, and What Not to Do
NOTE: The above is an image or screen shot that was sent to us. We apologize for the typographical errors, but are not responsible
for them. In the title, the word "Immenint" should be "Imminent" and in the first column where it speaks of "marshal" law, the word
should be "martial"
So Grateful dear Freedom Reigns and beloved Drake...
If we truly care for misspelling word more than a message, than you have to ask self dear Carol: Do you truly know what freedom means for you?...
Is it freedom for you to judge souls from which you are receiving most beautiful and uplifting message?... or simply let them stand tall in their knowing, and willingness to share the light with others?...
Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 03-31-12
Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?
Today many of our crafts were occupied cleaning the athmosphere from chemtrails, so maybe this it one of the reasons why sightings have not been as much as usual, however, I guess the first video will raise some questions and, from some sources, the most amazing answers!
Enjoy your ride! Love’s Here!
Large Space Craft Showing On SoHo
My Brothers and Siters in love...blessings to one and all, and Happy Saturday! I witnessed this week something in the light worker community that bothers me and I wish to address it in my blog. I have enjoyed reading the Channeled messages from Greg Giles for the last few months and feel that his last few messages although quite different from others are in fact at least plausible. But there is a much bigger issue that has arisen out of these last few channelings and that is the behaviour of certain "light workers" who have come out publicly and denouced both Greg and his messages as absolutely false. WHO could do this with absolute certainty and not be kidding themselves? The "ego" that would consider it's own version of reality to be the "ONLY POSSIBILITY OUT THERE" would have to be a huge as a football field. I personally feel that it is quite okay to publicly state in a discussion forum that a particular "message" from a channeler does NOT resonate with ME or with MY OWN higher intuition, for that is discernment, and that is what we all are called to do. But to "compare" one particular channeler against another channeler and claim the high road for your own favorite channel is ABSURD! My friends..., please, please let this sink in. It is ABSURD to say in any public forum that "my channeler" is better or more trust worthy than your channeler!
This is the beginning of humanity’s birth into its full possibilities. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
This is the beginning of humanity’s birth into its full possibilities. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
March 31, 2012 in Ron's Channeled Messages | Tags: Channeling, Michael, Spirituality | byOracles and Healers
Yes, I listened to all 3 hours; and I resonated greatly with almost everything that was said. There was one glaring exception. Drake made it clear that he was not part of the Republic (RuSA) or associated with Tim Turner. The first time I heard Drake a week or two ago, I felt he was working with some of Tim Turner's detractors; yet almost everything he said was exactly what I have learned during my own association with the Republic. Today, I hope to clear up some of the confusion, since many people asked about it yesterday.
April 2 - 8, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading
This week will be intense, which could bring up fears. The angel cards guide you to use all of your spiritual resources, especially prayer, surrender, and shielding, to deal with the changes that are quickly occuring. Trust your intuition, and give all fears or worries to God.
Heavenletter #4145 The Apples of God's Tree, March 31, 2012
Heavenletter #4145 The Apples of God's Tree, March 31, 2012
LightsOn Entertainment
LightsOn Entertainment
by GLR Kidd Icemusic Element
* Project Chronos * Going into motion soon. ~ The revealing of age old mysteries while opening the doors to new ones. In sync with the initiation of this E.T.T will also be launched
( Elemental Tools & Technology ) We will be creating technological tools as well as natural tools that will be able to aid in everyday life. As well as the video documenting of step by step revelations experienced by brothers on the path as many of the places where the mysteries of time began, are visited. Tapping into the eternal memories that are already in place only waiting to be triggered by perhaps a familiar scene where long forgotten memories have taken place.
BEN FULFORD: Status of Japan in Regards to New BRICS Financial System
Status of Japan in Regards
to New BRICS Financial System
Ben Fulford Blog Post
RE: BRICS and the new financial system
Hi Ben,
Recently I saw a conference by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme (teacher of political and Social Science at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)), where explains that BRICS are creating a new international Bank and a new financial system to fight against the power of FMI and the World Bank So my question is the following:? Is this the new financial system you have been talking about If the answer is yes, could you clarify which is the role that Japan is going to have in all this stuff and how BRICS will help to free humanity from the cabal?
Thanks in advance,
PS As I Know You Have a Good Spanish, I Add your Review for the conference link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IWF3IkyG2j4
Oneness: Leading? Following? It's All Good
Dave Schmidt: Building Unity
Dave Schmidt: Building Unity
Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 31 March 2012
Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 31 March 2012
BlogTalkRadio Show: Our Galactic Family with the “Hugh-Man” April 1, 2012
BlogTalkRadio Show: Our Galactic Family with the “Hugh-Man” April 1, 2012
Graham Dewyea interviews the “Hugh-Man” on Our Galactic Family, April 1, 2012
Lee~Anne Peters ~ Swept Into Oneness ~ 1 April 2012
Lee~Anne Peters ~ Swept Into Oneness ~ 1 April 2012
Many of us are now experiencing more and more moments of feeling One – like we belong to something far greater and wider than what we have seen, touched and felt for some time. This is a time of Great Remembering, where we are recalling our connections and who we are. Are you being swept into Oneness?
I used to think I was all alone in this pressurized world and being here was a massive mystery to me. I began exploring separation further and learned that I had deep separation issues that stretched right back to my split from the creator (the larger part of me)! My separation issues were reflecting into my life and as a consequence I felt more isolated and alone. As I explored those old wounds that wanted so desperately to be healed, I started to be swept into Oneness.
This Oneness continues to feel safer and more comfy as you let go of the illusions and separations, and you step further into your freedom. Today I wanted to draw a picture, as I find this is a great way for me to express my message without trying to find the right words in this often limiting language. As you connect with the drawing, allow yourself to be swept into it as it reflects subtle energies to your soul.
~ The OM Crystal of Shasta & Completion of OM
James Tyberonn ~ The OM Crystal of Shasta & Completion of OM
Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 First Quarter Review
Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 First Quarter Review
Thanks go to my sister Yasmeen Harper for drawing this image for me that I’ve had in my head for years.
Galactic Federation of Light message - April 1st, 2012.
Time is drawing near. The Dark Cabal are on their final roundup, and the path is being laid clear for your final stages of ascension.
Those who are still unsure of their purpose will now be shown what it is that is required of you at this time. Many of you have already received communication from us and are aware of your mission here, it is now time for the remaining Lightworkers to be provided with their missions so that they can begin their tasks in earnest.
Many of you will have noticed increased activity in your night and day skies. This will continue and become increasingly abundant, as we wish to convey our presence to every inhabitant of planet Earth. We have decided that gradually increasing our sightings is the least fear-induced way for us to reveal ourselves, as soon our sightings will become commonplace, and everyone will know that we are here and are real.
This is when the true face to face contact will begin in earnest.
Many of you have already experienced initial contact with us, through the spoken word, through dreams, and for a few of you - physical contact. The physical contact will increase, as we feel that this is a more believable way to dispel the doubts many of you still have - dreams and voices can be explained away as imagination. Physical contact cannot.
So, we ask each and every one of you to please remain open to receiving contact from us, as this is an integral part of the ascension process. Yes, many of you feel that you were sent here to do it on your own, and that we are 'interfering' with your mission if we step in to assist but this is purely your 3D egos speaking.
Galactic Federation of Light message - April 1st, 2012.
Time is drawing near. The Dark Cabal are on their final roundup, and the path is being laid clear for your final stages of ascension.
Those who are still unsure of their purpose will now be shown what it is that is required of you at this time. Many of you have already received communication from us and are aware of your mission here, it is now time for the remaining Lightworkers to be provided with their missions so that they can begin their tasks in earnest.
Many of you will have noticed increased activity in your night and day skies. This will continue and become increasingly abundant, as we wish to convey our presence to every inhabitant of planet Earth. We have decided that gradually increasing our sightings is the least fear-induced way for us to reveal ourselves, as soon our sightings will become commonplace, and everyone will know that we are here and are real.
This is when the true face to face contact will begin in earnest.
Many of you have already experienced initial contact with us, through the spoken word, through dreams, and for a few of you - physical contact. The physical contact will increase, as we feel that this is a more believable way to dispel the doubts many of you still have - dreams and voices can be explained away as imagination. Physical contact cannot.
So, we ask each and every one of you to please remain open to receiving contact from us, as this is an integral part of the ascension process. Yes, many of you feel that you were sent here to do it on your own, and that we are 'interfering' with your mission if we step in to assist but this is purely your 3D egos speaking.
Nassim Haramein - What Is The Vatican Hiding About The Sun.
Comment from the Galactic Free Press: the answer to the last question is: YES!
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/31/12
Hello my friends, in the days ahead there will be challenges that you will be required to rise up and face as courageously as you can, as there will be those of you who are asked to become leaders of your fellow man and lead them through the face of adversity. This is the reason some of you are here, and this is your purpose at this time. If you feel you are being called to the forefront of your people, then we say to you this is your call and you are hearing it loud and clear. We say to you, follow this beacon that will lead you to a destination that will see you taking charge of situations and assisting your brothers and sisters to make it through these days ahead with grace and confidence that they will make it through these events safely, seeing no harm come to them or their families who have trusted your leadership and have been inspired by your wisdom, your courage and your understanding of these events.
What you are being asked to do is to relive the events that have transpired here in the distant past, but this time you will gather all your resources, including each other, to assist you better handle these challenges and rise to the occasion, defeating any obstacle that presents itself in your path. You are being asked to face these challenges with courage and determination and a will to survive. What you are not being asked to do is to panic, to fear, to turn on each other, to quit, to feel sorry for yourselves and to allow these challenging events to overpower you and defeat you.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/31/12
Hello my friends, in the days ahead there will be challenges that you will be required to rise up and face as courageously as you can, as there will be those of you who are asked to become leaders of your fellow man and lead them through the face of adversity. This is the reason some of you are here, and this is your purpose at this time. If you feel you are being called to the forefront of your people, then we say to you this is your call and you are hearing it loud and clear. We say to you, follow this beacon that will lead you to a destination that will see you taking charge of situations and assisting your brothers and sisters to make it through these days ahead with grace and confidence that they will make it through these events safely, seeing no harm come to them or their families who have trusted your leadership and have been inspired by your wisdom, your courage and your understanding of these events.
What you are being asked to do is to relive the events that have transpired here in the distant past, but this time you will gather all your resources, including each other, to assist you better handle these challenges and rise to the occasion, defeating any obstacle that presents itself in your path. You are being asked to face these challenges with courage and determination and a will to survive. What you are not being asked to do is to panic, to fear, to turn on each other, to quit, to feel sorry for yourselves and to allow these challenging events to overpower you and defeat you.
Laura Bruno ~ Hurry Up and Wait
Laura Bruno ~ Hurry Up and Wait
~ Breaking News~ The Restart~ A Planet Of One Has Been Granted For Planet Earth=Heart~
~Heaven is Now Pouring In~ Our Love Gift to Humanity as Promised! And Granted By The Creator's.
WE will share more about the exciting events unfolding Now on Planet Earth=Heart as We are Your Present Moment of Now Galactic Love Reporters
Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra and Your Earth Allies~
Jesus – Those Who Wear The Masks Of Worldly Strength And Power To Hide Their Fear Are Terrified Of Love
Heavenletter #4146 Sing the Song That Is Yours to Sing
Heavenletter #4146 Sing the Song That Is Yours to Sing,
April 1, 2012
God said:
Even when you feel that you hold life by the reins, you are floating. Life is like riding a raft. You can even tie up the raft on shore, and still it can slip away into the sea, and somehow take you with it. Life will always take you with it. One way or another, you have to go along with it. You can take it in your stride, or you can drag your feet. Regardless, life will pick you up and take you with it.
You may create life as it happens, and yet you are not the captain of it. That you are in charge, the way a captain or general is in charge, is an illusion like any other.
What is about to occur is of a stunningly momentous nature
Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time! Yeehaw~
Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time!
Posted by Freer Spirit Jen on April 1, 2012
This is a channeled message I received from my star brother, Peter, of the Pleiadian Ring of 500, on Sunday, April 1, 2012. No foolin’.
Greetings and hello to all our Earth being family members! This is Peter, once again, from the Pleidian Ring of 500, and my crew and I are orbiting your planet, serving as intel for the Pleiadian Council of Light, The Galactic Federation of Light, and Ashtar Command. What we do, in a nutshell, is a lot of “real-time research,” if you will. Basically we intercept all kinds of information from various satellites (yes, especially the “top secret” kind, which we decode and decipher for our allies in the skies. Our ship crew is made up of a diverse group. We’re not all Pleiadians. We have Sirians, Arcturians and Andromedans aboard as well.
Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 First Quarter Review
Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 First Quarter Review
Transitions | March 31 2012
Thanks go to my sister Yasmeen Harper for drawing this image for me that I’ve had in my head for years.
I mentioned in an earlier article about what I felt on the first day of January 2012. I’d said that I awoke on January 1, 2012 all excited to finally be at the year 2012, only to suddenly feel that Team Dark hadseriously increased their countermeasures towards Team Light. I’ve known for a long time that 2012 wasn’t going to be a walk in the park, and I knew Team Dark wasn’t going to graciously step aside and apologize for their monstrous crimes against humanity, but intellectually knowing something vs. having it become a living breathing in-your-face reality are two very different things. So there I was on the morning of New Years Day 2012 feeling what felt like all of Hell had been unleashed on planet Earth! Most of January I was mildly depressed because of this and couldn’t believe that, after all I’ve been through already, after all that you reading this have been through already, that like it or not there’s more negativity from Team Dark this year that we’re having to contend with and push past. Nothing new here really so lets just keep doing what we’ve done all along.
~Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun Wind Speed 331
QUIET WEEKEND: With the return of formerly-explosive sunspot AR1429 proving anticlimactic, solar activity is low. No strong flares are likely this weekend.
APRIL 1st ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly discovered near-Earth asteroid 2012 EG5 is flying past Earth today about halfway between Earth and the Moon. There's no danger of a collision. At closest approach on April 1st, the Dreamliner-sized space rock will be about 230,000 km from Earth. This morning in Brisbane, Australia, amateur astronomer Dennis Simmons photographed the incoming asteroid:
"On the eve of Earth Hour, whilst most of Australia was asleep, I was alone in my back garden, searching for the ghostly trail of 2012 EG5," says Simmons. "Alone but not lonely, my Celestron C9.25 and Tak EM200 mount were purring along, tracking 2012 EG5 as it flitted through the camera field only a few hours before its closest encounter. As the clock ticked over into 1st April, the estimated magnitude was approx 14.4 as it fast approached the Earth. This is to be no April’s Fool hoax – it’s for real!"
HAPPY SUNDAY! Here we are..., one step closer to Ascension. One day closer to LOVE. This is "our" project. Together as one, we walk in harmony toward the ultimate and perfect goal of LOVE. Love manifests as a "feeling", yet so many can not find this feeling with-in them. Covered up by worry..., covered up by anxiety, covered up by circumstance.., the "feeling" of LOVE is not readily apparent. How can one get to the feeling of LOVE with in them with such obstacles in place? One must "know". It is very simple but sounds complicated. To KNOW that you ARE LOVED..., opens the door immediately into your very being and ALLOWS the LOVE that is there to fill you up. To understand the oppisite of this (without dwelling on it) may assist in our understanding of the positive side. To feel (or believe) that you are not loved is the oppisite of the truth and thus opens the negative doorway into your being. Because you are "knowing" the oppisite of the truth..., the oppisite of the truth is your experience. To change your experience..., you simply change what it is that you are KNOWING. Simple! Like any muscle that has atrophied from lack of use.., your postive knowing muscle needs to go to the GYM and get in shape. The more you use your positive knowing muscle..., the more you will be able to use it when the storms of circumstance come forth and try to blow your "LIFE-boat" off course. Try it now! I'm serious..., take a moment and really KNOW that you are loved. PROCLAIM IT! Now open to that love and FEEL IT. Let the energy of it bless you. Now if you can do it once and actually felt it, why can't you do it over and over and over again..., all the time? Are you too busy to be loved? Seriously?
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: A Message of Ascension Assurance
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: A Message of Ascension Assurance
Channeled by Valerie Donner
March 30, 2012
Greetings, I am Mira.