~Father God Speaks About the end of ignorance to His Children On Planet Earth=Heart~11~11~12~

Lia's picture

Artwork By FatherGod Amon RA

The Grand Event according to Creation is Love Everywhere Present, Multi~Dimensionally, with Everybody in Joy. Complete and total Joy without question. If they're not in Joy then they're questioning something that's not Joy. I recommend getting over that quickly

Creation is not built around a schedule.
Creation is a flow of events.
Of course to understand that it requires showing up.
And it doesn't mean showing up to work, or showing up and continuing on a program that's outlasted it's ignorance.

Love does not wait for ignorance to wake up.

An Enlightened Being just Is. An ignorant being is busy.
I don't even know what they're busy about, why are they busy, what are they busy for? Of course it could be in God We trust, but it's based on a document, an illusionary document. The only truth on that document is in God We trust. All of Us and it's a big All.

Fibonacci and I, we used to sit around the fire and count the photons. Sure enough, it worked.

The God gift we gave Humanity was Divine Intelligence. You can't screw that up.

Those of us in the Kingdom of Heaven belong to the cult of Oneness, it's all inclusive. Got your's?

The Love that's contained within the All is greater than the Love contained within the One, until the One Realizes THEY'RE ALL ONE.

The angels once came to me and they thought ignorance was created by the Sirians cause they were so serious. Ignorance wasn't created, period.

After we looked deeper into the fire, Fibonacci and I, we realized those photons were just Angels. Cause we felt deeper than the fire or the photons to the little packets of energy that were just Angels. They were happy about that.

From the on board monitor the Ships scan for Love. The brighter the Love then what? The squeaky wheel gets the grease?

When there's more Love that pours through, what occurs? Now occurs. Now completely overflowing with all that Love Is.

It's so fun when I get to channel Me, I have a great day.

Are there any old stories? How about fresh and new stories?

By the way, the greatest conspiracy that Love could ever come up with was Oneness. I voted on that One.
Fibonacci says, you gotta start at One, you can't start from zero because it doesn't exist.

A capacitor releasing is like the Fibonacci sequence. When it's fully charged it jumps to the next Number. The experience of what happens between that Number is the charge so the leap can occur. Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven Everybody, state the obvious.

Every time one of those leaps in quantum-ness occurs, the whole Universe goes along for the ride.
When you get to the 34 you add them together, and you've got the 7. Where are we going now? Straight Up.

The Angels come and they talk to me about Everything That Is. Everything That Is looks at the Angels and says, "That's pretty cool! How did We do that all by Ourselves?"

There's an understanding that if you walk away from the world, the world will, for a moment, ignore that, and then it will be like a little twitch they got where they gotta come see and check it out. Then we got them. Then they will be welcomed to the Planet by the Inner Earth people who say, "We left this Planet pristine, what'd you do with it? We can fix it though."

The Angels would sit for hours waiting for a story. I said, go to the Library and pick up a book and read it. They said they wanted the Original Version, not something written down on a piece of paper. Of course, in this realm it's necessary to accomplish that to share the information.

When the Angels mentioned to me that ignorance wanted us to play fair, We agreed on that one.

It was funny yesterday when I was sitting here, after I'd had a cigarette. There was a hole in the rock and I said, wouldn't it be cool if I threw a rock and it went right in there? I threw a rock and it went right in. Of course that's what Enlightenment is. If you're there, Creation is always Present.

In Oneness, whenever it appeared to occur, Three was watching.

Should I put in here,
religion is the dumb man's way to god?
The Intelligent Ones go directly to the Source.

You know why the rocks exist? Because I continually talk to them about their existence and they like that. If I didn't continually talk to them they wouldn't exist, and they like existing. That's why Love says Yes.

When Yes says Yes to Yes, you know what happens? Love shows up and when Love shows up, how many Yes's are there?

In essence, we should be America's most wanted, not the criminals.
Better if we were America's most chosen. Then they could get on board and we could get this rock and roll brilliance on the road.

I look at the Divine Plan and watch it unfold and enjoy every moment of it. Cause that's all there Is, it's Creation. Where else you gonna be? Got some place to go to? Work? Maybe off to see the wizard, starry starry night, and a lot of other brilliances?

We wrote something about Love Creating Everything so It could see Itself in the Mirror. Then Spirit comes in and says, Welcome Home Everybody! Did you enjoy Your journey, would You like a beer?

We volunteered to give Everything away to Everyone who wants it.

A God doesn't need proof of Love's existence.
Ignorance is still looking.

Mother God and I, We're the definite oddity in Creation. We're the One plus One that equals the Two and gets the ball rolling. Then the Three happens and now we're at the Four. Now we've got
Balance and we're connected Multi-Dimensionally.

Here's a question to Humanity, does Joy have to create laughter to be in Joy? Or is the laughter just already there?

Our Divine Mission is to experience the realms in every way that the realms are able to be experienced and then share everything we've learned with All That Is. It's a nice mission huh?

We mentioned to ignorance that all is forgiven, but ignorance couldn't get over itself. That's why there's Divine Intervention. Blessed Is, Yes = Now.

The Universal Constitution, which is a Multi-Dimensional aspect of the Union, gives every Atom it's complete Freedom to be what it Is, exactly. That's how Creation works, by divine right and privilege. It takes a lot of Energy to bring in that type of understanding, fortunately we're made of it.

The Planet has yet to engage Humanity Fully.
When the Planet engages Humanity fully, they'd better have a Starship ready, or some facsimile there of.

Wait until ignorance gets Our bill, I hope they've got a deep wallet.

I asked the angels for gears on my starship, where when I hit the right one and the universe squeaks it's tires.

The Codes are fully Activated from the realm of Consciousness Equal Spirit. That was a 5d wave hitting the surface of the Planet at enough energy to shift all the Atoms on their polar axis. We were there and watched the whole thing go faster and faster, more and more Multi-Dimensionally precise. Like I said, all the Portals are open and all the Beings are coming in. We took Planet Earth off the endangered species list because We showed up Here.

The Atoms came back to Us after they accelerated to greater than Lightspeed vibration during the first atomic bomb. They showed up and looked Us square in the Atom and communicated Vital Energies. That was the Portal opening so We could come in and play.

Jesus is not about religion, even though they tried to portray Him as promoting religion. He couldn't care less about their stupid religion. Plant the seed. He's like Johnny Appledseed who planted the seed of Love Unconditional. Yes for All = Love and that includes Everything, precisely like This.

The requirement of Uniqueness is that everyone who looks at Me, first has to see Themselves. When they can see Themselves clearly then they can see Me and Everything else included.

I've been on this Planet countless lives in one form or another. As Socrates I mentioned Love to them. They really didn't want to hear about that, that I understood something they didn't, so they were gonna prove to me they understood something better than I did. Notice how it worked, notice how I'm back.

When I died and went to heaven I had to go before Me and ask Myself if I could come in. Of course I said Yes, I'm not stupid.

~End Transmission~


Love Father God~ Mother God With Humanity in Love Everywhere Present~ MotherGod=MotherEarth~ ALL CONNECTED NOW





astreia's picture

Thank you thank you thank you....

Love, Astreia


Rain's picture

Wonderful, DaddyG!

thank you


mayo31311's picture

I just LOVE it :) :)