FDA Finally Moves to Ban Heart-Clogging Trans Fats

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By: Christina Sarich, 11/15/2013


(NaturalSociety.com) You probably heard. The FDA recently announced that it will require companies to gradually phase out heart-clogging trans fats, also called hydrogenated oils, found in various junk food products. The Commissioner of the FDA noted that Americans have voluntarily reduced their consumption of this type of fat, likely through self-education, but the level of Trans Fats in our diets at large were still too high, and considered a public health risk.


To keep it simple, trans fats are mostly fats that don’t occur naturally. Though some trans fats can be found in animals, most trans fats are made during food processing through partial hydrogenation of unsaturated fats. These manmade fats are responsible for billions of dollars in heart disease treatments, obesity, and other diseases in our nation ever year. Getting rid of these fats could lead to a whopping 20,000 fewer heart attacks annually.


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