~From Forgiveness to Oneness~

Lia's picture

by John McIntosh


2000 years ago a great brother gave humanity a tool … an instrument, that if used with sincerity drew the sleeping Presence of Who You Really Are nearer its Awakening to Truth. That instrument was ‘forgiveness’ … it was a PERFECT ‘temporary’ tool until Now.
Today, more than ever, forgiveness is being heralded as the powerful conduit it ‘was’ to unburden the conditioned self of its shackles. These chains are the bonds that tie the false self [ego] to the illusion of separation and include remorse, shame and guilt based on things that happened in time and space or history.
Forgiveness in its True meaning meant FORGETTING what
never happened in the illusionary world of time and space.
In the conventional interpretation forgiveness has come to mean ALLOWING a wrong to be released from JUDGMENT. That ‘wrong’ had to have occurred in a ‘believed in’ history.
Today, as the world baths in the frequency of Now-ness, history can be recognized as the offspring of conditioning within the separated consciousness of time and space. This means that in Truth … in the NOW Moment … NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO FORGIVE.
It is impossible for the mind to fathom this radical concept simply because it cannot get past its conditioned filters, which are based ON history [time and space].
Oneness is FELT not ‘figured out’. It comes through your FEELING NATURE that emanates from your True Self or I AM Presence … sometimes referred to as the Heart [not the physical heart]. You can never find Oneness through the mind.
In the Now Moment in which humanity is now immersed Forgiveness actually VALIDATES history and perpetuates your continued SLEEP as a separated self.
All history [conditioning of time and space] must be allowed to fall away … [this IS the death of the separated self or ego] … before Conscious Awareness of Oneness is possible.
