Freedom Project: Don Vitalino says "Do not make offers to the Pope"

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No global Priest: 'Do mot make offers to the Pope'

June 24 2012

Don Vitaliano said during his church speech 'Offers to the Pope would only increase the IOR (Vatican Bank) pokets, and we've seen that not to clean things happen in there. 

He asked instead his believer to collect the money for those in need in their comunity. "At least we know where the money goes and who's really helped with it." 


Finally, he said that the Pope was sure a true Spirit into a dark storm, though after being suspended as a priest for more than four years what he did today was enough even for him! Especially as he stated that the Pope, to truly know what's going on in his churches, should not listen to Cardinals but instead to simple priests workin in those high emergency areas, where a real picture could be given intead of one given by those that surround him only for personal profit.



to read the article in italian:
