Full Moon in Virgo ~ 7 Degrees, February 25th, 2013.

Lia's picture

Full Moon in Virgo ~ 7 Degrees, February 25th, 2013. 4:28 pm, AST.



This Full Moon in Virgo helps with the process of your  Alchemical Transfiguration with cleansing and purifying your mind, body and spirit.

To Know Yourself. This your incarnation. As the Moon incarnates into You.

Will this full Moon be the Dance into Greater Drama or into Ease of Pure Being?  Will you be True to You.  Do you know at your core what you came to earth to do.  Is it as simple as aligning into wholeness, into the Great Union on all levels.

Embrace your Uniqueness this Full Moon. Embrace the Light of Your Soul. Bring this into your body, into VERY physical Reality, right here right Now reality of the Eternal Moment.

Your Uniqueness does not vanish..when you merge into Greater Union and Being. You BECOME you More FULLY. Have you become? Are you Being? Are you honouring the Purity and Sacredness of who You are..Cherish the Light of Your Own Soul.

Celebrate this full Moon..the Beauty of you, during this your Incarnation. The Moon holds you in this as You go deep and deeper, bringing the depths of You right here now in practical beautiful (virgo) earth ways.

Embrace this space and place, for the unfolding in the Most Sacred Way…eternity into now. Allow this Alignment be with Grace and Ease.

If you experience the ups and downs of the Emotional and Mental Bodies..remember Harmony. Breathe into your Heart and let all else go. I have included some links that will help you in this Process of You merging with You Now, Soul with Body while on Planet Earth.

I have included (once again) some information on Crystals as many of you have requested reminders.


Crystals, Nature and Moon Cycles. 

Your Crystals Respond to Frequency Also! Let them Listen to My Frequency Transmissions and be Near You During the Daily 3am AST Queen of Light Transmissions.


Do you prepare for the New Moons and Full Moons?  The New Moon is the beginning of  a  New Cycle in Energy and Frequency and This Frequency Builds up to and including The Full Moon. 

Each New Moon and Full Moon holds a unique Frequency, when tapped into consciously, these cycles will be of great benefit for you and your life and to those around you.

This Full Moon (and the next New Moon) if you are a Lover of Nature and Crystals, Take them out and wash them lovingly. If you have personal meditation crystals make notes on How and When  you programmed and reprogrammed them!

Too many crystals programmed in a personal way without deep connection to them and without conscious remembering will lead to non clear results.

Working with crystals forever, and remembering all the crystals I programmed in Atlantis for here now, has been very beneficial for NOW as the crystals hold their frequency and Love throughout all time and space.

Sometimes the “Beings” in Crystals are obvious.  Angels and Fairies in Devic Crystals also enhance your Deeper Connection to Nature and Moon Cycles. I have many of Beings in my crystals, including Pyramids, Merkabahs and Ancient Symbols.

If you cannot see clearly the Being in your Crystals, Know they are there. Each Crystal has its own Spirit or Deva.

I have helped many who did not feel anything from their crystals BEGIN to connect with The Crystals Deva, or Spirit.

The New Moon and Full Moon are good times to clean and prepare your crystals.

This is a Great way to Honour the Moon Cycles and the Natural Rhythms in Nature.

The Full Moon may also be a great time To Look Back and if need be, Reprogram some of the crystals that you may have forgotten about or to simply Infuse the crystals with powerful Full Moon Frequencies.  Cleanse and restore them and clearly pick the most special crystal to you and program it, spend time with it and get to know it on a personal level.

Not all crystals love the sun, some love the moon more.  All Quartz crystal Love the sun and the moon.

Wash some crystals, and sit with them One at a time as close as possible to the exact time of the New Moon, or Full Moon and sit quietly holding your crystal.

Listen to the Sound of your crystal, hold it up to your ear.

Breathe in and out and center yourself.

Focus on your Heart.

Focus on the want and wish you have that is in alignment with the current New Moon or Full Moon. This Full moon in Virgo Represents Knowing you and Being True to You. Knowing what you came to earth to do. It is all about the wholeness, the Union on all levels.

Focusing clearly ~ Breathe Your desire into your crystal several times through your Breath. Breathe on our crystal. Do not rush this part. Then holding the Point if there is one into the palm of your non dominant hand ( the hand you do not write with) and  turn the point of the crystal in slow clockwise circles (slowly) till you feel the crystal tighten. When it tightens stop.

Then hold your crystal up to your ear and you will hear a higher pitched tone once programmed. If you do NOT, simply repeat above and Turn the Point slowly once again.

To deprogram  a crystal Focus on releasing the Program and Begin the  procedure above  EXCEPT turn the crystal counter-clockwise.  Allow your crystal a break before programming.    Listen to the New Sound of the Crystal.

Then stay close to your crystal or crystals. Love them.  Make notes and INCLUDE  the date of the Programming or Reprogramming.

Know that crystals are Loving Beings. They really are alive. They have a Sacred Deva or spirit. If they seem dormant it is only because perhaps they were in boxes in the dark for a while. Show them love and care. As you Love them, they open up in Love and respond.

Prepare for Each Full Moon and New Moon.

Acknowledge the Moon and the Frequency it holds for you as the Sacred Rhythm of Nature itself.

Surround your Home in Higher frequencies. Play my Frequency Transmissions overnight and throughout the day.  Your space will hold the Higher Frequencies of Love and Union.

Above All, Love yourself.  Stay In Harmony.

Holding you in this Virgo Full Moon. I hold you in the Purity of You.

In The Sacredness of Divine Union and Eternal Love, I hold You,

The Queen of Light 

I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily,  that will activate the Codes within your Original Blueprint.

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions; These are Powerful Dispensations!!


To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:


You can Also Request the Daily Queen of Light Transmissions on My website:


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To Order the Pleiadian Twin Soul Activation, Pleiadian Blueprint Activation, Pleiadian 12 Strand DNA Activation, Pleiadian Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

