Gaia Earth Star Virgo Full Moon - Not my Will but Thine

Gaia Earth Star's picture

Gaia Earth Star shares her insights on the Virgo Full Moon on March 5th, 2015 at 10:05am PST. The opposition to the Sun in Pisces and trine to Pluto in Capricorn is assisting us to let go of control which only springs from our ego-mind-prison, inviting us to dwell into the deep security and knowing that we are safe, that we are being divinely guided and held by our Soul, and many other Light Beings from other dimensions which are eager to join with us as a community of Light to assist the Ascension of Gaia, Mother Earth and all of her children. Allow yourself to merge with the infinite waters of true unconditional self-love and acceptance which pour from the Heart of Mother Goddess, aligning your Will with her Will, your Soul Purpose, becoming a healing channel for All, in this dimension and beyond.

