Transcription Dated March 18th, 2013 ~ This is a transcript excerpted from The Clarion Temple of Oneness. Divine Mother & Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun start the energies with an attunement for the week.
We, of the Angelic Hosts, would like to say Blessings.
Thank you in great gratitude for the full integration of your Multi-Dimensional Selves and your Angelic Self even if you don’t feel these essences completely.
As the planet moves into the Spring Equinox, more elements are going to becoming more common place of the Heavenly realms becoming more accepted into the Earthly realms. As each of us come together allowing the continuance of Light to be upon planet Earth it’s a very exciting time we come to from you from the Seraphim, Ophanium, the Cherubim, and of course, the Elohim along with many more principalities as we connect with each of you in this evening.
We are very excited because the energies are shifting into this frequency of Light once again. We are going to be experiencing a complete centeredness of the Circle of Light and Love to be activated within each of us at this time. It is our pleasure to bring forth the energies of Divine Mother/Divine Father God. May Peace and Light be with you.
I AM that I AM
I AM that I AM
I AM that I AM
I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun. Blessings, my children, blessings.
We ask of you in this moment to just sit back and allow the essences that you are to enfold with you. Don’t think about, feel it, just breathe in, allow yourself To Be. To Be is the essence we want to bring forth this evening. The challenges that each of you have gone through in this trimester of January, February and March are being looked at by each of us to understand where we are on this circle of life of Terra Christa within the cycle of Gaia coming into that frequency of Light together.
We believe due to the media not being so prominent with frequency that the actualization of the Light energies coming into each individual personally is going to be more well received. It will come into different levels for different people depending on the actualization that they need to accept. We believe that they are ready to accept. It is something that we cannot analyze it across the broad as scientific data as to what is going to be for each individual person.
Each of you that are aspiring to be more through your own systems are going through the timelines exchange which means that you should be able to see more of a difference within your physical existence, your cellular structure, and your energies within your bodies. This is more than others that are not even aware of the depths of this frequency of Light. It is at a very important time-line, because it is coming into the reference of Christianity at the time of Easter and Passover. So individuals are going to be connecting with all the energy not at the exact same moment, but the frequency of communication with the Masters representing the Christ Consciousness are coming into a much larger spectrum then they would be previously.
As the planet and Gaia changes it allows her ascension process to expand into her auric field more. More individuals are going to be feeling differently about their Spiritual connections. Mind you, it is not going to be a big jump but it will be an increase in energies as more individuals will be feeling the essence of the Compassion and Love into their own Hearts and be able to ascertain within them what it is exactly happening in brief moments. This is the best that we can offer in this moment on a global basis to humanity.
Each of you as the Light Workers, each of you as the initiates of the perspective of the Ascended Mastership Beings upon this planet are going to be holding it more then the general population. But what we are saying is that the general population is going to feel it more then they did in December for several reasons. We mentioned he media and the other reason is that there will not be the moments of fear as we have walked into the New Age together. Although there are many that are unsure of what is happening within the world.
This is where we all come together in to play, because the more that we allow ourselves to experience this Light frequency in the physical body and expand that out into Gaia and into others around us, the more will come into this experience of Love and Light. Just thinking about them will allow that frequency of Light to go to them in the particles of Light that is ready to be accepted through their Higher Selves.
Now as we call upon everyone’s Higher Self in the Temple this evening that will truly assist because the more each Higher Self can bring into the physical individual into their dream state status. We are talking about individuals that are not awakened and are not doing active meditation to fully command this energy within themselves.
Then there are those that are doing some kind of spiritual connection which means it will be received in whatever way can be best handled within each individual upon the planet. This activation is going to come into waves and waves of Light, as you have been experiencing through this trimester. Waves and waves and waves of Light are going to be coming into increments in the three-day period so that the acceptance of individuals upon the planet will be able to receive more first through their dream states, meditative states and their awakened states. The ones that have a sense of more than themselves will be able to receive in their awakened states.
These frequencies of Lights are going to be coming in increments during the three-day process at the onset of the equinox and within a three to six hour time frame in each time zone so the waves of Light will come in a 100% essence of the Rays of Lights within the increments. Then they will wave down through the three-to-six hour period which will peak again into the higher level; then it will peak to the lower level which will repeat itself into the third day. Those that are within and around the world, will receive it in their time zones ahead of other time zones. The light workers will be feeling these waves of Light within a twelve to twenty four hour time zone ahead of their receiving the full frequency of Light of the Equinox.
So each of you in the North American continent are going to be feeling it just as the other individuals in the other continents are feeling it. Although it maybe not quite as strong. So what we want to extend unto you is to help you to receive the frequencies and accept the vibrations within the physical existence. As you allow this energy to come into you and transmute anything that does not serve the level of creation that you are moving into. Because this acceleration will also open you up just like the one in December, it will open up your vision, it will open up your brain waves, it will help you to bring forth the four body systems, and the three minds to activate the Three-Fold Flame.
This is the pivotal point of creation because the Three Fold Flame will be the activating agent to fully accelerate within your physical body but most individuals upon the planet will not be able to hold this Light. So this is where we say that there will be moments of pure reflection and what can happen during this phase is that some individuals may feel at a loss when they first receive these energies as it will bring up other timelines, and other aspects within the lower body that need to be removed. This is due to the fact that many haven’t done the work.
Now each of this is being directed by every person’s Higher Self, because if it wasn’t we could have a mass exodus within this planet. So this evening what we want to do with each of you is to help you fully command within your Higher Self to allow the energies to be received by you in the best way possible.
When we say that the Waves of Light coming in, picture many different colors of spectrums of Light. They are merging together so if we take each of the twelve Rays of God and allow those Rays to blend together, they are strong in power but they blend within each other. They come in waves so they are bouncing through the air; they are swiftly moving through the process of the atmosphere into every individual to help bring in the balance of their spiritual essence into the physical body.
As these waves of Light come unto the planet, Gaia will be receiving them. There are areas that need the frequency more for growth. They will receive those aspects, areas that need it for compassion will receive that essence so that the energy will be smooth and very flowing. We want not to have individuals to be alarmed; we don’t want individuals not to accept these essences within them. Remember this is just the first of the strong activations that will be occurring within the planet for 2013.
We take a breath right now as we want to help you to balance yourself and allow the waves of Light to come through you, within you, and out of you. we are going to just take anything that does not serve the waves of Light which is representive of the Twelve Rays of God. So in the frequency of Light that we are going to be receiving, the waves of Light are going to be coming in through the Love and Wisdom of the Golden Yellow, Will and Power of Deep Blue, Deep Pink of Creative Activation, Crystalline Light of Balance and Harmony, Scientific Knowledge represent the White, the Green, and the Gold all merge together, Inner Devotion with Ruby Red and Gold, Ceremonial Magic with Deep Purple and Violet, Seafoam Green the Higher Cleansing Ray, Blue Green of Joy and Attraction to the Body of Light, Pearlescent activating the Masculine and Feminine Divine, Bridge to the New World is the Pink Orange, then the Golden Flame the Gold of the Christ Consciousness.
So if you can visualize these colors which are floating within the Temple now and they are going to be moving from the top of the opening of the amphitheater as they are going to swoop down across the stage traveling across each of the participants that are sitting here with us. You will see it moving in a figure eight. It is a very wide color; they are all blending together and are not separating. They are swooping down ~ then they go up and t across the other side until it goes around the circle. It is swirling in the Infinity symbol across and around each of the areas around the Temple. Then it continues again. Take a breath and allow this vibration now to just flow within you.
We are bringing forward this energy this evening to assist you to become these frequencies of Light which will allow our essence of Divine Mother Divine Father God to be the ruling agent through these elements. As we speak here in the Temple of Oneness, each of us, each of you, and each of the Hierarchy and, each of the Unified Whole, every Master, every teacher, every Light Being, every Elemental, and every Angel comes together into balance here as each of you sitting here within the temple are all connected as the Waves of Light bring us together.
If you can think of this through the process of the three-day period, you will find a balance occurring within you. You should also feel the essence of deep love, compassion, reverence, and acceptability. Just expand all these essences within you in this moment.
We, of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God, now express the attunements associated which is quite different then anything we have ever done before through Meleriessee. We ask each of you to not think in this moment; fully connect with your Higher Self and allow their essence to guide you. They are the ruling energy through this process as always in your life and in the continuance that you are bringing forth. Right now think of yourself as the Higher being the Higher Self, the Higher Being of God’s Light feeling your Feminine and Masculine Divine as One Being of Light as we center upon you the Three Fold Flame. Allow this essence to be intertwined within you as you receive this blessing.
We, of the Divine Mother and Divine Father God bless you with this vibration ~
We Are One Always in the Light.
The recordings to these transcriptions are part of our Membership Program. This call is excerpted from the Clarion Temple of Oneness, which is held every Monday evening.
©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~ All Rights Reserved. No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page,