- Allendale to Aninadzija ~ After Disclosure, Heads Will Fall
- ~Captains Log" Stardate = Now~ Long Edition~ ~Love Letters to HU=manity=Home~
- ~Space Weather Update~ Incoming CME~ M3 Class~ Solar wind 325~
- Allendale to Tots ~ ‘Social media’ ~ Information is Power ~ 1/19/12
- The Galactic Free Press~Truth Transmissions~1~19~12 Revealing Love and Truth Fulfills the Prophecies~
- ~Have 14,000 North Americans Died from Fukushima? Probably Not~
- SaLuSa 20~January~2012~Disclosure will put all doubts to an end~
- A Message from the Council of Twelve: We are Your Team, and we are here to Serve You.
- James Tyberonn ~ Archangel Metatron ~ Crystal Skulls And The Ascension Paradigm
- ~ 2012~The Lightworker Flash Mob~
- ~The Doorway Has Emerged!~ ~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~
- Sal Rachelle ~ 2012 ~Danger High Voltage~
- Bill Ballard ~ Is This Love From The Head Or The Heart?
- ~Wes Annac ~ Mariara The Pleiadian On The Cannabis~Hemp Issue ~ 20 January 2012
- Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ God’s Blessing ~ 20 January 2012
- ~Message 26 Peggy Black and The Team~ Global Shift
- 13:20, (01.19.12): Look at that Silly Monkey LIGHTING IT UP! Nice Flame, Yo'...
- ~Complaining in 2012~
- Archangel Michael: Living in the 5th Dimension Living in the 5th Dimension and Releasing the Illusions of the 3rd Dimension
- ~Large EarthQuake off coast sth New Zealand~
- 1~19~12 The manuscript of survival ~ part 75 Entering an Intense and Challenging Period for those clinging to the old~~
- ~The Magnetic Change of the Global Brain~ Lisa Renee'
- ~ To What Degree has the Dark been Defeated? ~ Steve Beckow!
- Integral Soul Vibe Report January 2012 Out of the Fire and into the Sun
- Agartha ~ Inner Earth Entrance~
- ~Blue Ray: Negative Thoughtform Release with the Archangels~
- ~Reconnection with the great Mother..a Love I've never known.~
- Celia Fenn ~ The Year 2012: Looking Backwards, Looking Forwards, Alignments And New Energies ~ 19 January 2012
- Jafree Ozwald ~ Enlightened Beings ~ The Secret To Discovering Higher Consciousness ~ 19 January 2012
- Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Raising Your Children ~ 19 January 2012
- ~ Falling in Love ..Again! ~ UFO’s and the Number 3~
- ~Solar Spots Growing Fast.~
- ~12 HELPFUL TIPS FOR 2012~
Much is occurring Multi~Dimensionally. This is Defiantly Love's Year~ Love's Year for Humanity to Accept and Embrace the Love of themselves and The Love of Each Other. We also would Like to Thank Everyone as we reached over 120, 000 Hits Last Month WOW. Proof that Love has WON. In every Moment we are Just that Next step Closer, to Direct Full Contact. All Our Love and Joy, Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
Allendale to Aninadzija ~ After Disclosure, Heads Will Fall
Allendale to Aninadzija ~ After Disclosure, Heads Will Fall
GoGood evening lass.
[Good evening Allendale]
Now, I know you on Earth are going through quite a ride now, and it is only the beginning, if I may say so. Things will speed up, and you need to take time out to yourself and prepare for what is ahead of you. A light heart is what is now desired, sweet lady. You got that? Right!
Be prepared for all possibilities, and possible outcomes, as the tumultuous activities and energies can give rise to many various outcomes. You see, you are all creating your own destiny, you are imagining it, dreaming it at night in a collective or as a singularity. If the collective human soul and mind wishes to experience more difficulties and troubles, you will just have to go alone with it, my lads.
~Captains Log" Stardate = Now~ Long Edition~ ~Love Letters to HU=manity=Home~
~Captains Log" Stardate = Now~ Long Edition~
~Love Letters to HU=manity=Home~
In order for the dinosaur to feed, the dinosaur eats. It eats everything. Moves right along eating everything until finally, there's nothing left. So then the dinosaurs start eating themselves, and they eat until nothing is left, except the dinosaur hunters.
The Universe has a Nature, the Nature of the Universe Is Creation. Creation has a Nature, the Nature of Creation Is Love. Love has a Nature, the Nature of Love Is God. God has a Nature, the Nature of God Is the Universe. Spin that around as a mantra. You'll like it.
If We give them the Higher Thoughts to put into their internal dialog, guess what happens to their internal dialog? The thought of Being.
Happy Faces all around the Universe.
We are a part of the Coffee Party. Coffee helps you Awaken, then You're a part of the Awakening Party.
What ignorance does not understand, is that Humanity is developable, and adaptable.
The darkness tells the Light about the darkness' insecurity. Light has no clue what insecurity is, it translates that as security immediately.
~Space Weather Update~ Incoming CME~ M3 Class~ Solar wind 325~
INCOMING CME: Active sunspot 1401 erupted yesterday, Jan. 19th around 16:30 UT, producing an M3-class solar flare and a full-halo coronal mass ejection (CME). The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded the cloud expanding almost directly toward Earth:
Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab say strong geomagnetic storms are possible when the cloud arrives this weekend. Their animated forecast track predicts an impact on Jan. 21st at 22:30 UT (+/- 7 hrs). Aurora alerts: text, voice.
The cloud is also heading for Mars, due to hit the Red Planet on Jan. 24th. NASA's Curiosity rover, en route to Mars now, is equipped to study solar storms and might be able to detect a change in the energetic particle environment when the CME passes by.
Allendale to Tots ~ ‘Social media’ ~ Information is Power ~ 1/19/12
Allendale to Tots ~ ‘Social media’ ~ Information is Power ~ 1/19/12
January 19th, 2012
[Hello Allendale.] Hello, Tots my friend. I would like to begin with an update for all your fine readers. In the coming months you will see in the social media many posts about strange occurrences. While most of this won’t make it to the mainstream media, we are encouraged by the traffic that finds these alternative outlets. Did you know that concepts like Face Book, Twitter and You-Tube were established with the higher purpose of assisting Earth and her inhabitants through this shift? [Well, Allendale I didn’t but now that you mention that, these social media outlets seem to be a perfect fit for the average Joe to over-ride the controlled media.] Aye Lassie. Little did the cabal realize that these very tools that they use to spread lies would eventually be their downfall. The power of the human collective is immense.
The Galactic Free Press~Truth Transmissions~1~19~12 Revealing Love and Truth Fulfills the Prophecies~
~The Galactic Free Press~
~Truth Transmissions~1~19~12
~Re~Educating Humanity into THE TRUTH~
~ Revealing Love and Truth Fulfills the Prophecies~
We are in the Moments where all of the Real Prophecies of Love and Truth are Being fulfilled.
This is being accomplished by a vast Light Network of Pure Truth Energy arriving via the Internet, that is contagiously spreading across the Planet. This energy is assisting in the Complete Unification of Humanity with Mother Earth=Heart. This is Required as Mother Earth Moves into the Galactic Center.
Humanity is in the Midst of the Transformation into Spirit, and this is Inevitable.
~Have 14,000 North Americans Died from Fukushima? Probably Not~
~Have 14,000 North Americans Died from Fukushima? Probably Not~
Apparently, a lightworker has posted an article drawing on Center for Disease Control statistics speculating that 14,000 people died in North America from radiation poisoning coming from Fukushima. Hatonn, speaking through Suzy Ward, addressed the matter twice last April.
Before I turn to that, however, I hate to say it but I’ll believe the CDC only after I feel assured that they’re not part of the cabal’s pandemic or cover-up machine perpetrated on the public for so long.
SaLuSa 20~January~2012~Disclosure will put all doubts to an end~
SaLuSa 20~January~2012
The word of the year 2012 being an important one is spreading, but unfortunately because the Mayan Calendar ends on the 21st. December, it is being taken by some people as the end of the world. That of course naturally evokes fear amongst you, but with the coverage given by the Internet we feel that it will soon be understood that the "end" is but the beginning of a new cycle. It is certainly an event that will continue to attract much attention, but will be clearly explained when we have open contact with you. In the meantime, Lightworkers can explain the process of Ascension to those who have been misinformed, or have misunderstood its significance. As you might imagine, as events materialize and it is seen that the media has been freed from censorship and control, freedom of speech will return and be reported truthfully by the media.
A Message from the Council of Twelve: We are Your Team, and we are here to Serve You.
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Ann Anderson~ A Message from the Council of Twelve: We are Your Team, and we are here to Serve You.
Trust your connection to Spirit and to All That Is. You can channel. You do channel. All day, every day. Thoughts, ideas, questions, solutions to problems, what to wear. what to say, what to do about this, that and the other thing. All of your concerns, worries, consuming passions, feuds, crushes, the low, the high, the boring, the OMG! We hear it all, we respond to most of it. You hear us talking to you all day long. It sounds like you in your head. And it is you, because when we talk to you our energies blend.
James Tyberonn ~ Archangel Metatron ~ Crystal Skulls And The Ascension Paradigm
Crystal Skulls & the Ascension Paradigm
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I encircle each of you in a
field of Unconditional Love.
Beloved, it is 2012, and much awaits you. For this heralded time has been a clarion call to all on the path, and this beginning era, is the time for your perfection.
~ 2012~The Lightworker Flash Mob~
Sunday, 1 January, 2012 (posted 19 January, 2012)
I have seen videos on flash mobs but I never related flash mobs to Lightworkers until last month when the Angels wanted to make an encouraging point. You may have seen some of the videos of flash mobs singing and dancing. The video I saw was from the University of Minnesota, the Carlson School of Management. Here is the video - The “mob” was a group of nearly 300 University of Minnesota music students. When I was watching the Angels told me to pay close attention to every detail.
~The Doorway Has Emerged!~ ~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~
~The Doorway Has Emerged!~
~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~
Sal Rachelle ~ 2012 ~Danger High Voltage~
Galactic Love Reporter Sal Rachelle ~Danger High Voltage~
Sal Rachele’s January~February Newsletter
You’ve seen those signs outside the gates of electrical power plants. Well, it looks like 2012 should come with a similar warning sign, at least for those who have resistance to daily increasing energies. Some of you are having trouble sleeping, while some are running around in a tizzy wondering where the time has gone. Others are having challenges staying grounded and centered.
Most of the feelings of electricity coursing through the body, or tingling, light-headedness, headaches, erratic sleep patterns, and a distorted sense of time are due to our bodies’ resistance to the higher frequencies associated with the portal shift of 2012. We cannot actually feel the energy itself, but rather, the resistance to it. Our bodies do not like rapid change, and they are being asked to move quickly into the higher frequencies.
This is why it is essential to rest, relax, ground, center, and love our bodies, giving them proper nourishment, exercise and a healthy environment.
Bill Ballard ~ Is This Love From The Head Or The Heart?
Bill Ballard ~ Is This Love From The Head Or The Heart?
January 20 2012
via email
In the recent past I have seen many individuals coming together, thinking they have found their one other – their twin soul – only to get disappointed. This disappointment invariably happens when they believe happiness is related to this other and/or they experience love from the head and not the heart.
When you truly love from the heart it does not matter what another says or does to you or whether or not you remain close to them throughout your life. Although you may feel emotion brought to the surface as a reaction to interacting with another, that which you choose to feel is a personal matter. No one has done this to you.
~Wes Annac ~ Mariara The Pleiadian On The Cannabis~Hemp Issue ~ 20 January 2012
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member~Wes Annac ~
Mariara The Pleiadian On The Cannabis~Hemp Issue ~ 20 January 2012
After much reluctance, I have decided to go ahead and ask Mariara about this whole cannabis/hemp/mind altering substances issue. This is the resulting message. Much Love
Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ God’s Blessing ~ 20 January 2012
Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ God’s Blessing ~ 20 January 2012
Your dreams are beginning to come true. They are on the horizon. You can see them. Your dreams are sliding toward you. As you look at your dreams on the horizon, you may not be able to see that they are moving toward you. Their movement may be imperceptible. As you look tomorrow, you may well see that they have moved – an inch or a mile. You will see that your dreams have been gliding toward you. Little by little, or all at once, your dreams are coming true. Of course, you are the dreamer of your dreams, and now you are the finder.
You have had the pleasure of seeing your dreams glide toward you. Near-fulfillment is wonderful, for you see your ship coming in. Oh, the anticipation. Oh, the wonderfulness! And all the treasures I have heaped up for you, you will drink of them. There will be no slip twixt cup and lip. You will drink of the cup you have prepared. You boiled the water. You steeped the tea. And you offer the tea you made to the world. You offer the world the pleasure of the tea you have made.
~Message 26 Peggy Black and The Team~ Global Shift
~Message 26 Peggy Black and The Team~
~Global Shift~
Humans are awakening to realize that they are not limited by their physical body. They are not limited by their beliefs of time. They are not limited. Humanity is awakening to its magnificent multidimensional expression of Divine Mind[HEART].
This dimension, this reality has had a lock-down. Your skills and abilities were being honed just to be in a physical body. There were spans of time when that experience of being physical was your focus, and the other aspects receded into the background. Now your codes are activated; you are beginning to step into your role in the divine unfoldment of the next evolution of consciousness.
13:20, (01.19.12): Look at that Silly Monkey LIGHTING IT UP! Nice Flame, Yo'...
Earthstar Peace Calendar: Jupiter-Whale Day, Indigo True Vision Star, Essence of Truth
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love): MELCHIZADEK, Invokes the Flame Imperishable in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF NATURE with with EL MORYA, Shield of the Father’s Heart. Moon in TATANKA Buffalo in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF PROTECTION OF FAMILY, 1st Dimension, Blue. Stargate of Purification in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF INNOCENCE, TRUTH AND FAMILY.
~Complaining in 2012~
~Complaining in 2012~
For the last several months we have been inundated by grouchy complaining people. So much that I actually did a radio commercial for our store on it. I try to see everything in my life as a blessings and a teacher no matter what the shape or color of the learning. I always look to myself first to see what I may be reflecting from the person/situation and then do my darnedest, in the most human way, to bless the person and situation. Owning a Furniture store is like going to retail battle everyday. (that’s how you know God has a sense of humor) The populace is angry and upset and feels cheated. Everyone is pointing a sharp finger with four fingers turned back at themselves. Forked tongues have turned into serving spoons, serving up justice in a toxic verbal way.
Archangel Michael: Living in the 5th Dimension Living in the 5th Dimension and Releasing the Illusions of the 3rd Dimension
~Archangel Michael: Living in the 5th Dimension~
Living in the 5th Dimension and Releasing the Illusions of the 3rd Dimension
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We will Reheart everyone that we do offer awakening sessions to assist you and answer all your questions. We are your Support System and We Love You. To Schedule a Session Contact Us Here:
To Learn More about the Sessions you can follow this Link
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Original Post February, 2005
~Large EarthQuake off coast sth New Zealand~
~Note this Occurred about 10 Hours ago. We Now, just watch closely this heated area around the Ring of Fire~ We Send all Our Love~ Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
no reports of local tsunami as yet.. our thoughts and prayer go to all in the regions that are experiencing these events.. ArohA ... ....the list of links are below and i am grateful for their service.
http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake and http://www.geonet.org.nz/earthquake/quakes/recent_quakes
1~19~12 The manuscript of survival ~ part 75 Entering an Intense and Challenging Period for those clinging to the old~~
For many, the next few weeks will certainly go down in the books as amongst the most challenging weeks they will ever encounter. And this is not all. In addition to the personal level of discomfort, the whole planet will suffer from the onslaughts of some very, very intense outbursts of energy, not only from the sun, but also from places deeper into space. We are sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but as you have all gotten used to by now, when we talk about these intense periods of upgrading it is indeed unavoidable. They are also indispensable, as without these intense bursts of cascading energies being hurled into your planet from all around you, mankind would not be able to shake off the shackles of the old ways of living.
~The Magnetic Change of the Global Brain~ Lisa Renee'
from 2007, well worth repeating...
as it holds up into these times.
~The Magnetic Change of the Global Brain~
Dear Family,
Over the past few months we have been undergoing a process of gradual particle acceleration. This particle acceleration is a natural physics dynamic that exists at the quantum level, and it is this exchange that creates a faster momentum pulsing between the fission and fusion that exists between the antiparticle and particle mass. To understand this level of our Ascension process, remember that we are merging our Particle (magnetic-female principle) selves and Anti-particle (electric-male principle) selves into a merged non-charged field at the “zero point”. This merging of our particles into the Zero Point is an “event” that is happening at every level and layer of our hologram, at the personal level, Planetary level, Universal level and so forth.
~ To What Degree has the Dark been Defeated? ~ Steve Beckow!
~To What Degree has the Dark been Defeated?~
What is the current situation with the dark cabal that has been threatening the planet’s population for so long and particularly in the period following the Second World War? Can we arrive at an up-to-date report on their strength or lack of it?
Perhaps the most direct report has come from Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon on the Dec. 26, 2011 Hour with an Angel radio show. At that time he said that “about 67 percent of your Illuminati have been completely disarmed, disempowered, removed. The others? There are still some kicking and screaming.” (1)
On Jan. 16, 2012, SaLuSa informed us that:
Integral Soul Vibe Report January 2012 Out of the Fire and into the Sun
Out of the Fire and into the Sun
From the Daily Drawings, December 31, 2011
From the Daily Drawings, January 1, 2011
Agartha ~ Inner Earth Entrance~
Agartha ~ Inner Earth Entrance~
This is the First Movie ever to be seen of the Polar entrance & the powerful Aurora Borealis like energy field that is occurring at the entrance. This is litterally looking into the 5th Dimension from the Russian MIR space station. A truly Celestial vision more beautiful than we could have ever imagined, simply breathtaking.( Both POLES are -No Flight Zones- so this extraordinary document has been made accessible by a couragous russian Wistle Blower)
Proof of the Existence of Inner Earth Kingdom:
This is an outstanding proof of the existence of the Agartha kingdom of Innner Earth. The Agartha Kingdom is a 5th dimensionnal inner paradise of the divine goddess Gaia, our beloved mother Earth. They are the descendants of Lumeria and those of Atlantis who had remained faithful to the Light.
They had to find shelter in the womb of Gaia and created a paradise for themselve in Inner Earth when our paradise planet was perturbed by dark invaders 550,000 thousand years ago.
~Blue Ray: Negative Thoughtform Release with the Archangels~
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia.
Find out if your from the Blue Ray Here:
“Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.
~Reconnection with the great Mother..a Love I've never known.~
Galactic Love Reporter HollieMac
~Reconnection with the great Mother..a Love I've never known.~
ok so perhaps ive been watching too much of the national geo. channel lately, but i feel like so many are afraid of the changes occuring here on Earth. Many believe Mother Earth is angry at us, and will in turn, wipe us out with natural disasters.
oh well thats just not the case now is it?! i feel these changes very much anticipated by our dear Mother, oh how she wishes for her children to reconnect with her! shes ready for ascension, and wants us to come with her. these changes are essential for her, just as we have made changes within ourselves. Were in this together, right?
Celia Fenn ~ The Year 2012: Looking Backwards, Looking Forwards, Alignments And New Energies ~ 19 January 2012
Galactic Love Reporter Celia Fenn ~ The Year 2012: Looking Backwards, Looking Forwards, Alignments And New Energies ~ 19 January 2012
So, here we are in the year 2012, and already half way through the first month of January! What an exciting year it was in 2011, and we have so much to look forward to in 2012!
Jafree Ozwald ~ Enlightened Beings ~ The Secret To Discovering Higher Consciousness ~ 19 January 2012
~ Galactic Love Reporter Jafree Ozwald ~
Enlightened Beings ~ The Secret To Discovering Higher Consciousness ~ 19 January 2012
“The only way to be happy is to love. Unless you love, your life will flash by.” ~ Tree of LIfe
Whenever something…anything happens to you in life, open your heart to it. Even if you are afraid of it and you have judged it as “wrong”, still go into it fully with a welcome open accepting heart. Otherwise the mind will get in the way and contaminate the lesson your soul is learning. Your mind is fabulous at judging things, and all judgment ends up creating heavy, defensive, fear-based energy in your body. Your heart is a master at acceptance. It is designed to accept everything and everyone as they are. It can melt through any fearful moment and help you understand that everything that happens to you is for your soul’s evolution towards enlightenment. You become a truly powerful being when you can maintain an open accepting heart, and devote every moment exploring life from this welcoming perspective.
Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Raising Your Children ~ 19 January 2012
Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Raising Your Children ~ 19 January 2012
God said:
Love is meant to be amiable and no-nonsense. For example, love doesn’t mean giving your child everything he wants, and, yet, at the same time, love is not stern. Love gives all it has to give. Give your child all the love you have to give, and that is a lot. Acknowledge your child’s innate goodness and beauty a hundred times for every time you correct him. And hold him on your lap while you correct him.
There is no necessity for your being angry with your child any more than there is necessity to indulge your child’s every whim. Whatever you do or say with your child, do it with love. You can over-indulge to your detriment and your child’s, yet you cannot love your child too much.
~ Falling in Love ..Again! ~ UFO’s and the Number 3~
Falling in Love ..Again! ~ UFO’s and the Number 3
~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~
I will never forget the very first time my heart opened. I went from living in the darkness of hell, to all of a sudden life added color to itself, quite literally. It was a sense of really seeing and feeling life for the first time.
That was 11 years ago. One would think (at least this one called Lisa) that is as full as it gets. Not even close.
My heart has stretched, opened, felt, oozed… so many times over the last decade and each time thinking, this has got to be the last expansion, deepness of feeling… but it wasn’t.
It is only now that I am truly understanding what is happening (within) with each heart expansion. It is a deepening to the higher fields. A connection so strong that all the other fields (lower vibrations) fall away and the intensity of feeling is the whole body system adjusting, aligning with the higher fields of love.
~Solar Spots Growing Fast.~
Update on the Solar Cycle.
Rev_7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
A message from Galactic Love Reporter Diana Cooper
I can hardly believe 2012 is here. We have waited such a long time for this special year (well 260,000 years actually) and most of us are primed and ready to serve in whatever way is needed.