The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~16~12
~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~Resistant Energies, it does Not matter~ The Light Has the UpperHand~
Greetings Love Beings, WE are Moving so Quickly, that Now Humanity has to play catch up to us. After we released yesterday's Wonderful Update, we quickly began receiving information for today's update. However, due to the resistant energy on the Planet right now, we are unable to release this yet. You See, we truly are all in this together and All of these events are based upon Humanity's Consciousness.
What has Occurred Today is that The unconsciousness on the Planet is trying with all its might to push up against the Raging Flowing River of Love and Truth that is pouring out. Many right now because of this are deeply confused and lost. The ego's grip is trying to hang on with almost a deathlike grip. It does not really matter, as The Light truly Now has the Upperhand. Mike Quinsey Bravely announced this truth in His Update Today: The Light is Now dictating what Happens!
We ask You NOW to stay focused and centered in the Truth that you know is Real and that is Love. The Truth is, Love is not budging. In Fact Love is just going to Breakthrough and Quickly. For the next couple of days the Energies will be on the Move. No illusionary ego, can stop the inevitibale events from unfolding. Yesterday, we were not Kidden when we shared that we have shifted the Energies into High Gear. Now, the energies will move quickly to Align with the Equinox energies, which will bring us huge transformations and True Awakenings. These will Spiral us into a Whole New Energy Field in April. Humanity is in for an Upgrade in a Big Way.
You see ego's of any kind thinks it knows something about Love. But its impossible. Ego's are not Love, they are not anything but a simple illusion, so therefore, how could it know anything? No one's ego will exist on this Planet after the complete transformation. Mother Earth=Heart Say's SO and she is the One Hosting Humanity. We repeat this statement because its the absolute Truth.
We are Happy to Report to all of You, As your Earth Allies our ego's are completly Dissolved, this is why we are able to Share the Complete Truth and are the Forerunners of the New Energy. We are In Full Consciousness which is Humanity's Destiny.
Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:
Earth Allie Report:
Photo Of CloudShips By Will Harader
We encourage everyone To Really See and Pay attention to the Ones who are True and Real. Stick by them. As Your Earth Allies we are Here to Be of Service to You and all of Humanity. WE are Clear Beings in Love with Ourselves, Each of You, Each Other, This Planet and All of Creation. We Stand By You Every Moment and we are dedicated in Our Service to Love on this Planet. We are holding the space of Real Love and Truth with Our Hearts wide Open. We are not afraid to Stand Tall In the Truth. We are Here to share with you, the True Reality that is unfolding before you, it matters not what the naysayers say. We are not here to save you, we cannot let go of your ego for you. If you are still in illusion, you will not even know what we are talking about and would say it was not true. If you look within yourself and Feel, You will know without a doubt that, Love is Truly Here and Unfolding right before your Eye's. However, to see this, you will have to Open them First.
~End Transmission in All Love is, We are So In Love With Humanity~
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
We Love You~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, and First Contact Ground Crew Team.
~Thank You for Keeping the Press Going and Supporting Your Earth Allies~ Yesterday, we asked all of you to pull us out of the hump~ Humanity responded. We have made our halfway point Goal, Thanks to those that could share! We are so proud of those who are sharing with us, if they can. Thank You for Assisting Your Earth Allies who are working 24~7. NO KIDDEN'!! WE are Here to Give You Everything.. Thank you for SHARING. Its Our Honor to Be of Service, Help Us Continue to Help You and All of Humanity~
~Help Keep the Press Going~ Share if You can!!~
Total Love shares for March 1179.77$
Total Costs for Team and Site 2000$
and 200$ behind from last month
~Are these Daily Updates and The Galactic Free Press Serving YOU? Thank you for Showing your Love and Support~
and Thank You For honoring those who work tirelessly, and endlessly for Humanity's Freedom.
Our Last Update we received 1 Love Share
~ Its Our honor to Be Here for Everyone of You Everyday, Humanity's Awakening is Our Greatest Joy, and Its our Pleasure to Be of Service~ Thank You for Sharing, to keep us in service everyday without any interruption~A Simple 5 or 10$ share adds up.
Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. All are welcome, however there is only a 10 limit at the moment, due to the limit of Skype. We are asking only those that are ready for this experience with complete service to Love, to contact us. We are looking into alternative ways to get us all connected as a Family group. This could be in radio format. If you are interested or have any suggestions as to how we can better accomplish this email us at and we will give you all the details. For the Moment connect with us via skype at father.mothergod.amon.ra
We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:
~WE are Going Home~
We Love You, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra
WE are Here~ Its US~
Message from GLR~Hi, just wanted to let you know. I will be do a meditation that I 'll will be down loaded mother earth with her soul frequency and vibration - this weekend on mother earth, I will be also downloading her and recalibrating her with new harmonic tones of 5D then pulling out old 3D patterns, neg Karma, fear based programing, duality, lack of, scarcity, anything programing that does not match her new frequency.
Let me know when you see a change. I will be doing with my friend who has the titanium unity globe and frequency machine that is anchored into all 12 pyramids so this work is always global.
Today's Angel Numbers: 999 ~ Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without delay or hesitation.
Did anyone ever consider that
Did anyone ever consider that what may seem like an obstacle that is holding them back from ascension is really there for a reason. Look at it this way, your ego is a tool in your toolbox. You can use it to take a dive to the lower dimensions to retrieve the parts of self that are stuck. These parts may be your galactic family as they did on occasion misbehave in this universe. Do you want to be a light warrior or a "All I want is out of here lightworker?" Source sent you here to free the masses and the dumbed down. So do it. Stop thinking of your own ascenions like a service to self "dark one" and bring Gods children home. Just a message I received from source. Think about it. Your family is not up there it is stuck in negative 7 dimension. Now help, like you said you would.
If you can't get all of the
If you can't get all of the chicken out of here and out of my way that is fine. I will eat the chicken feet and you ascend the white meat breasts. My grandma cooked chicken feet all the time and I liked them. So, just ascend and leave your anchors just like Saint Germaine. I am still eating his diarrhea so he can be free. No problem, just get out of my descendant way so I can free your family.
Your tenacious persistant light warrior