~The Galactic Free Press~ The Pressure is ON, and Light is At the Forefront

Lia's picture

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/12/12 We are Nearing the completion Your Assignments


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/12/12 We are Nearing the completion of your Assignments~

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Greg's Messages of late of have Been Right ON~ Way To Go Greg, We Stand With You in The Love and The Truth. Shine ON! Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff



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2012. Linear time has changed.

I used to meditate, on daily basis, but, since I start reading information about The Galactic Federation of Light I experience different communications with Beings of Light. One day, Lord Sanat Kumara The Elder of Days came over to announcese several personal things to me. But one in particular, struck me, He ask me to announce to readers, that year 2012 had started on Octuber 16th 2011. According to divine calculus 2011 ended on Octuber 15th. He also explained:"From now on We must count 30 days for each month" and every year should have 360 days total. We must be aware, that days of the week, as they are right now; they were named wrong . The right order should be as follow: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Saturday is the only day that remains unchanged. In the beginning everyone knew that Monday is related to the Moon, Wednesday to Mercury, Friday to Venus, Sunday to our Sun, Tuesday to Mars, Thursday to Jupiter, and Saturday to Saturn. This is the cosmic order in which our days of the week are directly related to every planet in the Ors Solar Sistem.

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~Setting The Stage ~


The higher frequencies coming to the planet are causing massive realignments with individuals and their life plan. As part of this realignment, each of us is being asked to move and change in particular ways, so that we enter the "final act" of this long play called the Human Experience the way we agreed


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~The Cosmic Definition of Belonging~


“The bravest souls on earth at this time are the ones who volunteer to go first with their light into the darkest corners.

 As you offered to carry your lantern and hold it out in front of you, with each careful step you were met with shadows, fears, darkness and wounds. These were not the aspects of yourself you were hoping to find nor were these the experiences you desired to have. After holding the lantern during these times of deep personal doubts, you came to believe that it was all a mistake, a wrong turn, a circular path in the dark that only led back to the same starting point again and again. As you stand holding a lantern with aching arms, you face your fears of not belonging, of missing out on the true light, and of living a life of solitude. You may have doubted everything about yourself at times on this path.


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The Pleiadian High Council: You have Always Decided the Events that Manifest on Earth



Galactic Love Reporter  Wes Annac


~Photo By Dawn Christine~


We listen to your calls to us, for us to show you ways and give you guidance as to how you can make your difficult ventures in the lower vibrations a little bit easier. Every thought is a prayer, and is itself an energetic transmission that we receive as soon as it is directed at us. We receive your thoughts and prayers for a better Life and for an easier ride in the lower dimensions, and as we feel your pleas, we make the call for you to view all events that occur in your Lives from a Loving, detached perspective. When you see a date dropped or hear of a miraculous event said to manifest, allow the scenario presented to anchor itself into your personal energetic field, which will help make you a vessel for the scenario’s energies of Creation to come through.



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2012-02-12 ~ by Owen Waters 2 ~ The Conscious Universe



by Galactic Love Reporter Owen Waters

2 - The Conscious Universe

In Part 1, Spiritual Metaphysics was defined as the study of the nature of reality based upon the all-pervasive consciousness which is behind Creation and all of its manifestations.

Everything in existence is composed of 100% consciousness. It may seem like a solid, physical world. It certainly acts like one. Once in a while, I am reminded of just how solid it is when I bump into something!

However, if you consult a book on general physics, it will point out that matter is actually composed of energy particles. That doesn’t sound so solid after all. It also raises the question, “What is energy?” To find the answer to that, you have to go beyond today’s physics and into the realm of spiritual metaphysics.

Energy is compressed consciousness.

Just like everything in the universe, energy is 100% consciousness. It has to be, because the Creator had nothing else to work with besides consciousness. Therefore, the material world, with its apparent solidity, was created from compressed consciousness.

Going back to the very beginning of the universe, Infinite Being was stirred by its initial motivation to go into action and create a way to see itself from an infinite number of viewpoints.

Infinite Being – the perfect, unchanging Absolute or Godhead – then formed an aspect of itself that we call the Creator. This aspect was charged with a mission to take action and create what we now know as the universe. The problem was, how to achieve Creation using nothing but consciousness.

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Montague Keen ~ Love will return to your world...~ 12.2.2012


Galactic Love Reporters Veronica & Montague Keen – 12 February 2012

Veronica, my dear, the time has come when those who are awake and aware of all that is happening in your world must stand together and do whatever is necessary to reclaim your world. Those with missions to complete will be given signs to indicate when it is time to step forward. This is your opportunity to rescue your fellow man from the slaughter that the Cabal is demanding to satisfy their lust for blood — though, of course, not their own blood — that, they protect above all else. Only those they see as lesser mortals are required to spill their blood to satisfy the cabal’s lust for total control of your world.

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Earth's Spin gets FASTER... New Scientist



by Love Reporter Catherine Brahic
New Scientist



© Corbis


It sometimes feels as though some months go by faster than others, but November 2009 really did. Events in the Southern Ocean conspired to make the Earth spin ever-so-slightly faster, shortening half of the days in the month by 0.1 milliseconds each.

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How To Love Yourself



How to love yourself? Be in the moment, be happy for who you are and what you have. Widen your perspective outside your comfort

zone, allow yourself to grow. Realize everything happens for a reason and life is an opportunity to better yourself. There are no right and wrongs, there just is. Be compassionate to yourself. There is a quote that I believe sums it up by Judith Dagley that I try to read every day:

“Practice Compassion Within, because withing you is where you must set the template for everything you see reflected around you. Be the diamond you are, value it.”


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Quick Update 2 from The Press~The Strange Metal Boxes Real or a Hoax? It Does Not Matter~


~The Galactic Free Press~



~Quick Update~2



~ We released a news story that we found, about some strange metal boxes showing up along the west coast. We have been attempting to verify this information, since we are not physically there, we have not been able to accomplish this, and are unable to verify them but.... Whether these boxes are physically here or not, does not matter. We know the Energy of Something Big is here [and so do all of you] and is shifting Everyone In Huge Ways.

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~Space Weather Update~ OLD SUNSPOT RETURNS: Wind Speed 418


CHANCE OF AURORAS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% of minor geomagnetic storms on Feb. 13-14 in response to the possible arrrival of a CME that left the sun on Feb. 10th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Storm alerts: text, voice.


OLD SUNSPOT RETURNS: Sunspot AR1402, which unleashed an X2-class solar flare on Jan. 27th, has returned after a two-week transit around the far side of the sun. Two weeks of decay have greatly reduced the old active region:


The sunspot group, re-numbered AR1419 for its second apparition, is crackling with B- and C-class solar flares. These flares are minor compared to the eruptions of January. The return of AR1402 is mainly significant for nostalgic reasons .



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SaLuSa 13~February~2012 The pressures are mounting on the dark Ones who in recent weeks have lost so much power.


SaLuSa 13~February~2012

The pressures are mounting on the dark Ones who in recent weeks have lost so much power. They see their financial ploys failing and circumstances turning against them. The cabal have long been identified, and they are now known for what they are in their attempts to bring the world under one government. You shall soon see them taken out of circulation, and kept under supervision where they can no longer interfere or impede the changes that are already underway. There are thousands upon thousands of people who are working for the Light, and their collective energies are a powerful force for bringing out the truth and manifesting their vision of peace. The awakening continues and more souls are looking beyond their everyday happenings for the answers. They are beginning to see how their lives have been rigidly controlled, and seek the return of their rights and freedom from the restrictions placed upon them.


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Remembering the Oneness - Adama by James McConnell




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Natalie Glasson ~ Christ Consciousness Mirror Of Unconditional Love ~ Jesus ~ 13 February 2012



Galactic Love Reporter Natalie Glasson




Christ Consciousness Mirror Of Unconditional Love – Jesus

13 February 2012



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Message from Sananda - 2-14 Sananda Teleconference




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Dear Co-Creators,


Mystery Live would like to give you a special Sound Gift for Valentines Day to create a huge HEART-TSUNAMI all over the world together. 


VALENTINES DAY IS THE DAY where we all can meet telepathically and join into our heart-space to raise and shift the vibration of our beloved Mother Earth.


Please send a short message to mysterylive@mac.com to receive our precious Valentines Sound Gift as mp3 and spread it far and wide.


Blessings and love,

We are ONE,

Mystery Live


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HEAVEN #4098 ~ THIS IS THE TRUTH ~ 13.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff




Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff


This Is the Truth

Heavenletter #4098 Published on: February 13, 2012

God said:


Mouth of the Labyrinth by ~Objowl



Are you feeling subdued today?


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Renowned Geophysicist Says Strange Sky Sounds Are Real


Renowned Geophysicist Says Strange Sky Sounds Are Real ~Thanks to BZ Riger~


Mr. Khalilov, what is the nature of the unusual very low-pitched sounds reported by a great number of people in different parts of the planet since the summer of 2011? Many call them “The Sound of the Apocalypse”. Information about that comes from all over the world: US, UK, Costa Rica, Russia, Czech Republic, Australia, etc.

We have analyzed records of these sounds and found that most of their spectrum lies within the infrasound range, i.e. is not audible to humans. What people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds.


They are low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. In geophysics, they are called acoustic-gravity waves; they are formed in the upper atmosphere, at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary in particular.



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Quick Update from The Press About Recent Developments~ Huge Events~


~The Galactic Free Press~ Quick Update 2~12~12





WOW, WE have alot going on at the Moment. We wanted to Give everyone a Quick Update~ We are working on a Press Release about everything that is unfolding, this will be released tomorrow. Its going to contain some Breaking News~ Currently, we are recieving Huge Amounts of Downloads, once these are complete we will Be able to share this Information with everyone. Yesterday, was Such a Huge Energetic Day, we are Still Speechless and Amazed at what is currently unfolding. We have the Mysterious Boxes event, the Arrests and Then Whitney Houston's Death. Three Huge Events In ONE DAY~ Whitney has released a Huge Amount of Energy to this Planet for Humanity's awakening! WOW~This is Very Significant!!! We will Be sharing about all of this~


We also wanted to Let all our Members and Readers Know that we are 1600$ from Our February Funding Goal and its a short month... Everyone Thank you for sharing, so that we can Keep going. Without Support, we will not be able to continue,... Its up to all of You to share with us, as We are working 24 Hours a Day 7 days a Week for Humanity's Freedom.  Thank You for assisting and sharing if you can, A simple 5 or 10$ Love share. These Do add Up~



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~ Preparing for What's Next ~


~Preparing for What's Next~

When Metatron delivered a comment about the need for more conscious gathering together, he did not intend to give the impression that immediate earth alterations are about to begin. No, it meant that what is about to begin needs your attention now. There is no cause to panic at the mention of getting ready.

Many of you are not doing anything that will make a difference when there are many challenges to face. Even creating mental detachment about what arises is doing something. But those doing nothing while awaiting an airlift to another galaxy will not be able to deal with the next correction to the earth's crust.



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When You Believe...Anything is Possible!!


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~Jesus: You Are all Now in a Highly Accelerated State of Releasing~


~Jesus: You Are all Now in a Highly Accelerated State of Releasing~

2012 February 12
~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman~


When humanity awakens as one into its divine and fully-conscious state, there will be great rejoicing throughout creation.  Its awakening has been planned since the moment apparent separation occurred eons ago, and the moment for that plan to reach completion is at hand.  All can awaken, and only a very small number of humans will choose not to, as the benefits of awakening are infinite and inestimable.


As you open more and more fully to the divine Love field that supports you always, you will begin to appreciate how this must be so, because when you engage with Love, operate in Love, and share Love it becomes readily apparent that living in joy is the only possibility because It dissolves all unloving attitudes and behaviors.


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Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud


Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud


Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud


Posted February 11, 2012

NASA and the European Space Agency have been warning the world for two years about the approaching catastrophes that may unfold during 2012 to 2013. Few listened.

Although NASA covered up the strange photon cloud that’s now enveloped the solar system, the word has leaked out from some scientists.


And now, as the ominous cloud approaches it’s affecting the sun and planets in measurable ways.


Amazingly, as the bizarre energy invades our space, some of the world’s most famous pyramids are generating intense energy.


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by Ascended Master Martin Luther King... 




We are inviting you to Join US in these wonderful times, where all the rules become quite useless... Please, Join US... as only cause we are here is 'cause of OTHERS... 

So, when we received request that we follow some self-imposed rules [such 'copyrights internet rule'...], which benefit no one, even not to the one who is posting them... We turned our attention to the people who care for others and who show with their actions from the heart...

To simplify, We are asking all the artistic souls here on Earth and beyond, to post their digital work or to tag US on our FaceBook page and GFP site:




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Love: Does Anything Else Matter?



What does it mean to say you love , does it mean nothing else matters? What I have found is it does. Love is an important part of life, something everyone she be apart of. With love in your life, happiness is easy to come by, smiling is like breathing, and joy seems to follow you wherever you go. This is possible for everyone to experience, not just a select few. What in your life makes you happy? What do you love? Everyone could use more love, and there are many different ways to love. Striving to be and have love will bring you just that. To truly be in love you must first start with yourself. Once you can love yourself, everything else falls into place. This is where going inside and having your own personal relationship with yourself is important. Once this relationship with yourself blossoms, you will see everything around you lighting up like the perfect day. You will have a new found perspective of the world, and you will see this develop in your relationships with others. Once love is firmly rooted within you, you no longer get caught up in the "daily drama" or negativity, and how can you? When love is present within, negativity relinquishes its power over you and becomes a thing of the past.  Your love shines out because it it sincere within. Once this takes place, nothing else but love matters. Take this to your heart, and you will change your life.


With MY Love,


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Heart Shaped CME will Probably Hit Earth on Valentine's Day




The prediction center's Facebook page reports that on Friday, the sun threw off a slow-moving coronal mass ejection, or CME — in the shape of a heart, no less. "A preliminary model run predicts this CME will arrive, appropriately enough, on Valentine's Day," NOAA reports. So if you're out with your Valentine that night, particularly in Scandinavia or Canada, watch the skies. Even if the earth doesn't move, the aurora might glow.

Meanwhile, the sunspot region that caused all the auroral fireworks last month, known as AR1402, has moved around the far side of the sun. Solar scientists will be interested to see how that region has changed when it comes back into view. We're still a year out from the anticipated peak in the sun's 11-year activity cycle, so there'll be lots of sun-watching ahead. The best ways to keep track on a daily basis is to check in with NOAA's space weather center and SpaceWeather.com.


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Hilarion's Weekly Message, February 12-19,



12 February 2012
by Love Reporter Marlene Swetlishoff
Hilarion's Weekly Message, February 12-19, 2012
Beloved Ones,
Many of you have been noticing the spirit of unity, thoughtfulness, kindness, helpfulness and cooperation within your fellow Beings as you together change the World by changing within yourselves. It is true that the only person you can change is yourself and you who read this are becoming Masters in this arena. We do recognize that it can be disheartening at times, for as you change yourselves sometimes the expectation is that others around you and all of your loved ones should be changing also.


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SAUL ~ Major changes to the way society is organized are happening right now


SAUL ~ Major changes to the way society is organized are happening right now



02~12~2012 by Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman


In the spiritual realms we are observing with joy the rapid progress that humanity is now making in its spiritual evolution as the moment for its awakening approaches. In the illusion the majority of wonderful events that are occurring across the world are not widely reported, and much is done to discount the importance of the few that do make it into the news and to discredit those who report them. But do not fear – the tide will not be turned! Major changes to the way society is organized on Planet Earth are happening right now, and the enormous benefits that this will bring to all mankind are long overdue and will not be prevented. Many loving souls have been working gently and discretely for a long time to help bring this part of God’s plan for humanity to fruition, and that moment is nigh.


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~Space Weather Update~ Big SunSpot~



BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR1416 tripled in size this weekend and, in the process, developed a "beta-gamma" magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of M-flares during the next 24 hours. Any such eruption would likely be Earth-directed as the sunspot is facing our planet. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


IRANIAN SATELLITE: On Feb. 3rd, Iran launched the country's third satellite. Named "Navid," the 110-pound mini-spacecraft is meant to stay in orbit for 18 months, sending back images to Iran as it completes a revolution of Earth every 90 minutes. On Feb. 10th, veteran satellite observer Marco Langbroek photographed Navid as it passed over his home in Leiden, the Netherlands:



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IRAN: Follow the Money (with Foster Gamble)


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Image by Ute Posegga, Copyright© 2012

Listen to this message on YouTube 

Greetings, We are AA Metratron!
We are here today to present to humanity an important message.
This message will help you to a great degree, just by listening and receiving its energy, to incarnate in your body and consciousness the original blueprint of what you are and as what you have been created to be ultimately: the Adam Kadmon.
As you know, the Adam Kadmon is the Divine Man, the human being that has been created in the Name and Image of God. It is the code of the Adam Kadmon that is  being activated throughout the universe, not only on your planet earth but also on other planets, similar to yours and other galaxies who host planets who are on a similar evolution stage as you are.

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HEAVEN #4097 ~ A PALACE OF HEARTS ~ 12.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff



Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

A Palace of Hearts

Heavenletter #4097 Published on: February 12, 2012

God said:

Hummingbird's Petal by ~ImaginationScape


If you would accept that you are loved - if ten percent of the people on Earth would accept that they are loved -- all the troubles of the world would disappear in an instant. Nothing would be able to stand up against the power of such love. I can hear the hum of all that love now, and Earth would instantly rise to Heaven. Earth would be rocked to its very foundation, and rise like love. Love is the most powerful arrow you carry in your quiver. You have forgotten.

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The Grid of Earth and Sun and Holy Matrimony!


The Grid of Earth and Sun and Holy Matrimony! Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas




I don’t even know where to start in this sharing, so I am simply going to start from my meditation yesterday morning.  I went into meditation to try and understand the field and its changing and what it means to us.  Yesterday was simply a day full  of surprises from beginning to end!!!


I heard the guardians say it is less the field that is changing as it is humanity that is changing.  The field is morphing to hold the expanded consciousness of humanity.


I suppose this seeded my upcoming readings for the day.  Phew!!

My first reading of the day, I had no idea what we were going to witness.  I could not see the field before her appointment… but once she was placed in it, it all became crystal clear in my vision (but not even close in my understanding of what is happening really.)



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~Tribute To Whitney Houston~ We Love You~ Thank you~



~With All our Love~ Thank You For Your Service In Love On This Planet through Your Incredible Gift You Gave US ALL, through your Voice. WE Love YOU~ It was Your Voice ..... That Has Assisted In the Awakening Of Humanity,as Truly Humanity is The Greatest Love Of All~Love Mother and Father God and The  Galactic Free Press Staff


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2/12/2012 -- California earthquake swarm @ dormant volcanic chain = Southwest USA moving


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Galactic Love Reporter Solara




February is a short, but extremely potent month that brings much movement. We will realign many aspects of our lives that felt stuck before. We need to stay ultra alert because everything will happen very fast. In February, we will make more in depth adjustments to the 11/11/11 RESET. This is happening because we are still trying to carry Pre-RESET assumptions, attitudes, emotions, judgments, behaviors and beliefs into a Post-RESET World. This simply doesn't work anymore. These first two months of the year contain many challenges as old patterns and situations call out for our attention; only now we must learn to respond to them in completely new ways.

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Can you sense the shift? I can. It's as if I go somewhere in my dreamtime and come back feeling supercharged...at least this morning. I simply have an overwhelming sense that we the people are winning on our own behalf as well as to the benefit of our planet and Nature itself. This game of corporate greed and massive fraud is finally ending. The lights shine more brightly every day. We win!


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