- Monsanto: Found Guilty of Chemical Poisoning + 300k US Farmers Prepare Lawsuit
- What dreams are made of - Message from Jeshua Way of the Heart
- ~ On Relationships ~ SaLuSa to Me by Laura Tyco ~ 18 Feb 2012 ~
- Anonymous: Address to Greeks During Feb. 12-14 Riots
- Unconditional Love and a Unifying Identity are The Key of Becoming ONE
- Heal Your Life With Self-Love by Lover Reporters Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher
- We're working on a "commercial." Whatcha think?
- Zero Point & the Central Sun
- Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 Ascension Symptoms & the Global Sound Phenomenon
- NEW MOON 2/21/2012 - LOOKOUT EVERYONE!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!
- HEAVEN #4103 ~ In the Consciousness of Heaven ~ 18.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff
- Jean Haines – $6 Trillion In US Bonds Seized In Zurich, Said To Pose “Severe Threats To International Financial Stability” – 17 February 2012
- ~ Breaking the Illusion of Limitation ~
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Detach from the Drama
- ~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~
- ~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~
- Fear Is A Handicap ~ A Guest Post by Michael Brine
- Don't be afraid of the NEW SUN SHINING IN YOU - IT IS LOVE AWAKENING - by ANdReA
- ~Space Weather Update~ Still Quiet, New Sun Spot is Emerging~ 297 Wind Speed
- 2~18~12~ The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies The Quickening~
- Lee~Anne Peters ~ Just Keep Swimming ~ 18 February 2012
- The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 88 Mother Earth says No More, That is the Order of The Day!~
- You Are The Light Sharers ~ Sananda 2~17~12
- 2/17/2012 -- Honey Bees and flowers in winter -- SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG -- St. Louis Missouri
- Pattern Of Axis Shifts, Earthquakes, & Timewave Zero Correspondence
- Ann Anderson ~ Personal Guide Angelo ~ On Romance And Homesickness ~ 17 February 2012
- UFO Report ~ UFOs Filmed From Car Driving USA ~ 17 February 2012
- 2012 NEXT MEGAQUAKE March 22nd, NEXT AXIS SHIFT (Warning For Your Loved Ones)
- Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room ~ Ashtar Teleconference, Feb 7, 2012
- You and the Global Shift - Vital Role of Community
- Quantum Physics Confirms Ancient Science Was On To Something
- Freedom of and From Religion ~ by Bill Moyers ~ February 16, 2012
- What will happen to us on a molecular level. molecular changes of 2012 Gregg Braden.flv
- Message from the Councils of Light 2/17/12 2012 the Year of Humanity's Awakening~
- Some Days to Observe
- Charles Walford -Close Encounters Of The Home Counties Kind: Two ‘Alien Aircraft’ Sightings In One week In ‘UK’s UFO hotspot’
- Arctic Vortex/Texas Drought to Continue.
- Scientific UFO Evidence in Norway
- Archangel Gabriel ~ 17 February 2012 ~Those who carry hope within their hearts are those who embody the trust and innocence of the purified Soul~
- Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room Ashtar Teleconference
- End of the Rope: Magnetic Re~Alignment
- Evolving Beyond Our Five Senses to Be the New Human
- ~The Shimmering One's~
- Enlightened Beings ~ Daily Prayer To Ignite Your Life
- ~The Galactic Free Press~ YeeHaw~The Gates of Love are Bursting Open~
- Spend time caring for yourself ~ by Galactic Love Reporter Sharon Taphorn ~
- Visionkeeper ~ Feel Like You’re Spinning Around In Circles?
- Allendale to Tots…He’s Baaack! ~ February 17, 2012
- Revelations Of The Mayans 2012 And Beyond
AS the 2012 Energies continue to move at an even faster rate then the moment before, the cleansing continues as all lie's, curroptions, ect. come up to be looked at by the collective consciousness to be dissolved and replaced with the Higher Energies of Truth. We are currently in the midst of the physical speration of the worlds. The 2 cannot exist side by side any longer and Mother Earth=Heart is saying enough is enough. There comes a moment when we Must Move forward and we are in these Moments. We will Continue this in our Next Daily Update which will come out this evening. We are with you all the way. Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff
Monsanto: Found Guilty of Chemical Poisoning + 300k US Farmers Prepare Lawsuit
wow... It is starting... it already started...
Monsanto: Found Guilty of Chemical Poisoning + 300k US Farmers Prepare Lawsuit
What dreams are made of - Message from Jeshua Way of the Heart
What dreams are made of - Message from Jeshua
At the beginning of times, creation was just an idea, a plan of God to experience Himself. Then came the world. From a single thought life was born with its myriad of expressions. This process is still repeating each instant. Your world is in constant creation, but by not bringing awareness to this process, you fall in the traps of illusion.
It's true. People around the world are watching as the Bank, Attorneys and Court attempt to steal my home without due process of law. There is a remedy that I cannot detail publicly; but I will be happy to discuss it privately with those that may be able to help. It costs $5,000; and it will be removed from the jurisdiction of the local court that is acting in a criminal manner. In the meantime, I ask that people around the world continue to send emails to Sheriff Jack Parker, the man that must make a decision on which is more important, his oath of office or blindly following orders from the corrupt court. His e-mail address is: Sheriff Jack Parker (admin@bcso.us). Please be sure to include my name in the email. Thanks
Unconditional Love and a Unifying Identity are The Key of Becoming ONE
As we move further into expanded energies, we see new creative geniuses coming forth to share their gifts with the world. Moving forward, we will see new masters in every conceivable field emerging from every location on planet Earth.
Many of these masters have never thought of themselves as such, yet each person has it within themselves to create great works. These include great works of art, literature, music and much more. Every conceivable field of human endeavor has its masters. The underlying thread all masterpieces hold in common is that they are the byproducts of a unified mind[=Heart] and soul.
Masterpieces are Encoded with the Essence of Spirit.
We're working on a "commercial." Whatcha think?
We're working on a "commercial."
Whatcha think?
"Do YOU suffer from the GeneticallyModifiedMicro-ChippedInjectedBigPharmaSheepleComplex?
Well, THAT'S no problem! You just need a good dose of Love, Light, and Peace!
⁀‵⁀) ✫ ✫ ✫LOVE♥
✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫ ✫LIGHT★
.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫ ✫ ✫
•°˜”*°•.✫ ¤ PEACE☮
Just listen to Jenny!:
"When I first tried Love, Light, and Peace, I was skeptical--I admit it. Then, I TOOK A DEEP BREATH, [takes a deep breath], and actually became PRESENT IN MY BODY, and WOW, Love, Light & Peace! I'm Yours FOREVER!" -Jenny
See. [points at Jenny] If it worked for Jenny, it'll work for You!
Love, Light, and Peace's triple white-foaming action cuts through any bullsh*t necessary instanateously!
LOVE, LIGHT, & PEACE: get yours now, while an endless supply of infinity lasts.....FOREVER...
Zero Point & the Central Sun
Zero Point & the Central Sun
Published February 17, 2012
Artwork By Father God Amon Ra
Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website
In the early part of the twentieth century, an airless vacuum was used in an experiment to determine if there is energy in empty Space. This vacuum was lead-shielded from all known electro-magnetic fields. When it was cooled down to the temperature where all matter should cease vibrating and produce no heat, a tremendous amount of energy was found to exist. Because it can exist at ‘absolute zero’ temperature, this energy has come to be known as Zero Point Energy.[i]
Are there things about the Universe that will be forever beyond our grasp? Are there things about the Universe that are ungraspable? Dr. Richard Dawkins
Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 Ascension Symptoms & the Global Sound Phenomenon
Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 Ascension Symptoms & the Global Sound Phenomenon
Transitions | February 17 2012
I received an email the other day from one of my readers (who wishes to remain anonymous) asking if I’d give my impressions on the global “strange sounds”phenomenon that many people have heard and recorded in 2011 and 2012. This reader included in his letter some YouTube links of these “strange sounds” from around the world and this was the first time I’d watched and heard this particular “strange sound” phenomenon. [Please search "2012 strange sounds" at YouTube to hear them if you haven't as yet.]
NEW MOON 2/21/2012 - LOOKOUT EVERYONE!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!
FOUND HERE: http://aquariuschannelings.com/2012/02/15/spacemuffin-february-15-2012/#more-...
HEAVEN #4103 ~ In the Consciousness of Heaven ~ 18.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff
Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff
In the Consciousness of Heaven
Heavenletter #4103 Published on: February 18, 2012
Naturally, as human beings, you desire life to go according to your desires. In your heart, you desire your loved ones to live forever even as you know this is not how it is on Earth. This is how it is in Heaven.
While you are on Earth, at the same time as you desire, you let go. You let go of your desires. They are not desires of steel.
Jean Haines – $6 Trillion In US Bonds Seized In Zurich, Said To Pose “Severe Threats To International Financial Stability” – 17 February 2012
Send them Love and pure Light, knowing all is Perfectly planned... And they know this... as they are asking to become US again... Yes, they want to come to Light again...
This is the small part of the Prosperity funds, including Lord James speach 2 days ago, with another 15 trillions hidden in plain sight... yet there is no other way but to surface all the TRUTH... AS TRUTH WILL SET US FREE...
With Love, AM Predrag
Jean Haines – $6 Trillion In US Bonds Seized In Zurich, Said To Pose “Severe Threats To International Financial Stability” – 17 February 2012
~ Breaking the Illusion of Limitation ~
Thanks to
BZ: Thanks to Kay. Limiting beliefs, illusion,the locks of doubt are all breaking up and falling away. Its a time for going inside to stand in your core, your power, your truth. Use the time to sweep away all the remaining illusions that stand in your way of seeing the truth of who you are and the magnification Nova Gaia we are co-creating together.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Detach from the Drama
~Surround situations with a loving light~
As you expand and heal yourself and become lighter and more sensitive to your environments, you will find that you are more receptive to the emotions of others and therefore feel this energy in a different way. Since humans evolve at different rates, there is usually a variety of issues and dramas taking place. When you find yourself in situations that include others sharing their stories with you, infuse the conversation with loving light as they share, just smile and listen.
Offer them not your advise unless expressly asked for, just send them loving light. Most often others share to gain their own clarity. As you become a more compassionate being, open yourself up to more compassion, but most of all access the wisdom within that recognizes the Divine in everyone and everything and all that is. This action spreads much light, joy, and freedom and is an energy that empowers others.
~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~
~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~
Artwork By Father God Amon Ra
~Galactic Love Reporter Mark Kimmel~
"Greeting from the starship Athabantian. My name is Taugth. I am a celestial of the highest order and am androgynous. I am currently stationed aboard this exquisite Andromedan vessel along with several thousand other beings. Although this starship is close enough for you to see with your human vision, it is currently cloaked from your view.
We are here to assist the transformation of this planet and her human residents. We do so out of love, a sense of service, and the knowledge that we are creating something wondrous, for we are not only helping to restore Earth to her former brilliance, but also raising her humans into the 5th Dimension.
~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~
~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~
Thanks to trunity.net
Hello all,
Here is a topic that keeps coming to me to talk about, and it is about sharing! Not just sharing for which most know as sharing with strings attached or with-conditions, but sharing with-out conditions. The same goes for what most know within the collective as love with conditions instead of knowing and sharing love with-out conditions.
Photo By Will Harader
Alexandra & Paul Walsh~ Roberts
Welcome dear ones. Blessings. There is much to consider in your times of transmutation. But above all, may you consider surrender as a guiding theme through the adjustments that you are all making. It is surrender to receiving as well as surrender to releasing. It is surrender to change as it is surrender to continuation.
It is not possible for you to know or to comprehend what is taking place. For it is a process, a process with a purpose and a methodology, but not with a known system or with a known result in terms of your world.
The form that shall ultimately be taken by these changes is uncertain. However the qualities that shall ultimately prevail in your world through yourselves is with great certainty. A principle of harmony, of thorough comprehensive awareness, and of love is certain. However when you look at your world and at your own lives, the form that those qualities would take are definitely uncertain.
Fear Is A Handicap ~ A Guest Post by Michael Brine
Fear Is A Handicap ~ A Guest Post by Michael Brine
Fear Is A Handicap
In 2004 I wrote this to a friend with whom I was having an exchange. In 2006 this was later published on a web site who had asked permission. I have decided that perhaps the time has come to give it a wider audience given the times we are living through. Also, may the wisdom of the poetry of Baha’u’llah touch your heart. Enjoy – M.B.
“Oh Son of Spirit!
I created thee rich, why doest thou
Bring thyself down to poverty?
Noble I made thee, wherewith dost
Thou abase thyself? Out of the essence of
Knowledge I gave thee being, why seekest thou
Enlightenment from anyone beside me? Out of
The clay of love I moulded thee, why doest thou busy
Thyself with another? Turn thy sight onto thyself,
That thou mayest find Me standing within thee,
Mighty, powerful and self-subsisting.”
Don't be afraid of the NEW SUN SHINING IN YOU - IT IS LOVE AWAKENING - by ANdReA
by Galactic Love Reporter AM ANdReA
What if the world had been covered by thik layers of clouds... and this had been going on for centuries...
no Sun...
for generations and generations...
Tales would have been written about a Big Light in the sky, and times when people eat strange food grown in the land under this Big Light... about people living and enjoying the Big Light under a blue sky... Tales about seasons... Stars... planets... Tales about whatever covered the Big Bright Light forever...
~Space Weather Update~ Still Quiet, New Sun Spot is Emerging~ 297 Wind Speed
SUNSET PLANETS: The brightest planets in the night sky are aligning for a must-see show in late February and March 2012. You can start looking tonight. [video] [full story].
QUIET SUN: Considering the fact that Solar Maximum is only about one year away, the sun is experiencing some remarkable spells of quiet. One of them is underway right now. There have been no significant flares for more than five days, and the sun's X-ray output has flatlined:
2~18~12~ The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies The Quickening~
The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies
Greetings from the Federation:
Today we speak of a quickening which is occurring at every level of your reality. It is not a “quickening” of time as you may believe occurs. Sometimes, this is just the way of your perceptions, and not of the “reality” of time itself. Rather, we speak of a quickening of all that underlies the reality fabric of your world.
Lee~Anne Peters ~ Just Keep Swimming ~ 18 February 2012
Lee~Anne Peters ~ Just Keep Swimming ~ 18 February 2012
The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 88 Mother Earth says No More, That is the Order of The Day!~
The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 88 Mother Earth says No More, That is the Order of The Day!~
Photo courtesy sherinata.wordpress.com
We would like to take this opportunity to delve deeper into your tomorrows, as that is a subject that often enters the conversation these days. As you well know, changes are afoot, and they go deep, deeper than any changes humankind has been through before. That is easy to understand, as mankind's current way of living is so far from sustainable, and now it is change or disappear forever from the face of the earth, as there is no way you can continue in the same tracks. At least, not for long, as Mother Earth is losing her patience once and for all. In other words, even though mankind cannot abide change if they have a choice, now they do not have a choice any longer. You have been leading the way down a one way street, and now you are approaching a cul de sac you have no way of getting out of on your own.
You Are The Light Sharers ~ Sananda 2~17~12
Photo from message-to-mankind.webs.com
You Are The Light Sharers ~ Sananda 2~17~12
I am Sananda and I am pleased to be with you at this time. Understand that you have come together at a time when once again just as of old you are fulfilling that promise to join once again, old souls reuniting. And as you are reuniting, as you are coming together, you are moving in a certain direction that will allow you to be of most service, not to us but to all of mankind, for even the littlest one can perform miracles. Because of this situation now soon coming, because of the urgency that is now developing upon the planet we are moving in another direction and are preparing many groups throughout the planet to be ready for those changes as they come.
2/17/2012 -- Honey Bees and flowers in winter -- SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG -- St. Louis Missouri
February 17, 2012 -- winter in the midwest United States -- most of us have noticed or heard people talking about this "warm winter" the United States is experiencing.
Today -- blossoming flowers and buzzing honey bees !!! In St. Louis Missouri USA in February .
Keep in mind, flowers and bees in a place where February NORMALLY produces negative fahrenheit temperatures -- frozen rivers and lakes.
The north pole has shifted northwest into Siberia -- warmer latitudes have moved northwest along with the pole... bringing unnaturally (unseasonably) warm weather further north along with this change.
Read more on the north pole shift to siberia russia here:
The USDA has issued NEW growing guidelines based upon this "new" warm weather.... according to the Department of Agriculture.. plants that used to grow in New Orleans will now grow in northern latitudes hundreds of miles further north... in areas like missouri-- kentucky -- north carolina . This is per the US Government , not a wild unfounded rumor.
Ann Anderson ~ Personal Guide Angelo ~ On Romance And Homesickness ~ 17 February 2012
Ann Anderson ~ Personal Guide Angelo ~ On Romance And Homesickness ~ 17 February 2012
You and many other women, my dear one. You are a romantic at heart even though you don’t see yourself that way. You are a lover of love! You don’t see much of that kind of thing in daily life. No one does. That’s why love stories are popular in every age in every country and realm.
But the kind of love you long for does exist here in the higher dimensions and that is what you seek. The feeling of connection and bliss that is your home emotion, your home plate, your home base, your true center of existence. Love, love and love.
When you see a scene that evokes that the real feeling is homesickness. The feeling you seek has nothing to do with sex or flirtation. It’s the feeling of true, pure unconditional love that is brought up by the dramatization of a love scene. Does that explain it?
Hi, Folks -
Thanks to Reader R. for the pointers and footwork on this.
Available as video:
2012 NEXT MEGAQUAKE March 22nd, NEXT AXIS SHIFT (Warning For Your Loved Ones)
This video is specifically for those who are not yet aware of what is happening. For those who are up to date, you can use this video to raise awareness.
The liklihood that there will be another megaquake and axis shift on march 22, 2012 is very high. In my opinion, the cause of these shifts is a massive celestial Pulse effect from the galactic center and our sun SOL.. moving inward from the 9 o'clock orientation of the solar system/ springtime/ constellations Leo-Orion.
The effects on the planet are directly correlated to Earth's orientation relative to SUN SOL, the planets, bodies within space & to the PULSE, with shifts of Earth's axis occuring every 377 days, and significant Earthquakes every 188-9 days.
There is a chance the shift could occur later, thus changing it's orientation relative to Earth. But there is no way to determine this without an infrared telescope and trained astronomers, of which, only the elites have access to, and they have developed a policy of secrecy on the topic. So information is hard to come by.
Better to be prepared now, but at the very least, leave danger zones before March 22nd.
Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room ~ Ashtar Teleconference, Feb 7, 2012
Galactic Love Reporter Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room
Ashtar Teleconference, Feb 7, 2012
"Ahhh, what a story! What a story! [Referring to the Star Wars theme song.] Do you recall that? There’s Truth in that series of movies. Of course there was war and it came to Peace but we want to emphasize what really, really is important, and that is the return to Love. Yes, there were some dark times but in the end it was Love that shone forth. Remember, Ashtar gave that assignment a while back, and for those of you who might remember it, the assignment was to love that little boy all the way through, and then at the very end he returned to Love, even after he had been such a dark evil being. He understood that what was really important was Love.
Quantum Physics Confirms Ancient Science Was On To Something
Quantum Physics Confirms Ancient Science Was On To Something
by Galactic Love Reporter Ryan
The ancients have deciphered consciousness in ways modern science is just now coming to terms with. They have discovered everything is a fluid energy and the so called solidity of the world we see around us is only an illusion. Everything, including our consciousness, is a constantly flowing energy that has uniqueness based on the variance of vibrations. However, it all originates from the SAME infinite source.
Go look at your hand, a stick of gum, or a cardboard box underneath a microscope. You’ll find if you zoom in far enough they are all just a bunch of atoms. Atoms are composed of different types of particles that can be even further dissected. At the heart of it all is a tiny filament that, depending on how it vibrates, makes up the different things we see.
Message from the Councils of Light 2/17/12 2012 the Year of Humanity's Awakening~
Hold to Howard Hughes’ ‘A few Principles of Thought’.
There are 21 councils that exist and take a leading role in the affairs of your planet. We, in turn, voice our concerns and our opinions as to how your world should be governed and a vote is then taken to decide these matters. Many issues have been decided upon in this manner, and we at this time would like to discuss with you some of these issues.
The timetable for your awakening and return to full consciousness has been often discussed, and this is one of the key areas of discussion for some time within the councils. It has been decided that your year of 2012 would be the time for such an awakening, and many projects are underway at this time to facilitate this mass awakening. How to bring about your awakening has also been a topic of much debate, and it has been decided that a slow process would be the best suitable method as it is felt a sudden awakening would be too great a shock for some of you.
Some Days to Observe
From Doreen Virtue Angels Numbers~222 ~ Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
Charles Walford -Close Encounters Of The Home Counties Kind: Two ‘Alien Aircraft’ Sightings In One week In ‘UK’s UFO hotspot’
-Close Encounters Of The Home Counties Kind: Two ‘Alien Aircraft’ Sightings In One week In ‘UK’s UFO hotspot’ –
by Galactic Love Reporter Charles Walford 17 February 2012 Thanks to Lucas
They hover in close formation against the backdrop of a cloudy Kent sky.
The two mysterious bright lights were photographed on January 6 floating over Chatham.
Less than a week later four similar lights were seen over Essex, shining brightly against the dawn.
The remarkable sightings were made just 30 miles apart in an area now dubbed the country’s UFO hotspot.
The first image was captured by Ernestas Griksas, 21, who was taking a picture of a cherry-picker outside his home in Chatham at around 1pm.
Arctic Vortex/Texas Drought to Continue.
Record Drought in Texas/Climate Change.
Archangel Gabriel ~ 17 February 2012 ~Those who carry hope within their hearts are those who embody the trust and innocence of the purified Soul~
Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 17 February 2012
~Those who carry hope within their hearts are those who embody the trust and innocence of the purified Soul~
Beloved Ones,
I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love called hope. This most essential quality is the cornerstone of all other attributes of the Divine heart. With hope firmly entrenched within One’s heart, all things remain possible. Hope is the belief in the eternal order of all things in Heaven and Earth, that all is well and that in a greater perspective – that which the Creator perceives – the manifestation of miracles is a common occurrence and all that is required is this quality of Love to bring them forth. Those who carry hope within their hearts are those who embody the trust and innocence of the purified Soul, One whose trials and tribulations have brought this quality of Love to the forefront as an innate belief that at some point the tide of the wheel of life will flow back in favor of the One who holds this attribute within them.
Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room Ashtar Teleconference
Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room
Ashtar Teleconference, Feb 7, 2012
"Ahhh, what a story! What a story! [Referring to the Star Wars theme song.] Do you recall that? There’s Truth in that series of movies. Of course there was war and it came to Peace but we want to emphasize what really, really is important, and that is the return to Love. Yes, there were some dark times but in the end it was Love that shone forth. Remember, Ashtar gave that assignment a while back, and for those of you who might remember it, the assignment was to love that little boy all the way through, and then at the very end he returned to Love, even after he had been such a dark evil being. He understood that what was really important was Love.
End of the Rope: Magnetic Re~Alignment
End of the Rope: Magnetic Re~Alignment
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ FYI: No matter what any information says about the ego, you cannot balance ego, you cannot do anything with it, but release it, its unconsciousness and its a program. The ego cannot enter in this energy, its impossible~ The GFP Staff
The Group | Channeled through Steve Rother
February 15, 2012
Evolving Beyond Our Five Senses to Be the New Human
~Evolving Beyond Our Five Senses to Be the New Human~
Photo through http://ericnauta.tumblr.com/page/2
In this most recent time phase of human experience, we have been very outwardly focused, relying almost entirely on our five senses.
Our higher awareness never left us.
The patterns we've developed over the past ten thousand years are quite rigid yet they must be broken to evolve humanity, starting with ourselves. The higher frequencies now returning into/onto this planet at this time actually help us to re-member; re-member who we Are, why we are here and what we can we be. Our higher (we would say inner) awareness is a vital component to creating and residing in a reality beyond the 3D.
~The Shimmering One's~
Greetings dear ones and we are here for all of you as you now undergo the mass transformation of EGO and allow that which is YOU to stand forward. We are the Shimmering Ones and we are here for each one of you as you now go through the mass cleansing of the soul. For many of you have decided to release the karmic debt that has amassed over the timelines and dimensions in which you reside. The clearing is done in this timeline and this dimension through the vehicle you have chosen for this incarnation your human body.
Enlightened Beings ~ Daily Prayer To Ignite Your Life
Enlightened Beings ~ Daily Prayer To Ignite Your Life
Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Beings | February 17 2012
Please show me my highest purpose in serving the healing of myself and humanity with super clear directions on how to do this.
Assist me on what to do today so that the words and actions I share come from my absolute highest level of love and consciousness.
Help me to look deeper within myself and acknowledge the divine all powerful creative being Who I Really Am.
Allow me to slow down and feel the sweet healing presence of my infinite soul, so I may awaken fully to the most empowered and enlightened state living in total bliss.
Give me the strength to be patient, humble, always loving and curious.
Help me to have the courage to take on those inspired actions that make me feel unstoppable and live a life free from fear.
~The Galactic Free Press~ YeeHaw~The Gates of Love are Bursting Open~
~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~17~12
~Bringing Humanity Home~
~Energy and Event Update~
YeeHaw~The Gates of Love are Bursting Open~
The True Love Energy cannot be denied, as Mother Earth=Heart is Transitioning Herself and All of Humanity into a Blue StarSeed Nation. This is inevitable. The Marriage of Humanity with God=Love Energy and Humanity's Complete Awakening is an unstoppable event, because it has already occurred. All incoming events have been predestined by LOVE. This is a Done Deal.
Artwork by Father God
Spend time caring for yourself ~ by Galactic Love Reporter Sharon Taphorn ~
Spend time caring for yourself
Visionkeeper ~ Feel Like You’re Spinning Around In Circles?
Visionkeeper ~ Feel Like You’re Spinning Around In Circles?
Thanks to GillianOne World Rising | February 17 2012
I must say, things are getting really strange in the world now. The insanity is increasing and reality is becoming something out of the Twilight zone. What the media is trying to pass off as truth and reality is almost humorous at this point if we weren’t in such a dire situation. Are the elite’s minds so eroded that they cannot see the absurdity of what they are trying to do? Living in the present is like sitting down with a brand new puzzle only this one does not have the edge pieces to begin framing in the picture. It is just a jumble of cutout pieces all one color and with nowhere to start. Nothing they are trying to pass off as truth even remotely passes the sniff test. It is no wonder the ungrounded people are flying around in circles with nothing to grab onto yelling for help. There is nothing familiar left for them to call home, they are way past their comfort zones without return trip tickets to get back. I am sorry they are having to experience such upheaval, but staying asleep has its hazards.
Allendale to Tots…He’s Baaack! ~ February 17, 2012
Allendale to Tots…He’s Baaack! ~ February 17, 2012
Posted on
February 17, 2012
[Hello Allendale.] Hello Lass. My, my, my it has been awhile. [Yes it has. I don’t know if that has been due to me, you or us both.] It has been a very interesting time for sure, these past few weeks. With the debate of ‘joy-rides’ and channeling in general your High Self and I felt it was best let the fur lay down a bit.
The truth is this; the event that Steve (Beckow) manifested was truly beneficial on many levels. It allowed others to open their minds to possibilities they wouldn’t have otherwise. It created a movement of hope. And although it didn’t produce the results that Steve sought, in many dimensions it laid the foundation that is necessary.