Gaze into our eyes. Ours is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up.

Doreen Smith's picture


November 15, 2013  


“It is time for me to reveal myself. I am an imbedded agent of a secret, undercover, clandestine, global operation. A spiritual conspiracy. You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice.

We have sleeper cells in every nation on the planet . . .”

This video was posted in 2009, two years prior to Occupy in 2011. Imagine how many of us have joined the revolution since.


Love is the New Religion (The Spiritual Conspiracy) -Brian Piergrossi




About Ann Kreilkamp

I'm a Ph.D. philosopher, author, magazine founder and editor, and consulting astrologer who took the Permaculture Design Course in 2007. In 2009 I deepened my committment to both "above" and "below" by starting to attend UFO conferences and founding a neighborhood permaculture garden ( See for bio, etc.
