GFP Newsletter - 3/16/2014

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You want to know the difference between belief systems and truth? Truth isn't something you believe, it's something you Live. A belief system is something static, dead. Truth is very much dynamic, changing, and alive. The moment you define truth in some rigid way, truth has already gone beyond your definitions.

Working hard for something we don't care about it is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion. -Simon Sinek



AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology 
Full Moons are a time of releasing.  It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations, your old perceptions, your Soul and observe what is no longer working for you.  What is no longer vibrating where you are now vibrating?   It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life.   


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Fine the LOVE inside of YOU!


Ever heard people urge you to meditate? You know, become quiet and still your thoughts? Wonder why so many urge this practice and what is to be gained? Becoming quiet and devoid of active thought (thinking about the electrical/gas bill, his graduation, her dance recital, etc.) is easiest at night before slumber and gives us the opportunity to listen to ourselves.

Meditation is defined as “to contemplate, or ponder” or take time to consider an idea. Most people think the meditation requires sitting with crossed legs, arms resting on your knees going Ohm…but that’s really not the case. You can “pose” for meditation, but I’ve done some great meditation while driving! (Not in city traffic however!) Meditation can be performed anywhere and any time you are able to stop active thought, at the beach, at home or whenever you can just still your mind. That’s what spirituality is…listening to your spirit and meditation allows that listening to happen.


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What is Real Beyond What is ‘Real’


“Wake from reality, wake from your dream…”

Reality. It certainly is a subjective, seemingly flexible and very elusive element of human existence.


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5 Reasons to Make Your Own Healing Potions and How to Do It


With an ever increasing interest in homeopathic remedies, more people are looking into making their own healing balms for common conditions.

This drive is pushed in part by a mistrust of commercial products, many of which make claims that are supposedly based on science. Sadly, too often we find that the science behind commercial products is incomplete or just plain flawed.

Consumers are more aware than ever that many of the ingredients being used to make commercial products are not healthy. Studies are piling up against such ingredients and this head knowledge is being translated into action.


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Awakening Your Seven Major Chakras


Most of us here in India are familiar with Chakras to the extent that we know they exist in our body. But we don’t really get in to the specifics of where the Chakras are located and what do they do? Chakras are well known in the East, and are fast gaining popularity in the West.


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SO News March 16, 2014: Earthquakes, Storms, Solar Flares

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While You Are Waiting…. - The Creator Writings



Your Earth-plane existence and your happiness is not something you can put on hold. So many of you move through your life thinking, “Once the right person/money/the perfect job arrives, I will be happy.” or “If I drive the right car/live in the right house/have the right friends, life will be perfect.” While you are waiting for these things to appear, so many enriching opportunities are moving past you at an alarming rate! 


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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 16, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


As energetically sensitive human beings, you would do well to move with what the energies support at any given time. Much like you make plans around your weather, taking advantage of opportunities when the conditions support it, and putting things off if they do not, you would save yourself a lot of discomfort and struggle if you would do the same by honouring what the energies are good for each day. You do not need an expert to tell you. You simply need to be self aware, and trust that you are the expert on how the energies are affecting you.


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Divine Gifts - The Creator Writings


ImageHow do you go about your day?  Is it spent doing, feeling or acting the way you FEEL you should or doing what others expect? Or, do you move from one moment to the next, knowing that whatever happens is divinely perfect in its timing?  Take the time to release your ‘shoulds’ and ‘expectations’ and allow these gifts to arrive in whatever form they choose.  They are lined up and waiting just for you. ~ Creator


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Understanding 5D


First I'll explain how not to do it, as 5D isn't really understood through the ways we're used to gaining knowledge. You can't experience 5D through your physical senses, it's beyond all of those. You cannot touch, taste, smell, hear or see 5D, and this is part of what makes even beginning to comprehend 5D so difficult. Human beings are visually-oriented, which works just fine in the physical realm, but is actually kind of a hindrance when it comes to 5D. Even your imagination is most likely visual-based, so trying to imagine 5D isn't going to work very well either.


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The War on Terror is a Fraud: How the West has Fostered Radical Islam and Actively Keeps it Alive


Have you ever heard, "what you resist persists"? That fighting against something actually feeds into it? This might not be news to most of us here, but it turns out the U.S., the very country fighting so hard against terrorism worldwide, is actually helping fund it:

In 2009, a series of events occurred that ought to have raised questions in the press. First, the United States began a troop surge in Afghanistan designed to deliver the final blow to the Taliban insurgency. Then the United States provided a $7.5 billion aid package to Pakistan. Around the same time, the Carnegie Foundation published a study which revealed a majority of Pakistan aid goes to the intelligence agency ISI and the military. The problem with these three events is that earlier in the year, U.S. officials revealed to the New York Times that the ISI was funding the Taliban, and was responsible for providing direct assistance and helping with some of their strategic strikes.

The press did cover these stories, but independent of one another. Not one media institution connected the dots that the United States was actively funding the harm that its armed forces were simultaneously fighting. Following the official narrative of the war, it certainly doesn't make any sense that the United States was indirectly prolonging the quagmire. Perhaps such mistakes are the inevitability of a bloated war bureaucracy, or that U.S. officials simply didn't realize the connection. Unfortunately, a collection of evidence points to a more sinister explanation: the United States and its allies have been deliberately proliferating radical Islam for decades, only to later spend trillions fighting the enemy they created.

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There's An Ocean Deep Inside the Earth


In what sounds like a chapter from Journey to the Center of the Earth, the chemical makeup of a tiny, extremely rare gemstone has made researchers think there's a massive water reservoir hundreds of miles under the earth.

The gemstone in question is called ringwoodite, which is created when olivine, a material that is extremely common in the mantle, is highly pressurized; when it’s exposed to less pressurized environments, it reverts into olivine. It has previously been seen in meteorites and created in a laboratory, but until now it had never been found in a sample of the earth’s mantle. 


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