GFP Newsletter - 3/17/2014

will's picture

The small man,
builds cages
for everyone he knows.
While the sage,
who has to duck his head
when the Moon is low,
keeps dropping keys all night long
for the beautiful
rowdy prisoners.








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Napping can Dramatically Increase Learning, Memory, Awareness, and More


In some places, towns essentially shut down in the afternoon while everyone goes home for a siesta. Unfortunately, in the U.S.—more bound to our corporate lifestyles than our health—a mid-day nap is seen as a luxury and, in some cases, a sign of pure laziness. But before you feel guilty about that weekend snooze or falling asleep during a movie, rest assured that napping is actually good for you and a completely natural phenomena in the circadian (sleep-wake cycle) rhythm.


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The missing link - How to beat cancer with garlic


(NaturalNews) Your body has powerful infection-fighting white blood cells that are your arsenal for beating down viruses, fungi, bacteria and, yes, cancer cells. This arsenal of cancer cell killers relies on certain nutrients to have the fuel to do its job, and that is to keep you alive and winning the "cancer" war that's going on inside your body, and that goes for everybody, every day. Whether you like it or not, your body is a machine that is made to survive even the worst of odds or circumstance. Your body is built ready to use nutrients to contain, reduce and eliminate a tumor. Your body is built ready, with a very powerful immune system, but it's beaten down and "intoxicated" from birth, by vaccines, flu shots and dead, processed food. Your system can defeat cancer cells that may be developing, mutating, multiplying and going after weak tissue right now. How will you "fortify" your tissue, your blood? (

There is a special enzyme that the "bad guys" (mutated cells) use to multiply, and it's called "ornithine decarboxylase." You could block this enzyme, and it would be as if you were a general fighting in a war and you cut off the enemy's ammunition and supply lines. How much easier is it to win a battle or war if the enemy can't find its own fuel, weapons and food? (


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Melting Glacier Exposes Frozen Forest


The Mendenhall Glacier, which flows from the 1,500-square-mile Juneau Ice Field, has been retreating since the mid-1700s, according to the USDA Forest Service. But in the past 50 years, reports LiveScience, relics of an old forest have begun appearing amid the melted ice. In the past year or so, trees still upright and with roots and bits of bark still intact have been exposed by the retreating flow.


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Oregon’s Youngest Medical Cannabis Patient Is Now Cancer Free



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SO News March 17, 2014: Earthquakes, Storms, Solar Flares

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France bans Monsanto GM maize ahead of sowing season


(Reuters) - France's agriculture ministry on Saturday banned the sale, use and cultivation of Monsanto's MON 810 genetically modified maize, the only variety currently authorised in the European Union.

The French government, which maintains that GM crops present environmental risks, has been trying to institute a new ban on GM maize (corn) after its highest court has twice previously struck down similar measures.

The decision is timed to avert any sowing of GM maize by farmers before a draft law is debated on April 10 aimed at banning planting of GMOs (genetically modified organisms).


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Pineal Gland Part 1 – Portal of Higher Dimensions - Dr. Terry Willard


pinealcolors Pineal Gland Part 1 – Portal of Higher Dimensions

One of the most won­drous parts of our phys­i­cal body is the Pineal Gland.  It is also called the epi­ph­ysis cere­bri, epi­ph­ysis, conar­ium or the “Third Eye.” It is a small endocrine gland in the ver­te­brate brain. It pro­duces sero­tonin and mela­tonin, hor­mones that affect mood and mod­u­late our wake/sleep pat­terns and sea­sonal func­tions. Its shape resem­bles a tiny pine-cone (hence its name in Latin, pinea, which means “pinecone”), and it is located near the cen­ter of the brain, between the two hemi­spheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thal­a­mic bod­ies join.

Even though this gland is hid­den deep inside the brain and is only the size of a pea, it has been an almost fanat­i­cal obses­sion of mas­ters, mys­tery schools and reli­gions through­out the ages. Rene Descartes, the famous philoso­pher ded­i­cated much of his life to study­ing the pineal gland, stat­ing it is the “prin­ci­pal seat of the soul”. He believed it is the con­nec­tion between the phys­i­cal body and the mind/soul. We also see it play­ing promi­nent in the writ­ings of Pythago­ras, Plato, and Iamblichus, as well as in Egypt­ian, Tibetan and Roman Catholic Church. It is even men­tioned by the Found­ing Fathers of the USA.

Read the full article... (


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Attack thoughts towards others are attack thoughts towards ourselves. - Positive Thoughts


''Attack is an easier response than forgiveness, and that is why we are so tempted to give into it.  Throughout our lives we have seen more anger than examples of true forgiveness.  Forgiveness does not mean that we suppress anger; forgiveness means that we have asked for a miracle:  the ability to see through mistakes that someone has made to the truth that lies in all of our hearts. . . . Forgiveness is not always easy.  At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.  Attack thoughts towards others are attack thoughts towards ourselves.  The first step in forgiveness is the willingness to forgive.'' Marianne Williamson


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DEAR FRIENDS- A friend of mine was in deep pain today after recognizing that she has a recurring problem with co-dependency in her romantic relationships. While she knew that this awareness is the first step toward healing the pattern, she felt anguished and ashamed to be "such a flawed human being". She cried about how admitting the truth of her problem made her unable to see her own beauty and rightness. Her "Eyes of Love" toward herself had gone blind and she felt utterly lost.


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You are a creature that is a facet and child of the Divine. Period. – channeled by Ron Head


auraMichael and the Councils of Higher Selves

We said in our last message that we would be addressing the topic of soft power, of your power, of what and how you could best use the energy of the amazing beings that you are becoming.  We shall do that.  Now the channel should be aware that this is not a simple and short topic.  There is nothing completely new that we shall be telling you here, but in this case, we wish to cover much more than we usually do in these short paragraphs. 


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Without You - The Creator Writings


Creation wouldn't be Creation if it was missing anything!

ImageWithout you, there would be no Universe, no One and no Love! You are an important and integral piece of the Master Plan. You are needed, unconditionally loved, respected and celebrated in each breath of your Earth-plane existence. ~ Creator


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Be as Lilies of the Field. . . - Duane Townsend


Picture "Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don’t toil, neither do they spin." ~ Jesus of Nazareth


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Why I am not neutral


To get straight to the point, there's an illusion hidden within the concept of neutrality. When people say they are neutral they're almost always defining themselves based upon conflict. Neutrality requires the perception of different "sides", neutrality depends upon dividing people up. It's a dualistic concept pretending to not be dualistic.

Where I live we have two main political parties, and I'm supposed to choose one of them. I don't like either very much. I'm not neutral though, I am simply being myself. You could say I'm against both parties, though I'm not against the people that make them up, I view them as brothers and sisters. What I am against is the ideologies that divide people against each other. I'm against being against, if that makes any sense.


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NASA study links collapse of a civilization with the gap between rich and poor


A new NASA study predicts a rather grim future if things don't change soon. I'm normally not too into the gloom and doom stuff, but I find it very interesting that even NASA is now saying the Elite are a threat to our whole society. From

...“the economic stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or “Commoners”) [poor]” These social phenomena have played “a central role in the character or in the process of the collapse,” in all such cases over “the last five thousand years.”

Currently, high levels of economic stratification are linked directly to overconsumption of resources, with “Elites” based largely in industrialised countries responsible for both:


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