Our writing today is called, "Unconditional Acceptance of What Is":
I mentioned before that "Love is unconditional acceptance of everything" and it seems I should explain more of what I meant. There's the idea that simply accepting things means you don't change them, that acceptance is passiveness, but this is not what I mean by acceptance at all.
Acceptance is not avoidance of change, it's not avoidance of anything. It's acknowledgement and taking responsibility for the way your life is. This is the first step to really creating positive change. If you want to release your fear, you must accept that it is there first. You can't get rid of something you refuse to even own up to. If you don't accept, you reject, which is trying to fix a negative thought with another negative thought!
When I say negative, all I really mean is fear, rejection, denial. People make this a million times more complicated that it needs to be, they make their fears into big scary things instead of the weak illusion that fear really is. A negative thought is only that which negates, it put a "no" into your mind. The mind is likely going to analyze this because it wants to deny it, yet the mind's rejection is what led humanity to disconnect from Source in the first place.
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