Know the world from end to end is a mirror;
in each atom a hundred suns are concealed.
If you pierce the heart of a single drop of water,
from it will flow a hundred clear oceans;
if you look intently at each speck of dust,
in it you will see a thousand beings.
-Mahmud Shabistari
Table of Contents
- A Secret Trade Agreement Could Place Major Restrictions On How We Use The Internet
- FBI Continues To Withhold Information On Occupy Assassination Plots
- Breaking News: FDA’s Sneak Attempt to Ban Another B Vitamin
- March 22nd, World Water Day - Synchronized Meditation
- If You Choose - The Creator Writings
- A request for donations & an explanation of what the GFP is about
- 3 Reasons Why You Should Never Guard Your Heart - by Jason Hairston
- You Can’t Solve Inside Problems With Outside Solutions - Not Just A Blonde
- Don’t Believe Everything You Think - Expanded Consciousness
A Secret Trade Agreement Could Place Major Restrictions On How We Use The Internet
As noted in Motherboard's past TPP coverage, Congress has the constitutional power to debate trade agreements. In the fast tracked TPP negotiations, Congress would be shut out, as would stakeholders and the individuals who actually helped build the internet's infrastructure. Diplomats, politicians, and select corporations would instead secretly settle on the language and regulations contained in the trade agreement.
"You know that legislation is really, really bad when it's opposed by major tech companies as well as nearly every labor, environmental, and Internet freedom group in the country."
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FBI Continues To Withhold Information On Occupy Assassination Plots
A U.S. District Court judge says the FBI’s reasons for withholding information on assassination plots against Occupy movement leaders in several U.S. cities aren’t good enough.
It was quietly reported last June that the FBI was aware that an organization — possibly a law enforcement agency — had plans to assassinate leaders of the Occupy movement, and the bureau did nothing about it. Now a U.S. District Court judge says the FBI has some explaining to do.
Not only did the FBI not intervene at all, but it didn’t even alert or notify the leaders of Occupy movements in several cities whose lives were threatened. Their inaction goes against the bureau’s practice of informing potential victims of violent threats made against them.
The public and Occupy leaders only learned about the assassination plans after documents containing the information were obtained by the human and civil rights advocacy group, Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, through a Freedom of Information Act request.
Though the documents largely detailed how the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. military and private corporations had flagged Occupy Wall Street protesters as “domestic terrorists” and “criminals” in order to spy on them, there was one paragraph on page 61 that caught the group’s attention.
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Breaking News: FDA’s Sneak Attempt to Ban Another B Vitamin
Note that the title of this article isn't entirely true. The FDA wants to no longer allow vitamin supplements to make a distinction on their labels between folate, a healthy and natural B vitamin, and folic acid, a mostly synthetic form and less healthy form.
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Those wishing to elevate to new heights, we encourage you to set time aside each day and connect with your Higher Self for insight and guidance. Your Higher Self is that part of you that remains in the Spirit Realm while you have your human experience on Earth. The connection is simple, but entails that you get out of your left-brain logical thinking patterns.
When you make it a daily practice to go inside for guidance, you are less likely to be swayed from the Path you chose before incarnating into this Realm. In order to elevate yourself to a higher vibration, you must learn how to give and receive unconditional love.
These feelings elevate you into a higher frequency, one in which magic is easier to manifest. You truly feel like an eagle, floating in the clouds with no cares in the world. To get there takes effort, however.
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March 22nd, World Water Day - Synchronized Meditation
Global Synchronized Meditation, Saturday March 22 at 3:00 pm in your Local Time Zone
Find out more:
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DEAR FRIENDS- If you are a parent with the best and most loving intentions- as I know and trust that you are- I urge you to awaken NOW and open your mind and heart to the loving and revolutionary truth I am about to share with you.
With infinite compassion and unshakeable courage free your mind to look within yourself - never in an attitude of guilt or self-blame but rather in the spirit of seeing the glorious light that heals- and recognize how you were tragically and undeservedly conditioned/wounded as a child.
And perhaps you will wake up and see how you have unknowingly and unintentionally been passing elements of that conditioning on to the ones you love more than life itself.....
Your beloved children.
If you do this you will be taking a heroic step in setting all of you- and the human family itself!- free from the darkness and unhappiness of the "generational cycle of pain".
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If You Choose - The Creator Writings
If you choose one thing to be, be stellar! If you choose one thing to say, say a kind word. If you choose one way to act, act honestly and with integrity. If you choose one thing to do, choose to live life the way The Universe meant you to live your Earth-plane existence, perfectly! ~ Creator
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A request for donations & an explanation of what the GFP is about
At the Galactic Free Press, we like to explore new and different ways of doing things. We give everything away for free, we don't try to sell anything, we don't have ads, and we don't offer special services for only those who can afford them. We give freely, and we're supported by those who can give freely. We see this as part of the new paradigm.
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3 Reasons Why You Should Never Guard Your Heart - by Jason Hairston
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You Can’t Solve Inside Problems With Outside Solutions - Not Just A Blonde
We each lead lives filled with problems. Many of the most painful ones are internal. We live our lives suffering from all kinds of these inner hurts including: insecurity, loneliness, anger, bitterness, resentment, fear, and sadness.
We do some crazy things to try and solve these inner problems! We drink, we shop, we eat, we work, we hide… all in an attempt to solve the pain of our problems. If we are anxious we may have a drink, if we are stressed we may grab some m&m’s, if we are lonely we may log on to Facebook, if we are feeling unattractive we may buy a new pair of shoes. These “solutions” however only offer us temporary relief!
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Don’t Believe Everything You Think - Expanded Consciousness
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” ~ Peace Pilgrim