God wants spiritual fruits
not religious nuts
Table of Contents
- Turkish Government Caught Planning To Start A War With Syria Through A False-Flag Attack, Responds By Banning YouTube
- The Whole Truth - Knowing Whispers
- How to Respond to Negative People Without Being Negative
- The Beauty of Human Beings
- Positive Thoughts
- The Problem with Needing to Be "Heard" - Aligned Holistics
- Rebooting - Aisha North
- Earth, the Ice Cream Store - Heavenletters
- Daily Message ~ Thursday March 27, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
- How the spiritual community becomes so fragmented
Turkish Government Caught Planning To Start A War With Syria Through A False-Flag Attack, Responds By Banning YouTube
From ZeroHedge.com:
As we noted here, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan had blocked Twitter access to his nation ahead of what was rumored to be a "spectacular" leak before this weekend's elections. Then this morning, amid a mad scramble, he reportedly (despite the nation's court ruling the bans illegal) blocked YouTube access. However, by the magic of the interwebs, we have the 'leaked' clip and it is clear why he wanted it blocked/banned. As the rough translation explains, it purports to be a conversation between key Turkish military and political leaders discussing what appears to be a false flag attack to launch war with Syria.
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The Whole Truth - Knowing Whispers
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How to Respond to Negative People Without Being Negative
“Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” ~Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
A woman with whom I once worked seemed to talk non-stop and loudly, interrupt incessantly, gossip about whomever wasn’t in the room, constantly complain, and live quite happily in martyrdom.
It seemed nothing and no one escaped her negative spin. She was good at it. She could twist the happiest moment of someone’s life into a horrendous mistake. She seemed to enjoy it too.
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The Beauty of Human Beings
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Positive Thoughts
Making a difference in our lives might have nothing to do with education, wealth or power, but everything to do with love, kindness and serving others.
If you want better results to happen in your life. You can't keep repeating past pattern habits and expect different and better results. You need to be able to focus and be committed to step out of your comfort zone and do what it takes to create the success you always dreamed of and be committed to follow through to the end of any tasks until you see the results you've been looking for.
God determines who walks into your life....it's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.
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The Problem with Needing to Be "Heard" - Aligned Holistics
As many of you know, I have a past of complicated, codependent, and crazy relationships. I’ve blamed the men, I’ve blamed myself, and for a brief period of time, I thought I found the answer in couples therapy.
And never before have I been more wrong.
Harville Hendrix, the Founder of Imago Therapy, claims that we can change the world by changing our relationships. That sounds nice, until I truly listened.
He believes that we strive to connect to others in order to experience a taste of the joy & love we once received from our primary caregivers. In a recent lecture, he stated that this connection is our deepest desire and losing it is our greatest fear.
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Rebooting - Aisha North
Dear brothers and sisters of the light!
I am finally online again after a prolonged silenced caused by what turned out to be an unusual malfunction in my old modem, but now I have been set up with a model that is so new, it was the first one of its kind the technician who delivered it had installed. I cannot help but think that it is not a coincidence, for the similarities between this and what has happened to me while I was offline are striking.
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Earth, the Ice Cream Store - Heavenletters
You are My beautiful Being. I speak to everyone. If you could but know the joy you give to Me. You may not feel joyful, and yet I have joy through you. Will you have joy in Me?
We call it love. In My case, I am totally unable to do anything but love and love you. You are a favor to Me. I blessed Myself with you when I dreamed of you and created you to behold. I behold Myself in you. Will you do the same? Will you behold yourself in Me?
Be daring. Begin to live life with Me. What are you waiting for? If you are waiting for a signal, I have given you many signals. Accept. Accept My invitation. Anyway, it is not daring or brave to do what you are meant to do. You are just a little slow on the uptake. And suspicious, perhaps. You wonder if I am real. Naturally, that makes Me smile.
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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 27, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
Flower Of Life01 - Sabina
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How the spiritual community becomes so fragmented
On the surface it may not seem like the spiritual community is fractured at all, but if you look a little deeper there's very little real unity. I've worked with many of the spiritual teachers, gurus, messiahs, channelers, religious leaders, all the self-proclaimed spiritual authorities and I've noticed they don't get along with each other very well at all. Publicly it's usually all smiles, but when you put them together privately it's something resembling high school drama. These are people who are used to being surrounded by people who automatically believe what they say. When they're out of that element, their beliefs get challenged by other people with strong beliefs, and this almost always results in conflict.
Take channeling for instance and all the people who claim to have "behind the scenes" information. If these are reliable sources of information, their stories should confirm each other, shouldn't they? More often that not, they directly conflict with each other, and there's an excellent example of this with the recent Malaysian airliner disappearance. I counted at least 5 different stories of what happened, and I watched as people fought over which one was correct on Facebook.