Today's writing is called, "Take Off The Rose-Colored Glasses":
There's people who view everything very optimistically, and there's many spiritual messages that encourage you to think only positive thoughts. This is what known as "seeing the world through rose-colored glasses". Even mainstream society often encourages it as some kind of solution to what is wrong with the world. It's not a real solution though, as more often than not it just encourages a person to ignore what really needs to change.
One of the big problems that comes from the rose-colored glasses is that you actually miss out on the real beauty of existence. All the "positivity" is often just the mind's rejection of what it perceives as negative, so the person with rose-colored glasses is just as caught up in their mind as a pessimistic person. If you just focus upon your mind's interpretation of what is, you're really missing out, you're only seeing through your mind's filters. A small child, they don't interpret everything as positive or negative, and because of that they can really see the wonder of Creation.
Optimism and pessimism, they're really just two sides of the same coin, dualism. Someone caught up within duality has to interpret everything as either good or bad, and rose-colored glasses just feed into this illusion. That which is judged as "bad" is often ignored completely, the optimist tries to pretend like it doesn't exist. This isn't a recipe for change at all it really just keeps things exactly the way they are.
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