GFP Newsletter - 3/29/2014

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Seek compassion and understanding in your communication with others.

Scientists Claim That Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe At Death



A book titled 'Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe' has stirred up the Internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible.


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You were created in Love and from Love, and within the illusion you have been forever seeking that Love. - John Smallman


We are all One. The divine realms, the spiritual realms, and the physical realms are all One, and your scientists have discovered this though their ongoing studies in physics. There is nothing that is not part of the One, because the One is All That Exists, and every particle of consciousness is an eternal and inseparable part of that Whole, even though it may choose to experience itself as individual, separate, alone.


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Just A Moment - The Creator Writings


ImageOn your journey of awakening to your New Truths the road may seem very long. There may be times where you feel discouraged, out of control and definitely not peaceful. Have faith, my beautiful child! The blending of the spiritual and human aspects of who you are is why you are here. Take a moment, a deep breath and view your experiences here as The Universe does; just a moment. It is just a moment before the discouragement passes and a return to peace begins. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 29, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


So many of you are such sweet and caring souls, you wish for everyone to be whole and healed, and become invested in other people’s healing journeys. Attempting to assume the healing of others will never work. You may be able to temporarily support them, but ultimately, they will not sustain it because it is not coming from their own foundation. If you really wish to have a positive impact on others, empower them to have the tools to create their own firm foundations and supports to grow from. Certainly give others a hand up and loving support in times of crisis, but the greatest gift you can give others is to help them discover their own ability to create their own healing and wellness. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Forgiveness - Knowing Whispers


Some wounds never heal, because we are unable to express our feelings about them.
Our beliefs stand in judgment over our experiences and we cannot find room to forgive our self to release them. Our mind and ego are both cruel taskmasters that give no quarter in matters of right and wrong.


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Spiritual Guidance: Liberation from the Self-Imposed Illusion - Wes Annac


Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

If you could only fathom a portion of your indescribable beauty, you’d see that you’re glimmering souls of light who deserve to enjoy the rich and fulfilling experiences you seek.

Learning about the higher dimensions and your evolution back into them enables many of you to feel a greater sense of wholeness and freedom that the limitation of the earth just doesn’t offer, and we’re happy to provide a link to the other side by telling you all about the blissful realms you’re growing back into.


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The Worst Thing That Could Ever Happen


The most horrible thing I can ever imagine happening to a being is for them to believe they're separate from God. I don't think it could get any worse than that. If this were to happen, people would forget what Love really means, they would descend into fear and suffering. They would poison themselves with hate, lie, cheat, steal, enslave and even murder people who are really their brothers and sisters. No, I don't think I could imagine anything worse than that.

The greatest darkness is to no longer be able to see the Light, to be unaware of your own Soul. Isn't this how most people live their lives? Is not the world run by fear and greed? There's always exceptions because of the incredible potential of the human heart, but collectively, humanity is still very much in darkness.


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Fractals a Part of African Culture - fractal enlightenment


Fractals are part of nature, they are a part of us. Undeniably, fractals also form part of different cultures, long before computer generated fractals were discovered – from the architecture of Indian temples that resemble fractal structure to indigenous African villages where fractals are embedded in their architecture, textiles, art and religion.

According to Ron Eglash, university professor and author of African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design, this was not simply unconscious or intuitive. Africans linked these fractal designs to concepts such as recursion and scaling that exists in African indigenous knowledge system.


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