Today's writing is, "The Worst Thing That Could Ever Happen":
The most horrible thing I can ever imagine happening to a being is for them to believe they're separate from God. I don't think it could get any worse than that. If this were to happen, people would forget what Love really means, they would descend into fear and suffering. They would poison themselves with hate, lie, cheat, steal, enslave and even murder people who are really their brothers and sisters. No, I don't think I could imagine anything worse than that.
The greatest darkness is to no longer be able to see the Light, to be unaware of your own Soul. Isn't this how most people live their lives? Is not the world run by fear and greed? There's always exceptions because of the incredible potential of the human heart, but collectively, humanity is still very much in darkness.
Hell isn't some place you go when you die, it's something you create for yourself through your own mind. Even a pope once admitted the truth about hell, he said that "Hell is separation from God". I could not describe it any better.
So why do I bring all this up? Mostly because I don't believe ignoring the problems is going to make them go away. People have already tried that, it hasn't worked at all. Another "solution" people having tried is hoping for a better future, yet in the thousands of years people have been doing that it hasn't worked very well either. Political solutions have been attempted, and what a joke those have been. There's this myth that's even spread by spiritual people today that a new economic system is going to fix things, yet I don't believe for a moment that's a real answer.
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