Today's writing is, "The Myth of External Salvation":
There's so many things in "modern" life that feed into this illusion that we need someone or something else to come and save us. It's the basis of many religions, yet the pattern is even still there for many who have given up on religion. We believe some other person is going to come along and fix our life, to save us from unhappiness. How convenient that would be, but I've never seen it work that way except in movies. Trying to find someone else to "fix" you doesn't bring salvation at all, it's precisely why we have so many co-dependent relationships.
Now it is possible for two people to assist each other with self-discovery, and this is the basis for a healthy relationship. It can be very healing to see things from someone else's perspective. Part of what makes things so difficult for people is they believe only their perspective is valid, and seeing things from a very limited perspective can make our problems seem much bigger than they really are.
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