GFP Newsletter - 3/31/2014

will's picture

Today's writing is, "Being Aware of Others Feelings Without Making Them Your Own":

This is something we get asked about fairly often, so I want to go into it in some detail. You've probably noticed that if you're around certain people for a while, you may start to not feel very good. Especially around negative people you may feel tired, a little bit ill, and emotionally drained. Every interaction between human beings is an exchange of energy, and while an equal exchange can be very synergistic and beautiful, an unequal exchange of energy can be a very ugly thing.

Everyone is empathic, every single human being. It may not appear this way, as most people live their lives so unconsciously they're barely aware of what they're feeling, but they still have that empathic connection to everyone they interact with. They say a smile is contagious, and this is one example of the empathic connection. Happiness can spread like wildfire, though the same is also true for suffering when the beings are disconnected from their feeling center. A negative interaction in the morning can ruin someones whole day, and also spread to other people around them.

So how do you stop taking on energy from other people? I'm not even sure that's possible, nor would I want to as that would cut off the empathic connection to others and prevent things like real compassion. However, what you can do is recognize when you absorb energy from another, and then release it. With some practice, you can do this effortlessly and almost immediately, though at first you may have to remove yourself from the situation before you can clear your energy.

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